Bill O’Reilly, A Racist & A Mouthpiece To The Ultra Rich

Listen to his rant.

The same man who wants to make sure the “Black girls” get the message that they shouldn’t get pregnant also supports removing sex ed from schools and giving condoms and UID’s to females.

How does that make sense?

He claims that black men aren’t targeted and don’t go to prison more. That his is a lie. “Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men.” –  Five Myths about Americans in Prison , Marc Mauer, David Cole

He then pushes for a bunch of nonsense and claims that we need harsh minimum sentences – because that puts money in the pockets of for profit prisons. O’Reilly does’t care about fixing or helping anything.

He’s just feeding his racist base and trying to help his billionaire buddies make more money by putting more people in prison for longer sentences.

If you want to fix this problem, raise the minimum wage. Fund school programs to teach kids useful skills. And make work programs. We are the richest nation in the world. Any person who wants a job should be able to get one, and pay his rent and feed his family. I don’t care if they push a lawn mower on the side of the highway. There is work we could be giving people.

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