Who Dun It?

Who killed them? Based on the streaks of blood it looks like they were killed then dragged outside before they were burnt. 

This made me think several things:

  • They were attacked and moved (obvious, but lets cover the bases)
  • Whoever did the killing new that anyone who dies turns. Is that common knowledge to everyone at this point? It made me think of the original team members actually.
  • Is the governor or one of his people involved?



Call your state and federal representatives.

The ER is not healthcare. Everyone deserves the right to go to the doctor and not get blacklisted because of a pre existing condition.

More than half of the male homeless are military vets. Tell me that they don’t deserve the right to go to the hospital to get whatever services they need?

There are massive loopholes in our tax code. Close them and we can pay for healthcare and other things (like a living wage for everyone).
