The Walking Dead (Season 6, Episode 8)

The Walking Dead, Season 6

Episode 8, Start To Finish


The mid season finally, Start To Finish is here and kicks off with Jessie’s son drawing in his room – still to scared to come downstairs. He’s left a cookie on a plate and the ants are invading – just like the undead are about to do.

We quickly cut to commercial and when we come back the steeple is falling and the undead begin rushing into town. All hell breaks lose as Team Rick and the other Alexandria survivors fight for their lives.2015_TWD_S6_E8_Horde

Maggie is swarmed and ust makes it up a ladder before the horde pulls her down. As she is lying on the top of roof she barely made it to she see’s Glenn’s balloons floating overhead.2015_TWD_S6_E8_Maggie_Ladder2

Outside the wall Glenn tells Enid they need to get to the west wall – that is how they will get in. Enid basically tells him it does’t matter, this is how it will always be. The undead will come.2015_TWD_S6_E8_EnidPensive
Glenn tells her they have people in there, his pregnant wife is in there. He tells her they can make it different before they make a break for the west wall.

While everyone else if fighting for their lives the shy doctor is locked in the basement with the injured Wolf while Morgan & Carol hide out upstairs. Carol wants to kill the wolf but Morgan doesn’t want to let her. There is a brief fight and Carol goes down. The distraction is just what the wolf needed to knock Morgan out and take his knife. The shy doctor begs the wolf to just let them die. He’s about to kill the doctor when Team Tara shows up – and promptly hand over their guns. The wolf takes Tara’s gun and flees out the door with the doctor.

Inside the house Michonne finds that Deanna has been bitten. Her time is limited. Rick tells Jessie that once the horde settles down they will congregate and he’ll make a run for the armory. Once there he will try and pull the horde away.

While Rick & Jessie are discussing how they are going to survive her son is trying to kill Carl, and bringing the horde down on the process. Instead of telling his father what really happened Carl tells Jessie & Rick they were looking for tools when the horde attacked – then he draws on the kid and tell him to give him the gun or he is going to shoot him.

When Rick goes upstairs he finds Deanna hanging on Judith’s crib and almost puts a machete into the back of her head before she tells him “It’s still me!” I almost think it would have been kinder if he just killed her.2015_TWD_S6_E8_Rick_Axe_V1

Downstairs the horde is starting to push through. Rick comes back just in time to lose the first floor. Everyone flees back up the stairs as Rick tries to slow the press of undead down with a sofa. Rick goes back to the early days. They are going to cover themselves in zombie guts and walk to the armory. Michonne offers to end Deanna’s life, but she isn’t ready. She has her pistol and will end it when its time. Team rick covers themselves in sheets and then douses their bodies with zombie guts – just in time for Jessie’s youngest son to stumble in and freak out while his mom tell hims to pretend to be brave. Team Rick covers themselves in zombie gore and begins to make their trek out of the house. Upstairs Deanna uses her last moments to use up her last several rounds.

The mid season finally leaves us hanging on multiple fronts. Glenn and Enid climb over the wall and see Maggie trapped on the lookout post along the wall while Team Rick is trying to make their way through the zombie horde covered in undead guts just as Jessie’s youngest starts saying “Mom, Mom,” over and over again.

Things I loved about this episode…

  • The ants invading Jessie’s house because of the cookie her son left on the plate. Switch ants for zombies and we are the cookies.
  • Eugene getting saved. I thought he was about to bite it.
  • Jessie saving Rick and the others in front of her house.
  • Carl telling Jessie’s son that his dad was an A-Hole.
  • Eugene – “Lock picking is within my skill set.”

Things that I didn’t like about this episode…

  • The look of shock and fear on Jessie’s son’s face when Team Rick comes rushing up the stairs.
  • Michonne finding the bite mark on Deanna when she is trying to patch her up.
  • Carl letting Jessie’s son live. I know I said the same thing once about Carol – and that would have been bad in the long run – but I still think that you only give people a small amount of leeway during the ZA. If they pull a gun on you – its fair to kill them.
  • Jessie telling her youngest son to pretend to be brave. It was just so sad. That kid looked prettified.
  • Why the hell would Team Tara give up their guns to the wolf? Come on, just shoot the bastard and save your girlfriend Tara!


  • The first time Alexandria has a mass breach.
  • The first time we see Rick use his undead scent masking knowledge to good use since the first time he realized it in Season 1. Books:

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