The Walking Dead (Season 6, Episode 9)

The Walking Dead, Season 6

Episode 9, No Way Out


It’s finally here!!! No Way Out just started.

Daryl, Abraham and Sasha have been stopped on the highway.2016_TWD_S6_E9_Daryl_RoadBlock

They have their guns taken and Abraham or Sasha is about to get shot when Daryl saves them both by blowing up the bikers with an RPG.2016_TWD_S6_E9_BlowingUP

When we come back from commercial we are back in town and Rick & team are trying to walk through the horde. The town is overrun.2016_TWD_S6_E9_Pastor_Gore

Carol, Morgan, Eugene, Tara and Esposita are safe in a house but the Wolf Morgan had trapped has stolen the doctor, Denise. It sounds like he is trying to take her with him. He is planning on making a run for it and trying to take the doc with him.

Glenn and Enid have made it to the church. She’s still messed up in the had, but I think Glenn is getting to her. He is going to save Maggie and Enid decides he’s not doing it without her help.

After the second commercial break Team Rick is still working their way out of town, only now the town is dark and full of the undead. Sam is getting more upset, hearing Carol’s voice in his head. He is frozen, crying – which starts a brutal and short sequence of death. Sam gets swarmed, then Jessie, which leads her other son to pull his pistol. He blames Rick & Carl for everything bad that has happened to his family. Just as he shoots Michonne takes him from behind with her sword. He gets a single shot off that hits Carl in his right eye. Is he alive? Or Dead?2016_TWD_S6_E9_Carl_Shot

We are left hanging after the third commercial. The story cuts back to the Wolf & Doctor Denise. The gunfire that hit Carol has attracted the horde. The wolf tries to use the distraction to get out of town but when he forces Denise to run for it he ends up being bitten. She tells him if he gets her to the infirmary she can save his life.

Then we cut back to Team Carol. Her and Morgan share a moment talking about family just before everyone converges back on the infirmary. Rick & Michonne get Carl inside before Rick takes his machete outside, not sure if he has anything to live for. He goes out and does his best to re-enact the battle from 300. Just before he gets overrun Michonne comes out with reinforcements.

Gabriel sees Team Rick fighting and gives a rousing speech about God delivering them – by giving them the strength to fight. Everyone who is left rallies. It is time to take Alexandria back from the undead.

Glenn and Enid reach Maggie just in team. Her platform is rocking, the horde surrounding its base. Glenn takes one for the team, pulling the horde away from the raised platform as he uses up what ammo he’s got.

He’s about to be eaten.

I was about to see Glenn die for a second time in one season.

I was cursing and mad.

Then Abraham & Sasha showed up and saved his ass.


Now that the whole family has finally re-united in town they are going to try and take care of all the undead at once. The dead will apparently walk into the flames if you light stuff on fire. And once again everyone realized how awesome Daryl is.

At the end of the episode everyone is dirty and tired, the survivors all huddled together around the infirmary. Carl is alive, his head bandaged. Rick is holding his hand, telling his son he saw the future while he was out there fighting the undead. They will rebuild the town. They will fix the walls and make things better.

Things I loved about this episode…

  • The mid season break is finally over!
  • Daryl taking care of the bikers with the RPG.
  • Glenn talking about his parents, Dale and Hershel. There was respect and love and caring in his voice as he spoke about them.
  • Abraham & Sasha saving Glenn’s ass. That was awesome. I actually cheered.

Things that I didn’t like about this episode…

  • It was only an hour long.
  • How easy Team Rick was able to get through the horde wearing some zombie guts. It seems to simple a rouse to work so effectively.
  • They kind of left out the part where Sam was loosing his sh*t at the end of the mid season finale.
  • Sam getting eaten. That was fast and brutal. Then Jessie gets it as well which leads to her last son getting cut down by Michonne and Carl getting his eye shot out.


  • The first episode after the mid season break.
  • The first time Daryl uses an RPG. (That we know of.)
  • The first time Carl got shot a second time. Books: