Brave Young Lady

A truly brave young lady.

Sadly, if we don’t start to run this country correctly we might be in the same position here as she faced there.

The rich should not be able to dictate who gets elected and who gets healthcare.

We need to raise taxes on the super rich and close corporate loopholes as a start, and then we need to cap how much the rich and corporations can give.

We, the 99% have to take back our country.

John Boehner

This makes me embarrassed to originally be from Ohio. I think John Boehner is doing a horrible job, catering to one small segment of his base, and holding the rest of us hostage.

I’ve got a lot of family in rural Ohio who voted for him, and almost to a man and woman they’ve said they would never do it again. I have one Uncle who says he will, but he’s really, really, out there. (He’s the nutty family member who will bring up the Amero and how we cheated the south in the civil war.)