The Walking Dead, Season 7
Episode 6, Swear
Current Time
Swear begins with two young ladies patrolling the beach, finishing off the walkers who came in with the tide, at least until they find Tara, unconscious on the water’s edge. The younger girl wants to kill Tara (like they are supposed to) but the older girl wants to let her live and keep it a secret. The older girl wins the decision, but the little one isn’t too happy about it.
The older girl drug Tara behind some debris and left her there – but was thoughtful enough to bring her water and leave her food and a weapon as well. Tara wakes up just in time to follow the girl back through the woods to find what appears to be a homestead of some size. So far it appears to be only women however.
While Tara is watching the alarm goes up and there is a brief bout of shooting before she ends up being captured.
They handcuff her to a radiator and begin to question her. She lies to them about being a fisherwomen and spins a tale – which they mostly seem to buy. A little bit later they bring Tara to their dinner table to talk.
The leader of the Amazon group has a solution. If Tara joins them they wouldn’t need to kill her. Their leader confronts Tara over her history and she breaks down and tells them their truth. They agree to take her to the bridge to look for Heath, or at least that is what they tell her.
The next day they take her out for a walk but something about their attitude warns Tara and she bolts for it. There is a brief struggle before Tara is once again at the end of a gun, which allows us to hear the backstory. The Saviors lined up every male under the age of 10 and killed them, which is when the Amazon tribe decided to slip off into the woods and hide. It is also when Tara finds out that the Saviors they killed at the output weren’t “all of them”.
Cindy makes Tara swear that she won’t come back if she lets her go. Tara swears, which earns her Cindy’s help.
They make it to the bridge but it is flush with walkers. Cindy and Tara have a moment before Cindy decides to help Tara across the bridge. There are a lot of walkers. Cindy takes up position as a sniper while Tara makes a run for it.
Tara makes it across the bridge but she doesn’t find Heath – just the dirt burn out tracks of a car. Who has Heath?
Tara continues to walk, moving through a small town, eating the perch that Cindy packed for her. The last thing she picks up before getting back to Alexandria is a doctor head bobble. When she makes it back to Alexandria she finds out that her girlfriend has passed.
Back Story
When come back from commercial the storyline flashes back to tell the story about how Tara ended up on the beach. Tara and Heath have wandered far afield but haven’t found the supplies they were hoping to find – and Heath isn’t so sure that their methods are justified.
He is letting the despair of their situation get to him, and he doesn’t even know what has gone down since he and Tara left to scavenge. He still thinks that Team Rick is in charge.
As they scavenge they find a bridge that has been barricaded off with dumpsters. Heath chucks a bottle to see if he can lure any walkers out – but nothing comes running – yet. They carefully move through the camp until they come upon a massive sand pile. Tara sees what she thinks is a bag which is half buried but when she pulls on it the pile slides down on top of them and lets loose a horde of the undead. Heath and Tara are forced apart, but both of them look like they are in trouble.
Things I loved about this episode…
- Tara – “Wanted to see if was safe. Still not sure.” As she holds up her cuffed wrists.
- Tara not telling Rosita about the oceanside community.
Things that I didn’t like about this episode…
- Tara not just rolling wth the “yes I’ll join you,” discussion as her captors have already said they kill all strangers.
- We meet Cindy – the girl/woman who saved Tara.
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