Teen Wolf Season 4 – Episode 3

Episode  3, The Dark Moon


If you haven’t already watched the first three seasons its time now.  It’s an amazingly well done show. Go watch Season 1Season 2, and the first half of Season 3. They are well worth seeing.

Episode 3 kicks off with a suspenseful search for the family dog. The young man in question finds his dog under the bed, covered in mud. Only when he turns the light on, its blood. The killer corners him and then taunts the kid, telling him how to fight him. It looks like the “monster” is using a text to voice synthesizer. (Mostly because he has no mouth.) The kid is smart though and instead of breaking the mirror and fighting he breaks the window and runs.

Back at the Hale warehouse Derek and Peter are trying to hire a bounty hunter to find Kate. Derek wants to know what happened to his eyes, and Peter just wants his money.

While this is all going on Scott and Styles are worried some new kid might be better than them at lacrosse.2014_TeenWolf_S4_E3_Lacrosse_1 2014_TeenWolf_S4_E3_Lacrosse_2

Scott and Styles interrogate the new goalie. Styles almost asks him if he’s ever been out in the woods during a full moon.

Back Kira’s house her parents drop the bomb on her that they are putting the house up for sale and moving. Kira doesn’t seem very happy. She tries to play it cool but Malia can tell something is wrong.

All the while the new freshman is kicking Styles and Scott’s butts at lacrosse and Styles desperately wants Scott to use some wolf powers – but Scott feels likes its cheating. He then proceeds to kick some butt. The new kid gets hurt, but Kira may get an audition for the lacrosse team. Scott & Styles take Liam (new kid) to the hospital, and I’m betting they might get to meet the ax wielding crazy dude.

At the murder house Lydia gets caught by one of the young cops – who is looking at her like she is not a high school girl (if you know what I mean) but does realize she has a creepy habit of showing up at murder scenes. Lydia then finds a secret passage and the cop and her go down (without calling for backup). They find a “game locker” – only its not full of wild game. Unless long pig counts.

Of course Scott, Styles, and Liam end up at the hospital where the “survivor” kid from the murder house is still suffering from shock. Scott’s mom goes into check on the survivor and finds him eating a deputy.

Scott gets there just in time to rescue his mom – and finally doesn’t lose a fight – kind of. Then poor Liam gets caught in the middle and Scott does the only thing he thinks he can do and bites the kid to save him. Just when you think the wendigo (survivor kid) is going to eat scott the ax murderer kills the wendigo.

I really like the twist at the end. The wendigo was killing and storing its meat in the basement.  And the ax murderer is a good guy? Or a bad guy? And Scott bit someone, so now the hunters might be coming after Scott.

So much going on.

Things I loved about this episode…

  • The kid in the beginning runs and doesn’t try to fight.
  • Styles’ reaction when his dad texts him about the ax murders. “It would be irresponsible (to not leave school and go investigate a family hacked up with an ax) to not do something.)
  • Scott’s nervousness over his kiss with Kira. It was cute.
  • Malia “Ten bucks on Scott & Styles.” I love her belief in her men.
  • Scott coming back to kiss Kira. You go Scott.2014_TeenWolf_S4_E3_Scott_Kira_Kiss_3
  • Malia & Styles in bed together. I am so glad that Styles is getting some (after studying).2014_TeenWolf_S4_E3_Styles_Malia_4
  • The twist with the wendigo family and thier larder in the basement.

Things that I didn’t like about this episode…

  • Poor Malia doesn’t like Math. Isn’t that stereotypical of “fox” girls?
  • Scott can decide not to be awesome? He is a werewolf? There isn’t a wolf power! He would always be strong.
  • The cop goes into the secret passage with Lydia without calling for backup. Really?
  • What do they pay cops in that town? It has to be a ton because they keep dying.

Bob Beauprez Clueless Or Careless?

If you are going to call the 47% lazy and shiftless, or as Bob puts it, “Living off the largess of government,” you really should know your subject matter.

But I guess it is much easier just to pander to the crowd and stir up dislike and animosity, after all, if you have a common enemy, they will vote for you. Never mind that half the people in the room are likely part of that 47% he was talking about.

Bob is mad that 47% of people don’t pay income tax.  Let’s just start with some tax policy center data published in the Washington Post.  The basic fact is that 28% of those who don’t pay income tax do pay payroll taxes, but they earn to little money they don’t reach the required level to pay income taxes.

They aren’t living off the “Largess” of government, they are fighting to feed their families working jobs that have seen stagnant wages while the richest keep getting richer.

Who is the enemy? It’s not the 47% – its people like Bob Beuprez who don’t think the rich have enough yet. If he really wanted to help fix the issue he would support higher minimum wages and support reversing how the tax code is structured. Why does an hourly worker pay 28% and up on his wages but a banker making millions pays 15% and likely less (just look at Mitt Romney fudging his own books to get to his tax burden to 13%).

So Bob, which are you – Clueless or Careless?  Or do you really not care about the facts so long as you get elected?
