Saturday Movie – Groundhog Day (1993)

Groundhog Day is this Saturday Movie of the week because no matter how many times it comes on, I can’t turn it off and walk away. Bill Murray’s Phil is the grumpy, self absorbed news man who feels like he is “too good” to being an every day feel good story about Groundhog Day.

The movie does an amazing job of letting us slowly watch Phil go from being a self centered pain in the ass to someone you wished you had as a friend, and all the while weaving a heart warming love story.

Groundhog Day is a romantic, funny movie and that makes it perfect to be this Saturday Movie.



Best Gifts For 2014 – Delete My Browser History

What is every guy afraid of? Having someone else go through his browser history. It is just a fact. And what is worse than getting into an accident and then having the person feeding your cat find out what kind of weird Japanese porn you are into?

That is why you buy and where the Delete my Browser History tee at all times. As soon as the paramedics get there the first thing they are going to do is make sure your buddies delete your history.

Bad Gun Handling – Know Your Weapons

So what did this poor fellow do wrong?

He doesn’t know the gear he’s using. If you look at that large bore weapon you can see it has a compensator on it. The compensator is going to port some of the gasses to reduce recoil, and since he has the end of this gun even with his taillight, its going to force all that rapidly moving gas right up against something that is fragile and breakable.

Know your gear. Guns aren’t toys.
