Listen To The Lies

Listen to the fear mongering over at Fox. Lying that there are “No Go Zones” in Europe as if there are religious territories that non Muslims aren’t allowed into.

The insanity of this is scary. People who believe this scare me even more.

And then, after days and days of spewing lies, they give their retraction, knowing that a huge number of their viewers wouldn’t see it, and the ones who did might not understand how incredibly bad this is. They are supposed to be a credible news source aren’t they?

How are any of the people who said “No Go Zone” still allowed to be on air? How are they not losing their jobs over this? It’s just disgusting.

This Made Me Laugh – Then Cry

I will never understand who some people will vote against their own best interests or how easily large swaths of the population can be driven with fear tactics.


And while this granted took a little while to accomplish, Obama has done a lot of good work.  And all while Fox news spews fear and hatred about him being an Ebola spreading Muslim who wants your guns.

  1. Obama saved the U.S. auto industry while the republicans wanted to let it fail. Remember that. Hundred of thousands of jobs and peoples livelihoods were at stake.
  2. Health care. Universal healthcare isn’t a nice to have. It is a must, unless you are willing to turn people away at the ER door. And if you are, you are  a monster. Everyone needs healthcare. (Except for the ultra wealthy, because they can afford to pay out of pocket – so remember that. They don’t want you to have what they don’t need. Because they can just pay cash.)
  3. 55 plus months of job growth and 60 plus months of economic expansion.

And those are just a few.

But hey, the rich people are scared that we might want them to pay more taxes and we might not want to be their indentured servants. So let’s yell crap that isn’t true about the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.

Have some respect people.

Saturday Movie – Fury (2014)

Fury is one of those movies that I was really looking forward to see. And for the most part I really enjoyed it. There are amazing battle scenes and Brad (we are totally on a first name basis) gave his usual strong performance.


What soured Fury and kept it in the good versus amazing category was his supporting cast. I kept thinking of Tropic Thunder and Robert Downey Jr.’s Kirk Lazarus.

Kirk Lazarus: “Everybody knows you never go full retard.”

It felt like the whole supporting cast other than Logan Lerman went full retard. They were supposed to be shell shocked or maybe poorly educated men who had seen some real bad stuff and been forced to do things maybe they didn’t want to remember.  But they come off as slow and sadly unintelligent.

Okay, now that I got that off my chest. I did like the action scenes and it is worth watching this movie just for them.

Fury  could have been great, but instead it is just a good Saturday Movie.



Fox News = War Mongering

This is so sad.

The level of toxic news that gets fed to Fox News watchers. Listen to this woman talk about how our country is doing “nothing” against these terrorists.

Bush said he wasn’t worried about Bin Laden. You can watch the video here.

Obama hunted Bin Laden until he found him, then had a bullet put in his head.

So how in the world do you say Obama isn’t doing anything about terrorism? What is it that would have been an acceptable response?

Fox News disgusts me, and I worry about the poor people who consume it. How misinformed they must be. Nice Job Russel.