Saturday Movie – Gone Girl (2014)

This Saturday’s Movie, Gone Girl is the first movie in a long time that surprised me with where it went. I’d never seen Rosamund Pike on screen before and she stole the show in Gone Girl.


I’m actually having a hard time writing this review because I don’t want to ruin any of the movie for you, and it really is worth watching. It was sexy, suspenseful, and I didn’t see where it was going until we were there, which was nice.


Spoilers — Don’t Read This Unless You Already Saw The Movie

Okay – am I the only one who actually thought it was kind of sweet in the end and Ben Affleck’s character was being a d*ck about it? I thought it was sort of Romantic.

Libertarian Party – You Suck (In My Opinion)

So I was browsing the internet at lunch and saw this picture of Clint Eastwood which sent me into a quiet nerd rage.



My first reaction is that of course someone as rich as Clint Eastwood wants no government.  If someone hits his car and totals it he can afford to replace it. If he has a house on the beach and it gets flooded, who cares? The guy can rebuild or let it rot and it won’t change whether he gets to go on vacation that year or not.

If you are a Libertarian and you don’t have a few million in the bank, you might want to have your head scanned.

Lets take a look at the Libertarian polices according to Wikepedia:

Fiscal policies
“The Libertarian Party opposes all government intervention and regulation on wages, prices, rents, profits, production, and interest rates and advocate the repeal of all laws banning or restricting the advertising of prices, products, or services…

And they want to do away with almost if not all taxes. Sounds just like what a multi millionaire needs, unlimited ability generate income without having to pay for the roads their goods are driven on or pay the police who keep their stores and facilities safe.

Liberterians would allow companies to manage themselves. When has that ever failed? Oh wait, the banking crisis, the mortgage crisis, and if we go back a few decades, rivers on fire because of how those self regulated companies dealt with waste materials.

Sorry, a strong central government is an absolute requirement. And the wealthy do have the responsibility to pay more taxes. The concentration of wealth generation after generation in the top 1% is the greatest risk to this country. It may not be as acute as terrorism but it will be much more devastating.

Bad Gun Handling – Twirling Edition

Come on, go buy a toy six shooter if you want to twirl a gun.

Guns aren’t toys and twirling a revolver is a dumb way to put a round into you or one of the poor unfortunate people who are nearby.

When I was twenty years old a good friend of mine lost her cousin because of an accident just like this. He had just finished having sex with his girlfriend and sat at the desk in the corner of his room. He picked up his revolver and spun it and blew his own head off, traumatizing countless people.

His girlfriend so his blood hit the ceiling, and this his mom and sister had to see him naked and bleeding on the floor. It is a scar all of them still carry.

Don’t treat firearms as toys.
