April Is Tax Month – And the Right Wants To Rape You With H.R. 1105

The rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer.

And all the right wing wants to do is give more cash back to their 1% masters.

They want to get rid of the “Death Tax”  and will tell you that its your money and why should the government tax it again when you die. They want the Average Joe to think this has anything to do with them. What the lying bastards won’t tell you is that it really only impacts the ultra wealthy and is designed to make sure that wealth doesn’t just get passed from father to son, forever aggregating more wealth in fewer and fewer families.

The death tax won’t impact me or you or anyone you know, unless you have a private jet. But the scumbag right wants you think it will impact your kids so you will agree with them without knowing the facts.

On Tuesday afternoon, the House Rules Committee took up H.R. 1105, the “Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015,” with plans to bring it to a vote on the chamber floor Wednesday — Tax Day. It is an extraordinarily candid expression of the majority’s priorities: A tax cut costing the treasury $269 billion over a decade that would exclusively benefit individuals with wealth of more than $5.4 million and couples with wealth of more than $10.9 million. – Crooks & Liars

Robbing The Poor

This is what is wrong with America.

You have bankers getting loans at under 1% and poor people are given “Pay Day” loans that end up costing them tens and tens of thousands of dollars more than the value of the loan because they are paying ranging from 40% to 600%.

Didn’t Jesus have something to say about the money lenders? Where are the church leaders screaming about this instead of worrying about Adam and Steve?

Do you want to save America? Shut down the companies that are taking from those who can least afford it and give them fair pay and access to fair loan rates.


Hillary Is Running

I can’t believe the BS that the right is trying to sell.

They really do want to destroy this county, and in their book Hillary must be stopped because she might actually support the middle class.

Marco Rubio and the rest of his right wing nuts sell their product to the unsuspecting poor who have no idea how badly they are about to get screwed. So let me decode it for you.

Right to work laws – This means they don’t want any unions and if your union requires dues they will make it illegal.  Which means you no longer get the wage and legal protections the unions provide. Why does the right hate unions? Because unionized workers make more money than non unionized workers. And the right wants to squeeze every penny they can out of the working class so the to 1% can get just a little bit richer.

Voter ID laws – Let’s make sure African Americans and other minorities have a more difficult experience when it comes to voting. There has been statisitcally almost no voter fraud.

The New York Times reported in 2007, for instance, that a five-year investigation by the Bush administration “turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections.” New York Times

It simply doesn’t exist. And yet the right wing pushes this and scares people into believing they are only doing “the right thing” all while doing their best to make sure traditionally democratic populations have a harder time voting.

Reform our tax code – All the right wants to do is cut taxes on the super rich. They don’t care if the middle class burns. They just don’t. Their policies are a huge fuck you to everyone who doesn’t have a million dollars in the bank.

Deregulation – They want to gut every regulation they can so companies can do whatever they want to maximize profits. They act like the “free market” will fix everything. Because big companies would never do anything that would hurt the good of everyone right? Before the EPA rivers caught fire. Workers got cancer and black lung. There were no protections for minors, workplace safety, overtime, pregnancy and sick leave.  But hey, that all hurts the bottom line so lets just say screw you to the working class and let big businesses do whatever they want.