Screw The Working Class – Yay The Right

The people who most need our protection don’t get it.

You make 30 or 40K per year, you get no vacation time, and if you are unlucky enough to go to the hospital and be out of work for a few days you are screwed.

And the rich fellows in Congress just voted against paid leave so that the top 1%ers won’t lose a half of a percentage point of gains at the end of he year.


Bill O’Reilly, A Racist & A Mouthpiece To The Ultra Rich

Listen to his rant.

The same man who wants to make sure the “Black girls” get the message that they shouldn’t get pregnant also supports removing sex ed from schools and giving condoms and UID’s to females.

How does that make sense?

He claims that black men aren’t targeted and don’t go to prison more. That his is a lie. “Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men.” –  Five Myths about Americans in Prison , Marc Mauer, David Cole

He then pushes for a bunch of nonsense and claims that we need harsh minimum sentences – because that puts money in the pockets of for profit prisons. O’Reilly does’t care about fixing or helping anything.

He’s just feeding his racist base and trying to help his billionaire buddies make more money by putting more people in prison for longer sentences.

If you want to fix this problem, raise the minimum wage. Fund school programs to teach kids useful skills. And make work programs. We are the richest nation in the world. Any person who wants a job should be able to get one, and pay his rent and feed his family. I don’t care if they push a lawn mower on the side of the highway. There is work we could be giving people.

Bad Gun Handling – Don’t Make Your Own Guns

So this pretty much answers the question – “Why don’t we try and make our own weapons?”

Because doing so could cause you to lose an ear or some fingers, and that is if you are lucky.

Make sure you firearms are in good working order and if you have any doubts about their normal functioning you should take them to a gunsmith or firearms expert.

And above all, don’t try and make your own rockets, guns, or other weapons.


Bernie Gets It – Support Our Veterans

The fact that we have homeless veterans is a horrible stain on our countries honor.

The fact that we have vets who can’t afford to feed their kids is disgusting.

The fact that we have vets waiting months for medical treatment is horrifying.

Find out what your members of congress are doing to solve these problems and let htem know it has to change.


Infrastructure & The Wealth Gap

In the wake of the Amtrak accident a lot of right wing mouth pieces are calling for privatization of Amtrak.

So let’s just be clear what that means. They are going to take huge amounts of money from the federal government, then charge the passengers more (because hey, they have to “fix” it) and make a fortune while at the same time paying no taxes on it.

Privatizing Amtrak would have negative outcomes:

  1. Lesser traveled routes would get cut for the sake of profit.
  2. Higher volume but less profitable routes will get squeezed. And that means poor communities already struggling with the ability to get from where they are to where the jobs are are going to be hurt.
  3. Give money to the ultra rich. And this is what Privatization is really all about. The right wants to give more and more cash to their masters. And they will do anything to make it happen.

Follow the money and you’ll see they don’t really care about fixing anything. They cut Amtrak funding in the hopes that they can force it to crumble – and all so they can further justify Privatization efforts. It must be nice to be able to force something to crumble, then scream that the fix is to put the money and control in your pocket to fix it. When the problem was just your greed all along.

Support Hillary, save our country and the middle class!!!
