Global Warming Is Just A Hoax

Or it is the single greatest threat to the planet?

Why would anyone claim Global Warming is a lie if it weren’t true?

Oh, they are making money off big oil and other big companies and don’t give a damn if Texas or Florida floods?  Now it all makes sense. The rich might lose their beach front vacation home, but on the plus side, their home a hundred miles inland is now beachfront.


ISIS – Created By The 2008 Status Of Forces Agreement Bush Signed

I love how the right just attacks, attacks, and attacks our sitting president. It is almost like they are traitors who want our country to fail. They don’t care about us or our soldiers. All they care about is making sure that our sitting president gets blamed for every little thing. Because we have a president who actually cares about the middle class and doesn’t want to give yet more money to the ultra rich.