Bad Gun Handling – Slam Fire

First of all, what did this guy do? He did something called “Slam Fire” where he had the trigger depressed with his right hand when he pulled the slide back, which immediately discharges the weapon. In the real world it allows you to fire as fast as you can pull the slide – but of course you aim is likely to suck.

What did this guy do wrong?

  1. He failed to unload his weapon and confirm there wasn’t a round in the magazine tube.
  2. He failed to maintain proper trigger discipline. If he’d kept his finger off the trigger he likely would have seen the shell pop into the chamber.
  3. He failed to treat every weapon like its loaded. What if his little sister was sitting on the floor above him watching TV?

Guns aren’t toys. Don’t play with them. Treat them like what they are. Dangerous tools. I wouldn’t let an untrained person use my table saw, they could lose a finger, a hand, and possibly their life. I also wouldn’t let someone without training use a firearm.

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