Heads Up starts with some awesome good news. Glenn is ALIVE!!!!
The first thing we see is him climbing under the dumpster before stabbing enough zombies to wall himself in. I don’t care how corny it is, I’m just glad he’s alive. He crawls out and Enid is there to give him some water, but then refuses to meet him face to face, she’s hiding from him, telling him she should go. When he tries to get to her she bolts – which makes me think even more that she is a Wolf in reality. She loses Glenn – but he finds the note the man wrote to his wife before getting killed at the fence.
Enid thinks she’s free – right up until Glenn grabs her from behind and tells he she has to go back to town with him. Because it is what Maggie would have done. Enid pulls a gun on Glenn and we all have a moment of fear when we think he might get killed after all – but then he grabs the gun. She is pissed, but she is following him back to town. They find a helium container and chat while Enid fills up some balloons. Glenn does his best to help Enid but she isn’t quite ready to let anyone in yet. Or to tell anyone what she really is.
Glenn & Enid reach the edge of town only to find it surrounded by walkers. She tells him the world is dying. Glenn tells her the walls are still up – they still have a phone to go back to.
And every few minutes they cut to the building that was rammed. It it slowly crumbling – which I believe is going to turn out very poorly for the town when it falls and brings down a part of the wall.
Back in town Rick is patrolling the wall, making sure everything is secure.
He finds Maggie on a watch tower – waiting for Glenn to give her a sign. She knows that if he’s alive he’ll try and come back for her. In the next scene Rick is teaching his new step son how to shoot (I’m assuming he’s going to end up with Jessie). This of course isn’t going to turn out well. Rick gives the kid a gun to carry around so he can get used to the fell – and the kid immediately goes and steels some rounds from the armory.
Rick, Carol, and Michonne meet with Morgan. They want to know why he didn’t kill the Wolves when he had a chance. He tells them he knows people can change. Everyone seems skeptical – even Michonne.
Team Rick is coming up with a plan to get the walkers off the fence.
In town Spencer decides to be really dumb and try and scale a rope to get outside the wall. His rope breaks and Team Rick just barely gets him up the fence before the undead get to eat some prime grade A Spencer.
A little bit later Carol watches as Morgan sneaks off with the town doctor and hands Judith off to Jessie so she can go investigate. Morgan finds her unlocking the door and she confronts him – wanting to know what he’s got in the cellar.
Then we get an uber creepy shot of Carol walking and Jessie’s son coming up behind him, pulling out his loaded pistol from his waist band.
The end of the episode is a mix of joy and sadness. Maggie sees the balloons that Glenn cut loose just before the unstable building collapses and brings down a section of wall.
Things I loved about this episode…
- Glenn is Alive!!!
- Morgan telling Team Rick that: “All life is precious.”
- Eugene when he’s being pushed on why he’s not paying attention at machete class. – “There are people in my close proximity with open toed shoes.”
- Glenn finding Enid and telling her he’s going to bring her back because that is what Maggie would have done.
Things that I didn’t like about this episode…
- Glenn almost died in a dead in. He’s seems way to willing to walk into the gated off area.
- Glenn trying to help Enid even when it’s clear she doesn’t want it. Didn’t he almost just get killed trying to help the guy he should have just ended?
- How easily Jessie’s son raided the armory. Didn’t wolves just try to steal all their guns and ammo? Maybe they could put some locks on the doors or put a few guards on the armory who aren’t multitasking.
- Spencer risking his life on a rope and a grappling hook to get over the wall.
- We see the combat classes for the survivors in Alexandria.
- Seeing a Fitbit Charge HR Tracker
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