Bad Gun Handling – Gun Explodes

There are maybe one or two issues that could have happened that would be outside the realm of “Bad Gun Handling” – so having said that, let’s run through the more likely scenarios:

  1. A poorly maintained weapon.
  2. A damaged weapon.
  3. An antique that was not designed for modern gunpowder.
  4. A severely overloaded shell/round which was way over pressure.
  5. A plugged barrel.

So I can easily think of five reasons this would have been avoidable. Gun’s aren’t toys. Don’t play with them…

Zoombies (2016)

Zoombies is one of those “its so bad” its good movies. The special effects are horrible but clearly someone was trying very hard with a limited budget to make a zombie movie we could enjoy. There is some over the top violence, but that is what made this movie fun to watch.

My favorite scene is this one where a monkey plucks a woman’s eyes out.
