Pre Check Those Weapons! Always make sure your gear is in working order before you need it. Thankfully this looks like it was just target practice, although that barrel is now at the bottom of the ocean. For reference, the US military pays between $6k and $9k for each M240, depending on options. That is a lot of cash. That looks like the short barrel version to me. On the civilian market that runs $1500 just for the barrel! Not doing a pre check of that weapon is going to cost someone a good bit of cash.

Guns are not toys. Guns are not props for photo shoots. They are dangerous tools. Mishandle them and people will end up hurt.
Why do I show these videos and pictures? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
- Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
- Treat all guns as loaded at all times.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
- Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
This is a clear violation of Rule 2.