Why Risk It? Why would you ever point a gun at your face like that? Take the weapon apart so the barrel and the trigger group are separate!
I think there are a ton of other ways to film this and examine the site picture without putting a gun in perfect alignment to your head. The only way I’m looking at a barrel is if its outside the weapon.
Sure, he probably cleared this gun, but you really should treat every firearm as if its loaded, all the time. If you need to examine a weapon like this, disassemble it so there is no way it can go off.
It only takes one moment of confusion to end in a tragedy.
Be safe out there people.

Guns are not toys. Guns are not props for photo shoots. They are dangerous tools. Mishandle them and people will end up hurt.
Why do I show these videos and pictures? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
- Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
- Treat all guns as loaded at all times.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
- Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
This is a clear violation of Rule 2.