Road Rage is never the answer. Road Rage with a firearm is Bad Gun Handling. This is so scary. Innocents could easily have been hurt.
It is crazy videos like this that make me support gun control and gun registries. I have multiple family members in law enforcement. Cops shouldn’t have to guess if you have a firearm when they pull you over or knock on your door. Violence of any sort should result in loss of firearm privileges. Or better yet, massive increases in your gun insurance. Just like cars, if you show you are high risk, you should have to pay to own firearms.
This is just so scary. Firing like a maniac through a car window. So many bystanders could have been hurt and it is only luck that no one was hurt.
Support reasonable gun control and an online federal registry. No other country has our gun violence, and its because we don’t have good regulations and we don’t enforce training.
Saftey First

I show these videos? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
- Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
- Treat all guns as though they are loaded.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
- Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
Wear good Safety Gear and learn the proper skills to shoot safety.
This is a clear violation of Rule 1. No way that weapon is being pointed in a safe direction. Because no direction is safe when the weapon is in such poor shape that it is going to explode!
Maintain your gear. Wear safety equipment. Don’t end up on Bad Gun Handling!
I hope this guy didn’t lose an eye or worse, his life. If you are going to play with projectiles, make sure you take appropriate safety precautions!