Are Vampires Ruined Now?

Are Vampires Ruined Now? Did Twilight ruin the Vampire Genre?

I honestly don’t think so. I highly doubt the viewership between Twilight and more violent Vampire movies overlap. How many people are going to sit through Twilight if they like hard Vampires like those in Underworld?

If you are a Vampire can you let know if this has ever happened to you?

Are Vampires Ruined Now

In all honesty, would it be that bad? If you are a Vampire and they are willing to leap into your arms that sounds like it would be helpful. Unless of course you are in it for the hunt. Then you might have to try and scare the hell out of them so they realize your not and “Edward”.

So the final question to Are Vampires Ruined Now comes back to – no. No, I don’t think they are. I can enjoy The Strain while you can enjoy Twilight. Just enjoy whatever you are watching. Don’t be a pain in the ass because someone likes something you don’t, or vice vera.

If you did like Twilight I would also recommend The Vampire Academy. I mean, if you are into that kind of thing. I wouldn’t know.

Just be good to each other.