Another Sunday without The Walking dead.
What am I to do?
We keep militarizing which is a horrible cycle. The bad guys get more violent, the cops need more armor and armament. And then the response gets escalated – and then people get hurt, on every side of the encounter.
I’m not sure how to change it. But something needs to happen.
The Princess Bride is one of those movies that if you haven’t seen it, I’m sorry for you. It is such a classic of action, comedy, and romance that just all works so well together.
Westley and his true love are separated and it by the luckiest of chances that they find each other again in the midst of a power hungry king trying to take over his neighbors. Action and intrigue follow, and out of it comes some of the most quotable lines of all time.
Love this movie.
Enjoy eBook Summer sale and get the best selling new zombie series.
Yay, another Fitbit Badge. I’ve climbed 1,000 sets of stairs since I’ve created my Fitbit
So I think the next badge I want to hit is the 20,000 step badge. I think I can do it if I make a day of it.
If you ever meet a lady wearing this Vulcan in the Streets – Klingon in the Sheets buy her a drink and then marry her. She’s a keeper.
As many of you know I had some back surgery a few months ago. I rapidly used up all my physical therapy visits and was looking for something to do that would help me continue the recovery that I started in physical therapy.
I’m happy to say that I’ve been doing yoga for the last several weeks and I’m not only increasing my range of motion but I’m also really enjoying it. I’m surprised how sore I am the next day and how good it makes me feel.
If you live anywhere near exit 2 of the New Jersey turnpike check out Fitness Yoga Studios. They have a great website to book classes and the instructors are awesome and help you to learn and improve.