Sunday Clays

I went out today and shot some clays by myself. I programmed the delay for 2.5 seconds and went over to the “hard” course and practiced on a few of the stations that always gave me trouble.

It was only the second day with my new Benelli M2 and it was the first day since I put the over sized release on. The gun worked flawlessly. I just wished my shooting had been as perfect. Next time I’m going to go the easy side and break a few before I practice on the stations that give me more trouble.


Date Benelli M2 Rounds Fired Comment
09/14/2014 120 First clays of 2014 season.
10/05/2014 120 Solo day.




Is this fair? Is this the country you f*cking conservatives want to live in?

If we strangle the middle class who is going to buy the products your companies sell?

This is sad and should be illegal. Making endless profits at the expense of our neighborhoods and schools isn’t the American way.  I keep paying more and more in property taxes and income tax, but the big guys get to hide their money in tax shelters and offshore accounts.
