Nice Round Of Clays WIth My Oldest Boy & Nephew

There was a tournament at M&M today so it was packed but not having access to the hard course wasn’t an issue. We had fun on the intermediate/beginner course and finished with a 5 clay shoot off on the rabbit station. My son and nephew tied at one hit apiece but I got lucky and nailed three of them.

And best of all, we found a shot shell covered bush that looked like a Kmiss tree just for shotgun shooters to me.


Date Benelli M2 Rounds Fired Comment
09/14/2014 120 First clays of 2014 season.
10/05/2014 120 Solo day.
10/10/2014 110 A bit cloudy, but a beautiful day.
10/19/2014 120 I kicked butt on the beginner/intermediate stations but got my butt kicked by the rabbit.
10/25/2014 6 First duck hunt of the season. Got 1 wood duck using Kent FastSteel #4.
11/09/2014 100 Took my Ry and Jonathan out to practice. Was a mild and very nice day.
11/29/2014 120 Did a quick practice round. My back was hurting a bit though. Time to go back to the Doctor.
12/14/2014 200 It was in the 40s today and really nice out. There was a tournament going on at M&M but my oldest is very new to clays so we stuck to the beginner course and had a ball.