Fear the Walking Dead, Season 2
Episode 14 (Wrath), Episode 15 (North)
The season finale double header kicks off with Ofelia’s truck overheating.
She gets out to begin working on it only to find she’s picked a bad spot to break down. She’s immediately attacked and forced to kill multiple biters with her hammer.
When the fighting is done she walks off, following what appears to be the border wall as a small horde comes up behind her.
She walks through the desert until she finds a hole in some fencing and slip through. There is nothing but hills and desert in front of her. She is walking through the desert when someone takes a shot at her. She is run to ground before having her knife taken away – then a creepy older dude welcomes her to America.
–Nick’s Story–
Nick wakes up next to Luciana before slipping into the apothecary to take the oxy.
He plans on making the trade regardless of what Alejandro wants. Nick and one of the scouts take the meds and head out. When Nick tries to give the bandits the drugs they tell him they aren’t interested in just the drugs anymore. They want the colony. The bandits tell Nick he can go back and tell everyone to get out, or they will end up like the family they caught a few episodes, and who are now dead.
When Nick get’s back they hold a conference in the infirmary, only things go very badly when one of the patients wakes up a zombie and attacks. Alejandro and two other people are bitten – one a very gruesome bite to the nose. Nick doesn’t have a weapon and uses the only thing he has, his thumbs, to kill the attacking zombie.
The community does what it always does when someone gets bitten, they exit through the bus while everyone sings/chants. Alejandro of course is supposed to be immune to the bites – so he gets to stay. I wonder how long until he turns?
Nick is done. He’s ready to flee. He wants to take Luciana and leave, which is exactly when Alejandro comes in. Nick confronts him, he knows he saw fear in Alejandro’s eyes when he was bitten and forces Alejandro to admit he’s infected. Nick thinks he’s won but Luciana still refuses to leave.
When North takes over Alejandro is looking pretty bad. Luciana is trying to hold his vision together, but even he knows its ending.
Nick makes one last attempt to convince Luciana to go with him. She tells him “this is no place for boys, do what you do Nick, run.” It looks like she scored a hit with that one.
While Alejandro is giving a rousing speech to his community Nick is walking away – at least until he hears a helicopter.
When Nick gets back Alejandro looks really bad. Nick helps him prepare some oxy to dull the pain. Nick tries to convince Alejandro he’s already dead – but he’s killing all his people as well. Nick tells Alejandro to tell his people to run – to give them permission to flee. When Nick saw the helicopter what he saw was a camp. He convinces Alejandro that there is a place for the people to go.
When the bandits show up they are heavily armed. They have military style weapons and for some reason decide to attack via the zombie fields. They get into the bus and make their way into the colony – thinking that the townspeople fled.
The colony looks abandoned. At least until we see Alejandro hiding. He slips into the bus and drives it out of the way to let the zombies in as the bandits are celebrating. A flood of biters pour into the colony – enough that the bandits can’t hold their ground. They retreat as the undead flood in.
Out on the streets Nick & Luciana lead the people (covered in gore camo) walk north.
–Hotel Story–
Travis wakes up with Madison sitting there watching him. Travis is still upset. He thinks he “lost” Chris somehow. Madison tries to make him understand the current world is different from the old world. She wants to help him but he doesn’t look ready to accept it yet. Come morning Alicia brings Travis some food and they have a small heart to heart. Everyone feels responsible for something.
Downstairs in “refugee” area it turns out that the Frat Boys have shown up – without Chris. They are rude and ugly and Madison goes over to tell them to behave only to realize who they are. They mention that they had a car accident because the driver was 16 and didn’t even have a license.
Madison goes upstairs to talk to Strain, looking for advice, the result of which is the conclusion that Travis is too fragile to handle the truth. This leads Madison to go down and try and kick the two surviving Frat Boys out – but Travis see’s what is going on from a window and runs down – screaming at the Frat Boys – wanting to know what happened to his son.
Madison failed. Travis is going to find out the truth. They bring the Frat Boys back into the hotel and pop the leaders shoulder back into place. The Frat leader tells Travis that Chris volunteered to drive and then rolled the car. They tell Travis that Chris was dead when they found him – only Travis isn’t so sure he believes them. He wants to know where his son is which leads the Frat Boys to contradict themselves. Travis knows exactly what happened. They killed Chris after he was wounded.
Travis beats the truth out of them until they admit the truth. Travis lets the realization sink in before going berserk. He snaps the wounded Frat Boys arm before the other one ambushes him.
It does’t save either of them. Travis finishes them both.
Team Madison finally breaks into the room but the “Hotel Staff” dont’ care what or why it happened. They take Travis into custody, saying they are going to put him someplace safe until they can figure out what to do with him.
Strand stops Madison from doing anything stupid and instead goes back to finish off the two zombies that Travis left behind.
Madison, Strand, and Alicia have a hallway meeting, trying to decide what to do. Alicia wants them to leave with Travis while Strand wants to let Travis go. Strand decides he’s staying while Madison & Alicia agree to leave with Travis.
Things get more complicated – the “good guy” that Travis wounded has swelling on his brain and the Hotel medico has to cut a hole in the guys skull to relieve the pressure. Of course if he dies this is going to complicate Team Madison leaving the hotel quietly I’m sure.
As night falls the Hotel Medico is using a hand drill to relieve the pressure on their friends head while Madison & Travis are upstairs, listening to the ocean, comparing notes on who had done the worse deeds. Madison tells him its okay. They live in a world where they have both done bad things in the names of their children, and will again.
Madison & Travis are sharing their bonding moment while the “good guy” that Travis hurt dies. The other members of the hotel now want revenge.
They go upstairs and begin to beat the hell out of Travis. Which turns into a gun being drawn. They re going to kill Travis – right up until Alicia saves her stepfather by putting a knife into the gunman. The second “save” comes a moment later when Strand shows up to make sure the good guys stay in control. He lets Team Madison leave but stays behind.
Madison, Travis, and Alicia make it away, leaving the hotel behind as they drive through the night. They go to the bandits hideout but the building is empty. Madison takes her family up to the office – hoping to find something that will tell them where Nick is. As they go deeper into the building they can smell the rotten family. Madison is checking the bodies for anything that might tell them where Nick was when Alicia asks her what she is doing? I guess Alicia didn’t realize they were now on a mission to get Nick?
Team Madison gets to the colony just after the bandits were ambushed by Alejandro’s trick. Madison & Travis go into explore while Alicia refuses to do what she’s told and instead walks over to the bus where Alejandro is.
Madison & Travis find the town full of the dead – the bandits apparently lost the fight – before fleeing to Alicia & Alejandro. Alejandro is just alive enough to tell Madison he’s alive, and that he saw something at the border.
–Season Finale–
The episode ends with Nick & his band of colony refugees walking across the border where Nick sees another helicopter and what he believes is a camp. Just when things look like they might be getting better armed men open fire. Luciana takes a round before Nick pulls her up against a toll building. The men pull them apart before kicking Nick to the ground and then in the face.
Will Madison find Nick? Will Nick even live through the next five minutes?
Who has Ofelia? Is it the same group that attacked Nick’s group?
I guess we have to wait until next season to find out what happened!!!
Things I loved about this episode…
- Alicia on the Hotel’s food – “They cook everything here in lard, it’s pretty delicious.”
- Nick’s eyeball brain zombie kill. You go Nick!!!
- Nick forcing Alejandro to tell Luciana the truth about his immunity.
- Travis killing the Frat Boys. It was brutal, but as a father, I totally understood and hope I never have to feel that rage.
Things that I didn’t like about this episode…
- No one ties down the deathly ill in the infirmary? Something? Event a rope around their waist.
- For someone who is supposed to understand people Strand doesn’t seem to understand the relationship between Travis his family.
Main Characters:
- Nick Clark – Starts the season off by finding his girlfriend turned into a walker in a church. Has a addition problem.
- Alicia Clark – Nick’s sister. Has already lost her boyfriend to the virus.
- Madison Clark – Mother to Nick and Alicia. She worked at the high school where she met Travis Manawa, her boyfriend.
- Travis Manawa – School teacher and Madison’s love interest.
- Chris Manawa – Travis’s son.
- Daniel Salazar – The Barber who shelters Team Travis in Episode 2.
- Ofelia Salazar – The Barber’s cute daughter.
- Strand – The Instigator who Nick met in the detention center in S1, Episode 5.
- Thomas – Strand’s significant other.
- Celia – Thomas & Louis’s mother.
- Jack the Radio Dude – Alicia’s radio boyfriend.
- Connor – Jack’s boss and the leader of the boat pirates.
- Louis – Strand’s friend. The one who was going to get Strand into Mexico.
- Alex – Female from flight 462 plane shorts.
- Luciana – Female who ends up helping Nick in S2, Episode 8.
- Alejandro – the leader & Pharmacist who runs the colony.
- Elena – manager at the Hotel who the other guests blame for locking them in.
- Antonio – Elena’s sister who is with the Bandits.