The Walking Dead (Season 6, Episode 12)

The Walking Dead, Season 6

Episode 12, Not Tomorrow Yet


Not Tomorrow Yet kicks off with Carol picking up acorns (and killing a walker) so she can make cookies for everyone. All while pleasant music is playing in the background. Carol goes around giving cookies to kids and to who just might be her new love interest.

Then the RV rolls up. They’ve got enough food for another month but the cost is going to be a small war. Carol’s happy mood is ruined. Rick is calling an all hands meeting in the church, he’s got to tell everyone in town how he’s about to feed them. He takes the pulpit to tell them about Maggie’s deal.2016_TWD_S6_E12_Rick_Pulpit

The townspeople take the news very seriously. Morgan wants to talk to the Saviors, to give them the option to back off. Rick doesn’t agree. 2016_TWD_S6_E12_Sad_FacesRick agrees to discuss with the rest of the town’s people whether talking or attacking the Saviors is the best path forward. No one else agrees with Morgan. The motion is carried. The Saviors have to die.

In a brief aside Maggie tells Glenn she has to go with them, it was her deal. He’s not happy but he doesn’t argue. Then we cut back to Carol, writing some cipher in her notebook before she goes for a walk, unable to sleep. She ends up on the porch on the porch, and they talk. He’s afraid of her, of what she can do, but he is also clearly attracted to it. Which ends up in Carol leaning in for a kiss.

We then cut over to Abraham telling Rosita he’s packing – to leave. She freaks out, and wants to know why he’s leaving. Which brings Abraham to say something horrible. “When I met you, I thought you were the last woman on earth. You’re not.”

While all this is going on Team Rick is debriefing the one guy from “The Hilltop” who has been inside Negan’s compound. He doesn’t have a lot of info, but it’s enough for Rick and Daryl to form a plan.2016_TWD_S6_E12_Negans_Compound

The assault team heads out in the RV and a few trunks, and then honks their horns in case there were any unfriendlies around. Rick is sending people out to do some recon before they start their night assault.

Glenn and another go out to find a Gregory look alike zombie which kicks off a small discussion about them killing humans. Neither of them have had to kill another non-walker. Glenn acknowledges that he is nervous too.

When everyone gets back from their recon Rick debriefs them. They roll out at midnight and if anything doesn’t look right they run and try another night.2016_TWD_S6_E12_Pre_Fight

When we come back from the commercial the plan is set in motion. Andy from Hilltop drives up with “The Gregory Head” and several Saviors come out to see if it’s real. One of the Saviors is immediately convinced but the other one is slightly more skeptical. (Which makes me wonder how the other dude would even know what Gregory looked like?)

It passes and the Saviors agree to get their Hilltop Captor. Daryl makes short work of the one guy outside and they prepare to ambush the door when they bring out the captive. Michone takes out Savior #2 and they are in the door.2016_TWD_S6_E12_Assault_Negans_1

Team Rick is headed for the arsenal, moving through what looked like abandoned hallways. They find a room with at last one sleeping guard in it and Rick does him quick and quiet like with his knife. Glenn and his combat buddy move on to the next room which has two man more sleeping Saviors in it.

Glenn goes in first, and does his enemy, but his combat buddy hesitates. Glenn does it for him, saving him the mental anguish of knowing he slaughtered a sleeping person. Glenn maybe doesn’t feel so bad when he finds a wall of Polaroids of what looked to be people the Saviors have killed.

The action then cuts away to Tara. She’s tells Gabriel and Jesus she lied to her girlfriend that morning because she was caught off guard and ended up telling Denise she loved her because she didn’t want to admit to having been on raids in the past.  Gabriel and Jesus tell her its okay, she now has something to fight for.

We then get back to the action. Abraham gets cut by a Savior before the man pulls the fire alarm. I have a feeling that all hell is about to break out. Maggie and Carol hear the alarm and start a fight over whether Maggie is going to go rushing into battle.

Another commercial later and Tara, Jesus, and Gabriel are also rushing into the fight. Inside Rick, Michonne and Daryl are running down the halls, shooting. Everyone has ammo and there is a lot of shooting.

Glenn & his combat buddy find the armory after a scary firefight and end up in the armory just in time to return fire through the door. We all get a good scare when one of the guys on the floor lifts his gun and we hear a shot – that came from Jesus saving Glenn’s ass.

Outside Gabriel walks up to a wounded Savior who tells him blood is coming – which worries me. I have this feeling that Team Rick just attacked what is in essence a small Savior output with no idea they were poking a bear.

Come morning it looks like they’ve cleared the Savior compound.

Meanwhile Morgan is in his basement welding what looks like a jail together.

Just when you think everyone has gone well one of the Saviors makes a run for it on a bike. They bring him down only to have someone on his mic tell Team Rick to put their guns down. The Savior’s have Maggie & Carol and they are taking them. We see a bit of their journey away but don’t know what happened back at Negan’s compound. Now we have to wait until next week to find out.

Things I loved about this episode…

  • The juxtaposition of Carol’s pleasant day and cookie baking with the zombie apocalypse going on around them.
  • Tara telling Denise that she loves her. Denise tells her she’ll say it back when Tara comes back.
  • Glenn admitting that he’s nervous about fighting humans as well. It was such a real and touching moment.
  • Rick breaking the nose of their “Gregory Head” and the other guy from Hilltop telling Rick, “the Saviors have nothing on you.”

Things that I didn’t like about this episode…

  • Abraham telling Rosita: “”When I met you, I thought you were the last woman on earth. You’re not.” He’s letting his fear control him.
  • Carol smoking. I know it’s a stress thing but you can smell cigarettes from a mile away and it will slow her down.


  • The first time someone makes acorn and beet cookies. Books:

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