Resident Evil The Turn has some really awesome fight scenes. The Brotherhood has Jade and Baxter. Worse, The Brotherhood has them captive in a very creepy stronghold.

The Brotherhood has captured a higher level “Mother Zombie” who can control the other Zombies, or Zeroes as the show calls them. This is one of those areas that I know is cannon in the Resident Evil world, there are Zombies who can think. It is a difficult line to walk. The hordes still need to be hordes. The more the Zombies show intelligence the less survival becomes about facing undead hordes. It just becomes any other war movie or survival movie.
Because this is canon in the game however, the series had to include it. The good news is that the directors did a good job of using Zombies with higher level thought processes.
My favorite parts of The Turn are definitely when Baxter goes full Bad Ass. I guess there is just some part of me that likes seeing slightly overweight people kick butt? I’ll have to see what my psychiatrist says about it.
Jade of course finds herself face to face with the “Mother Zombie” but luckily she has a chainsaw for the fight which proves pivotal. Unfortunately for Jade she still finds herself cornered by the Zombies. Of course there is a box of grenades that just happen to be in the dead end room as well though. Wipes brow, not sure how she was getting out of that one otherwise.
Richard ends up finding Jade a minute later and they attempt to flee. This is where the slightly overweight guy ends up biting it (get it) because Jade can’t pull him up to safety. Richard ends up getting torn to pieces as Jade flees.
Throughout this we area also getting snippets of the “Old” timeline where Jade and her sister are dealing with Billie’s bite as well as the revelations that their father may not be the nicest guy in the world.
The Turn ends with Jade being captured by Umbrella. It ends with Jade looking up as an Umbrella soldiers pulls off their helmet. Based on Jade’s face, I’m guessing she just got reunited with her sister Billie.
Scoring Resident Evil The Turn
Resident Evil The Turn was really hard to score. If I cut out all the “Old” timeline scenes this was a 90. But that is like saying dinner was great if you ate around the roaches in the food right? I really am not a fan of the “Old” timeline scenes and would give them a 30. Because I’m trying to be fair I’m going to average the two scores. This leaves The Turn with a score of 60/100.
If you need your Resident Evil fix, I’d go back to the classics.
Season | Episode | Episode Name | Score |
1 | 1 | Welcome to New Raccoon City | 80 |
1 | 2 | The Devil You Know | 45 |
1 | 3 | The Light | 77 |
1 | 4 | The Turn | 60 |
1 | 5 | Home Movies | 1 |
1 | 6 | Someone’s Little Girl | 25 |
1 | 7 | Parasite | 20 |
1 | 8 | Revelations | 50 |