Chicken Wire

Oh sweet, Chicken Wire, how many ways can I use you to solve problems? I’ve used this Wire Mesh to close off the bottom of my privacy fence to make sure my dogs can’t squeeze out of low points. I’ve also used it at my brother’s house to secure his eves from evil squirrels who wanted to live in his attic rent free. Another buddy of mine lives in a not so great part of town but thanks to this Wire Mesh and punched bar stock we made something that even crackheads couldn’t get through. Every first floor window was covered and to this day he hasn’t had a successful break in.

It is that kind of security that this Chicken Wire can bring you. Of course you can make chicken coups, but more importantly, you can secure just about any building.

Be prepared for the Zombies and Human scavengers, keep a roll or two of this Chicken Wire in your Garage.

Chicken Wire Scoring

This Chicken Wire can have a High Impact on your survival and scores 602/1000 on the survival scale.

  • Made of high-quality 19 gauge iron wire.
  • 1/2 inche mesh.
  • 48 inches by 50 feet.
  • Heavy duty.
  • Double galvanized, easy to cut with a wire cutter.
  • Perfect for chicken coops and pet/animal cages.
  • Perfect for windows and screens.
  • Galvanized.
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

See the one thousand items of Survival Gear you need to survive the Apocalypse!

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