This Concealment End Table is the perfect way to keep self defense weapons close by but safely hidden. Yes, I am a bit of a survival nut. I like to have a layered plan that gives me a ton of redundancy. That means that I have furniture like this Concealment End Table close at hand so I can discretely keep whatever I need to survive where I’m most likely to be when the world blows up.
Best of all, if you have a cabin or bolt hole and it does get robbed, they are going to look for things like a gun safe, but if you keep your gear hidden, they are less likely to find it. I am also a very sneaky son of a beech. I cut a small square in the rug under one my end tables. If you do come in to rob me I have to open the floor safe so you can get some cash. Which puts me directly in front of this End Table and whatever surprises I have stored in it.
Don’t be caught off guard, make sure you have a plan to survive no matter what happens. Make a primary plan and then a backup. Once you have that, make a backup to your backup to your backup. If things go horribly wrong your pre planning is the only thing that will keep you alive.
Concealment End Table Scoring
This End Table can have a moderate impact on your survival and scores a 237/1000.
Don’t let the number fool you. Being on the list of top thousand survival gear items is a big deal. Just being on the list makes this critical gear.
- Concealed drop down-then-out compartment.
- Discretely and securely conceal valuables and weapons.
- Felt-lined drawer protects against scratches.
- Easy access lock design provides instant access when needed.
- Classic end table design.
- Solid wood construction.

- 0 to 199 Lower Impact
- Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
- 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
- Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
- 500 to 899 High Impact
- High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
- 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
- Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.
See the one thousand items of Survival Gear you need to survive the Apocalypse!