This Self Defense Umbrella is the perfect, go anywhere Self Defense tool. Unlike a lot of other tools, this Umbrella doesn’t attract attention and if you use it as a walking stick, no one wonders why you are carrying it on sunny days. Want to avoid sun exposure? This Umbrella is perfect to keep you in the shade why everyone around you gets skin wrinkling sun damage.
Of course, it is an Umbrella, so it is also perfect for rainy days. But more importantly, it is a really powerful self defense tool for everyday life. The Beech handle is incredibly hard and durable. That means you can crack a lot of skulls with it and it is going to be just fine.
Self Defense Umbrella Scoring
This Self Defense Umbrella can have a Moderate Impact on your survival. It scores a 240/1000. This Umbrella gains points for its strong Hidden Survival skills. It also has great reach. It loses a few points against a Baseball Bat for not looking very intimidating. If you are being faced down a Bat can scare a few raiders off.
Don’t let the number fool you. Being on the list of top thousand survival gear items is a big deal. Just being on the list makes this critical gear.
- Carbon Fiber frame
- Take where other aids are not allowed or possible. It’s an Umbrella.
- Perfect for bodyguards, security staff, and self-defense.
- Sturdy and highly effective tool for your personal protection.

- 0 to 199 Lower Impact
- Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
- 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
- Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
- 500 to 899 High Impact
- High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
- 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
- Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.
See the one thousand items of Survival Gear you need to survive the Apocalypse!