Minimum Wage

It takes him a while to get there, but his points on minimum wage are both scary and horrifying.

Specific rich people want to get rid of the minimum wage, because you know, if there was no minimum, businesses could hire everyone. (When paying a penny an hour that’s easy.)

Not upping the minimum wage (or doing away with it) is nothing but a way for the ultra rich to put more money in their pockets. Do they need another billion? Or do families need to be able to buy food for their kids and pay for healthcare?

What America do you want to live in?

Food Stamps


You voted for the people who allowed this to happen.

You are taking food out of the mouths of children and the old.

Food stamps don’t steal from the middle class. Corporate profits are at all time highs and we give billions to oil companies. But that’s okay, let’s keep giving those people money and take food stamps away from the lowest rung of our society.

This is wrong.

This isn’t the best we can do.


Very Helpful Silencer Instructions

Let’s start with a legal disclaimer. You should never try or test this, ever.  Not until the zombies are stumbling around and you need to escape from your families hardware store and need to kill a few walkers very silently.

So again, don’t try this, it’s illegal.

Now on to regular business. How awesome is this guy? I’m not sure how long the baffles last in this type of unit, but you would surely be better off with it than without it if you needed to escape down a walker infested street.

Social Security & Entitlements

You F’ing b*astards.

Tell me why SSI caps at slightly over a 100K of income? So that millionaires and billionaires don’t have to pay on the majority of thier income.

Flip it, don’t start paying into SSI until you make 50 or 100K.

It’s not insolvent, its not fair the way its structured. The rich get richer, and the poor get blamed for the bit of help they get.

Its just wrong.

TWD – What Do You Do With Carol?

So what do you do with Carol?

Where Dave & Karen close to death? Was she afraid that they were going to turn and hurt people?

Does it matter how close they were, if they were still alive? (Which I would argue they were based on the blood trail – dead bodies don’t bleed so much, there was still some blood pumping through those bodies)

So if you were on the council what would you argue? Put her out? Put her to death? Bury the problem?

My fear is that once she has gone this far, how far will she go next time? If Judith gets the sniffles will that warrant a drowning in a bucket? I think you don’t have much choice, you have to isolate her, which means feeding or watching her, or killing her. I wouldn’t put her out, she might end up sniping at you or bringing a horde back down on you sometime in the future.

That leaves very little left other than a quick and painless death. A round to the base of her skull and life goes on.
