Dead to the World (Sookie Stackhouse, #4)

Dead to thDead to the World (Sookie Stackhouse, #4)e World by Charlaine Harris

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to say this is my favorite of the series so far.

Something about the way Eric is helpless on the road and the tentative way he and Sookie interact just felt so real. Bill is out of the picture, working on his database for the Queen, so he is basically out of the picture until the very end, just before the final battle. So Sookie and Eric have plenty of time to grow together.

It was both very intimate and hot at the same time, without ever being salacious.

The secondary story revolves around Jason, who has gone missing. I won’t spoil the how, but both Sookie and Jason are slowly getting pulled deeper into the supe world.

One Grave at a Time (The Night Huntress Book 6)

One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress, #6)One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you’ve made it to the sixth book you clearly like the series.

Book six has just the right amount of sex, violence, and a twist in terms of who the bad guy is that it keeps things interesting.

Cat and Bones have stayed true to who they are, but I do feel like the two might be coming to the end of their natural life as a series – which I think you can also see by the way that Jeaniene Frost is spinning off other stories about Spade and Denise. It’s go to be hard to find someone who can still hurt the two uber vampires, and keep the suspense up.

It’s one of the reasons that I think Sookie has such long legs in terms of the number of books. She has powers, but she is at the heart of the matter very fragile, so it is easy to keep the suspense going.

I guess like all good things, the story of Cat and Bones has to end at some point.

Hopefully JF will surprise us though and keep it going for just a bit longer.

This Side of the Grave (The Night Huntress Book 5)

This Side of the Grave (Night Huntress, #5)This Side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The last book in the series was starting to get a little repetitive. It was still a worthwhile read, but the fighting and sex was starting to get a bit, well, boring.

With the fifth book in the series Jeaniene Frost steps it up and continues to change up the tempo and tone of the Night huntress series.

If you are just coming into the series, I’d start with the first book and work your way up. A lot of the back story won’t have as much meaning if you start with this book.

If you like the Sookie Stackhouse series, you will like the Night Huntress. If your more of a Vampire Lestat person, look elsewhere.

Destined for an Early Grave (The Night Huntress Book 4)

Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress, #4)Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was clearly the best Night Huntress novel yet.

Jeaniene Frost took a few things that were getting overly used, shoved them overboard, and took a totally new direction in the fourth book.

The story is original and inventive, and you never quite expect what is coming next. It was nice to think I might know what was going to happen next, and then have it be something completely different.

And Cat makes some huge breakthroughs in this book. I can’t wait to read the next one – which is the best compliment you can give an author in my opinion.

***Spoiler Alert***
RIP Rodney – you were awesome. I as sorry to see you go.

One Foot in the Grave (The Night Huntress Book 2)

One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, #2)One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a great series. The second book pretty much picks up right where book 1 leaves off.

Cat is a member of the special undead reaction force. There is a great interplay between her and her bos Don, as well as the way that Bones comes back into the picture.

My only complaint would be that I can rip through these books so quickly!!!

They are sexy, funny, and have tons of action.

Halfway to the Grave (The Night Huntress Book 1)

Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1)Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

My rating: 5 of 5 stars



This is one of those guilty pleasure books. I read it the first time on vacation after finding it in a bookshop at the shore. That was years ago. Since then I’ve lost the paperback and bought it again, and then bought the kindle version just a few days ago.

I hope that tells you something about the book. Bones and Cat are good characters, and even if the writing is a bit “fluffy” at times, there is enough emotion in the writing that it doesn’t matter.

What do I mean by “fluffy?” I guess at times the action scenes are too fast or too easy. But the book is really about the relationship between Cat and Bones – so it doesn’t matter. Its a bit of Twilight without the sex removed. And Frost does the sex and sexual tension quite well.

Like I said, a guilty pleasure, but a very enjoyable one.

Infestation (2009)

Infestation (2 Out of 5 Graves)

Okay, so let me make this really clear. I gave it 2 out of 5 but it is in the spirit of a fine chef ranking a hot dog at a ball game.  It might not be fine dining, but it is exactly what your looking for while chilling out with a cold beer.

It was a lazy afternoon when it came on, and there wasn’t much going on in the house, so we all kinda got sucked in, laying on the couch. The acting and the plot were questionable at times, but it was so bad it was good.

An awesome movie for a lazy day with nothing better to do.  And just like the hot dog, probably not that good for you in the long run.

Fright Night (2011)

Fright Night (4 out of 5 Graves)

As far as vampire movies go, this is a decent enough work.  It’s a bit silly and makes no sense at times, but the combination of Colin Farrell, Anton Yelchin, and Imogen Poots are so alive on screen, it doesn’t really matter.

So, I liked the movie, it was worth the $15 bucks I paid on iTunes to get it, especially since four of us watched it and enjoyed it.  There was plenty of action and a good bit of hot ass, so what more can you ask for?

So now that you know its worth watching and got 4 out of 5 graves, let’s do some damage and complain some.

First of all, Does Christopher Mintx-Platz (Ed) never age?  That’s just creepy. He looks just like he did in Superbad.

If you really think your buddy was eaten by a vampire, do you really wait around until dark and then go into his house?

In what world would you break into a vampires house? And why would you do anything at night?

I know it was supposed to be a horror movie, but half the movie was just black.  No color, no images, just darkness. I know the director was trying to build some suspense, but it was so overdone it got annoying.  It’s a movie, not an audio book.  Give me something to look at.

And finally, and I am sorry Imogen Poot, but your God Damn eyebrows in this movie should have been waxed and died.  it looked like you had giant catepillars stuck to your face above your eyes!!! (don’t get me wrong, your still hot, so if you want to be pissed at me please come and slap me in person) I just think the blond hair with deep black eyebrows looks odd.