Comprehensive First Aid Kit

This Comprehensive First Aid Kit is the perfect kit for you and your friends. Make sure you can take care of those minor injuries safely! I like this kit because it is small enough to pack up or strap to a pack but has enough First Aid Gear to handle multiple small injuries. That makes it perfect for group hikes, cycling outings, or even just going out to play some backyard sports with your friends.

After a major disaster there are some supplies that will be worth their weight in gold. Water Filters will obviously be high on that list. Next will be Medical Supplies. Bottom line, you can not have enough First Aid Gear. I suggest planning as if everywhere you might be when a disaster happens is exactly where you will be. That means critical supplies in your vehicle, with your go bag, and more at your home and bolt hole. When you need this First Aid Kit you will be glad you went overboard and had them stashed everywhere you might possibly need them.

Comprehensive First Aid Kit Scoring

This Comprehensive First Aid Kit can have a High Impact on your survival and scores a 830/1000.

Be prepared, don’t go out into the woods or out to play without a Comprehensive First Aid Kit.

  • Design to help you tackle most emergency situations.
  • Contains a user guide on how to deal with common emergencies.
  • This trauma first aid kit has a complete first aid treatment product.
  • First aid supplies for massive bleeding control.
  • Perfect for first aid care of any emergency needs.

First Aid Survival Gear

ImpactCategoryItemRankBuy NowEst Price
Extreme Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearBleeding Control Gauze Roll924Bleeding Control Gauze Roll$29
Extreme Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearPortable Tourniquets923Portable Tourniquets$10
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearHoney875Honey$99
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearComprehensive First Aid Kit830Comprehensive First Aid Kit$25
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearBlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit820BlisterPod Ultra Blister Kit
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearWoundSeal Topical Powder755WoundSeal Topical Powder$12
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearEmergency Laceration Closures603Emergency Laceration Closures$25
High Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearMobile First Aid Kit506Mobile First Aid Kit$55
Moderate Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearMOLLE Medical Pouch270MOLLE Medical Pouch$23
Low Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearLiquid Bandage Spray185Liquid Bandage Spray$6
Low Survival ImpactFirst Aid Survival GearAntimicrobial Soap96Antimicrobial Soap$20
  • 0 to 199 Lower Impact
    • Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
  • 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
    • Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
  • 500 to 899 High Impact
    • High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
  • 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
    • Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.

See the one thousand items of Survival Gear you need to survive the Apocalypse!