Coming Home opens with powerful imagery of WWII before cutting to Daryl in the pit. As usual, Daryl is kicking some Zombie Ass. The undead might be hopped up on go juice, but Daryl is a natural born fighter. His harsh upbringing has made him a survivor.

The episode has team Daryl fighting their way out of the Madam Genet’s stronghold. There is a ton of good action scenes, as well as phenomenal character development. Normal Reedus was born to play Daryl Dixon.
The episode ends on a double cliffhanger. And yes I spoil those surprises if you keep reading below the Spoilers section!
Coming Home Scoring
Coming Home is the final episode of the season. Honestly, that is its biggest sin. Otherwise it hit it out of the park and scores 100/100. Daryl Dixon ended the last two episodes with perfect scores! How I just have to hope that the show had enough viewership to start a franchise!
Overall Daryl Dixon Season 1 scored an 87/100 for the series, making it Worth Your Time!
Spoilers Below:
Coming Home has some awesome action scenes and mini storylines. The whole Quinn plot sees the greedy, self absorbed man do the right thing for the wrong reasons. Daryl, knowing the full truth, still honors Quinn’s sacrifice with Isabelle. The overall plot of the episode hits us with two major events at the end. Is Daryl going to stay in France or try to get back to the States? Or is god damn Carol going to come to find Daryl instead.
I hated Carol at times in the main series, but over time she became my second favorite character after Daryl. That says something about the writing doesn’t it?
The series ends with Daryl between Laurent and the ship that can start him on the way home. Back in the States Carol begins her hunt to find out what happened to Daryl. A double cliffhanger – but it was so well done.
The Good
- When Daryl in the pit and tells Quinn he’s going going to die. They think they are about to fight each other, and Daryl plans on winning.
- I loved how one of the Crazed Zombie tackles another Zombie. Whatever they infected the undead with – its not making them more stable – just more vicious.
- Teamwork makes the dream work. Pop that Zombie head off!
- Daryl might be a total bad ass but he is also very emotionally smart. After using Quinn as a weapon so he can escape, Daryl lets Isabella think that Quinn didn’t explicitly ask him to tell her. Which of course Quinn did, but he’s an ass. Of course Isabelle already knew that, and suspected Quinn’s real motives.
- I love when the walkers just start coming out of the surroundings after laying dormant for a while. The scenes on the beaches of Normandy when Daryl wakes up a small horde was awesome!
The Bad
- How many times is Daryl going to be separated from Laurent by a set of bars in this series? I think this was the 3rd time right?
- When Codron catches up to Team Daryl at the broken car, it was just a little too perfect how Laurent’s comment made the man spare them all. Surely he would have popped Daryl at the very least for killing his brother?
- How is Daryl able to resist Isabelle and the chemistry between them?
Season | Episode | Episode Name | Score |
Season 1 | 1 | Deux Amours | 90 |
Season 1 | 2 | Alouette | 75 |
Season 1 | 3 | Paris Sera Toujours Paris | 70 |
Season 1 | 4 | La Dame de Fer | 86 |
Season 1 | 5 | Deux Amours | 100 |
Season 1 | 6 | Coming Home | 100 |