I love these Emergency Laceration Closures. They are quick and easy to use for cuts that would otherwise require stitches. The first time I used one was to close a wound on one of my kids that would have otherwise required stitches. It saved me a trip to the ER. That was important because we were in Mexico when he sliced his leg open with a fishing knife. I really didn’t want to leave the resort if we didn’t have to. Not because I didn’t want to take time off from the beach and water – but because the place was gated and had trucks with machine guns around it. Leaving the perceived security of the resort to visit a local hospital didn’t seem like a great idea. I’m sure their docs are awesome, but my med kit saved us a huge hassle. We did take him to a doctor when we get back to the states. The doc gave it a thumbs up and and we went home.
Obviously these aren’t going to help if you have a really big or deep wound. Or one that is spraying arterial blood. But…they can save the day for tons of other more minor lacerations and that is perfect for camping, hunting, and travel.
Post disaster these Emergency Laceration Closures will be even more important. There won’t be any hospitals to go to when you get cut. That makes them a critical part of your Medical Kit!
You never know when your going to need medical supplies, so I usually keep my med gear duplicated. One attached to my Tactical Vest, and another in my vehicle.
Be Prepared. Survive.
Emergency Laceration Closures Scoring
These Emergency Laceration Closures can have a High Impact on your survival and score 603/1000 on the survival scale.
- 3 Clozex Closures: 3/4″ (20mm), 1 1/8″ (30mm), 1 1/2″ (40mm).
- Clozex Closures are a non-invasive, painless, alternative to stitches for the treatment of small cuts and lacerations.
- Be prepared when accidents happen – anywhere.
- Adhesive based, topical skin closure that does NOT puncture the skin.
- Developed for medical professionals for use in surgery, emergency room and urgent care centers.
- When an ER is not accessible, Clozex is a great alternative that offers immediate and durable wound closure at a fraction of the cost.
First Aid Survival Gear

- 0 to 199 Lower Impact
- Lower Impact items may not have a direct impact on physical survival but play a part in psychological or quality of life when it comes to survival.
- 200 to 499 Moderate Impact
- Moderate Impact items can save your life, but may be more situational.
- 500 to 899 High Impact
- High Impact items will not only save your life, but will have a large impact on everyday life. Without these items your odds of survival fall.
- 900 to 1000 Extreme Impact
- Extreme Impact items are life and death. Without them you are dead. That death may be slow or fast, but you will die without them.
See the one thousand items of Survival Gear you need to survive the Apocalypse!