Tell It to the Frogs opens with Merle on the roof, rambling, nearly delirious, remembering time he spent in the stockade. The reality of his situation has set in. All the noise Merle is making brings the walkers up to the doorway. The only thing holding them back is the chain T-Dog secured the door with.

The more noise Merle makes, the harder the walkers push to get get through, but as Merle climbs under the pipes, trying to hide, he sees the tools that T-Dog dropped as he fled. Merle takes off his belt to try to reach the tool which is just out of his reach.
Back in the box van Morales tells Rick not to feel bad. No one is going to miss Merle, except for maybe his brother Daryl. This is the first time we get introduced to Daryl. Daryl is one of the all time best characters in the series. Comment below if you disagree!

As Rick steers the box van back to camp Glenn flies by, the alarm still going off, whooping in joy as he drives the Charger.
Back in camp Lori, Carl, and Shane are sitting in a circle. Lori is cutting Carl’s hair as Shane cleans a firearm, telling Carl he’s going to teach him how to catch frogs.
Glenn shows up first, the car alarm still going off. Shane is angry. Glenn just rang the dinner bell all the way back to their camp!
Andrea is the first one out of the truck. Her sister Amy runs and gives her a hug, relieved her sister made it out alive.

Morales and his family are next and there are hugs all around as the scavengers celebrate making it back to camp. Shane asks how they got out, the last thing he heard on the radio was that they were surrounded and in trouble. Glenn tells Shane the new guy got them out. Morales call out to “Hey, helicopter boy!” and Rick comes walking into frame. I think the look on Shane’s face says just about everything we need to know.

Rick Is Back
Rick and Shane stare at each other but then Rick sees Lori and Carl just behind him and the world narrows down. For Rick, all he sees is his family. The other survivors are in shock, not expecting the newcomer to have ties to their band. Rick clutches Carl to his chest, both of them crying as he carries his son towards Lori.

Lori’s initial reaction appears to be fear? Or maybe guilt? Guilt that she’s already jumped into bed with her not long dead husbands patrol partner? Rick and Lori were having issues before the apocalypse started. Maybe it started before the walkers started biting?
Lori recovers and hugs Rick, but her face is still more shock than joy. She looks over at Shane who just nods quietly, not knowing what to say or do. Is Lori crying tears of relief? Or are they guilt and surprise?
In the next scene its night and Rick is sitting around the fire with his family and the other survivors, telling them what it was like to wake up in their new world.

The worst part is when Rick is thanking Shane for taking care of his family while he wasn’t there. Clearly Rick doesn’t realize just how much “taking care” of his wife Shane was doing.
We are then introduced to Ed, Carol, and Sophia Peletier. Ed built the fire up too high, and Shane makes him pull some wood off the fire so they can’t be seen. Or more correctly, Shane tells him to do it, and Ed makes his wife Carol do it.
Back at the fire the scavengers are discussing what to do about Daryl. Who is going to tell Daryl they left Merle behind? Dale warns them that when Daryl gets back its going to be a rough conversation. This is when T-Dog tells them he chained the door shut and Merle is probably still alive.
Rick puts Carl to bed before going to Lori, kissing her before lying down behind her.

Lori still looks more shocked than happy that Rick survived. This really annoys me. As they lay there Rick tells her he knew he’d find her. That he knew she was alive the moment he went to their house and saw that pictures and family albums were gone. Lori tells him she really didn’t think she’d ever see him again, and apologizes, telling him she wants to take back the anger and the mistakes. Rick tells her its okay, they got a second chance, which not many people get. We then find out the ring on her necklace is Rick’s wedding band, and she asks if he wants it back. Lori turns out the lantern, leading Rick to look over at Carl. Lori tell him Carl won’t wake up, which really creeped me out even further. How many times has she banged Shane with her son a few feet away? How else could she be so sure? It’s not like Rick was gone for year! How long could Rick possibly have been gone at this point? Two weeks? Three weeks? And she’s already jumped right into bed with Shane?
Outside, Shane is standing watch, but he’s really just watching Lori’s tent, knowing what’s likely going on.
When Rick gets up the camp is already in full gear. Carol has washed Rick’s clothing while Dale and team are stripping the Charger for parts, much to Glen’s dismay. Rick and Lori are discussing if it makes sense to go back for Merle when Carl starts screaming. There is a walker just outside camp, eating a deer that had been wounded by a hunter.

Rick and the others then go to town on the walker, beating it to death before Dale takes its head off with an axe.
We then get introduced to Daryl Dixon in the flesh for the first time!

Daryl is pissed that the walker got his deer and proceeds to kick the walker a few times. He is raw and hot headed, but he’s brought back some squirrel to eat, so he does put food on the table.
Where Is Merle?
As Daryl is calling for Merle to help him process his game, Shane tells him he needs to tell him something, which is when Rick steps up and just lays it out. Merle was a danger to them all and he handcuffed him to a roof. Daryl is not happy to say the least. He goes to take a swing at Rick but Shane stops him, putting him in a headlock which Daryl reminds him is illegal.
After Daryl calms down Rick agrees to go back to help Daryl save his brother. Shane doesn’t understand why Rick would go back for Merle. Rick twists Glenn’s arm to help. Glenn knows the way and has been in and out in the past. Shane is against anyone going, but Rick convinces Shane it’s worth it if they can get the guns Rick left behind.
Things get more emotional as Lori and Carl beg him not to, but Rick needs the bag not just for the guns, but for the walkie talkie he promised Morgan he’d connect on. Rick wants to warn Morgan that Atlanta isn’t safe.
Rick’s last stop is Dale’s RV where he bargains for a set of bolt cutters before heading out. As Rick is leaving Shane gives Rick his last 4 four rounds for Rick’s Colt Python.
Rescue Team
As Merle’s rescue team decides on their best course of action Andrea, Amy, Carol and Jacqui are scrubbing clothes, discussing the things they miss from the old days. Jacqui misses her coffee maker while Andrea and Carol miss their vibrators, which makes them all start laughing. Not far away the laughter draws Ed’s attention. Ed tells Carol to do her work and basically shut up, they aren’t in a comedy club. Andrea confronts Ed and things start to get ugly. Ed is completely willing to hit Andrea. Shane stops him. Violently. Shane is taking out his anger on the abusive husband.
Back in the main camp Lori is looking for Carl, which brings her down to the water to confront Shane.

Lori is pissed and tells Shane to stay away from her, Carl, and her family. Shane is the one who told her that Rick was dead, and that somehow makes it all Shane’s fault that she started to bang her dead husband’s partner before the body was even cold? I get it, she thought Rick was dead and she needed emotional support, but still, she has to take some responsibility right?
As the drama is unfolding in the quarry Merle’s rescue team is making it to the roof of the department store in Atlanta which leads to one of the huge cliffhangers that won’t be resoled for multiple seasons.
Merle is gone, or at least most of Merle is gone. The only thing left on the roof is the hacksaw and his hand.

Tell It to the Frogs Scoring
Tell It to the Frogs scored a 95/100, making it Worth Your Time. It was a strong, emotional filled episode with lots of revelations, but it only had a few scenes with walkers in it, which cost it a few points. Still, what other series is averaging a 98.3 in its first three episodes?
Season | Episode | Episode Name | Score |
1 | 1 | Days Gone Bye | 100 |
1 | 2 | Guts | 100 |
1 | 3 | Tell It To The Frogs | 95 |
1 | 4 | Vatos | 94 |
1 | 5 | Wildfire | 95 |
1 | 6 | TS-19 | 99 |
2 | 1 | What Lies Ahead | 95 |
2 | 2 | Bloodletting | 91 |
2 | 3 | Save The Last One | 83 |
2 | 4 | Cherokee Rose | 94 |
2 | 5 | Chupacabra | 97 |
2 | 6 | Secrets | 85 |
2 | 7 | Pretty Much Dead Already | 100 |
2 | 8 | Nebraska | 88 |
2 | 9 | Triggerfinger | 76 |
2 | 10 | Miles Out | 90 |
2 | 11 | Judge, Jury, Executioner | 70 |
2 | 12 | Better Angels | 75 |
2 | 13 | Beside the Dying Fire | 100 |