A human foot, apparently female, was found by a fisherman at the jersey shore. The smallish, size 5 1/2 shoe had painted nails.
I hope the foot doesn’t belong to a kid.
Its clearly a 3 out of 5 on any normal scale, but on the apocalypse movie scale The Day is definitely a 4 out of 5.
The Day starts out with a small group of survivors walking down the road. One of them is sick and is having trouble keeping up. The hapless group of survivors finds a house in the middle of nowhere.
The house becomes the centerpiece for the rest of the story. Up until now we have seen a few flashbacks, but don’t really know who the “bad” guys are. We very shortly find out. (I won’t ruin it.)
Needless to say I enjoyed the movie. It was well acted and the action was non stop. I highly recommend.
This isn’t a sophisticated movie. It is fun, funny, and a bit corny. If you can roll with that, you will love this flick.
It just makes me so sad, and mad.
I have a buddy who says that if you are too dumb to get an education then you deserve your minimum payment job. It’s almost unbelievable how someone so smart can be so easily sucked into such thinking by those reaping huge profits off the outcome of the decision.
The question I can never seem to get answered by him is what if there is no living wage for any of those workers? So every quicky mart, Walmart and fast food place shuts down? I’m not saying pay them 200k a year. I’m must saying they should be able to live, not high on the hog, but live.
The next argument I get is that they shouldn’t have had 3 kids then. Granted, I agree with that, but are you going to punish the child for the sins of their parents and take away food assistance? (like the congress just did, while passing a huge farm agro bill – such a slap in the face)
Remember, when you see Walmart and other companies making huge profits, they did it using tax dollars. Our taxes paid for the roads that all their goods roll on. Our taxes paid for the port security that the ships came in on, and worst of all, our tax dollars are filling in the gaps in what Walmart pays its workers in the form of assistance and food stamps.
If you really want to get people off the government support systems, force companies like Walmart to pay their workers a living wage so they don’t have to use government assistance to live.
When does a company have enough money? I say now. Tax corporations and force them to pay their fair share.
If you haven’t already watched the first two seasons its time now. Season three is just kicking off. Go watch Season 1 & Season 2
. They are well worth watching again. The episode kicks off with one of the sheriff’s deputies by the evil druid (who we see for the first time as well). At school Scott is trying to make friends with one of the twins while Lydia is trying to get in the other twins pants. But Lydia’s make out session gets interrupted when Derek’s sister attacks.
Somehow back at the Argent’s Allison has jumped to the conclusion that her dad might be the dark druid. He does have the map, and now the knot table, but it still seems like a jump of logic. Which is shortly proven to be correct when Mr. Argent tries to fill the Darach with lead.
Oh no!!! The Darach is going after teachers, and Derek’s lady love is standing out all by her lonesome.
While all this is going on Stile’s is desperately trying to get his dad to believe in the supernatural, but he old Sheriff is just too solidly grounded in reality to believe what his son is saying, no matter how much Stiles tries to convince him. But then the Sheriff makes a strange request to Scott’s mom and he realizes that years ago someone else was killed in a very familiar way. (I’m not sure if the victim was his wife?)
Holy crap, Derek’s hot teacher just hit Lydia with a baseball bat. What the hell? Is she the Darach? Wow, when Lydia screams the Darach tells us what Lydia really is. Apparently she’s a “Banshee” which I’ms sure we will get more detail on later.
The Darach/Hot Teacher gets interrupted by the Sheriff just in time to safe Lydia, and he sees Scott wolf out. Scott charges but gets hit so hard in the chest he vomits some blood. The Darach is apparently quite strong.
The episode ends on a cliff hanger. We aren’t sure how bad Sheriff Stilinski is hurt or if he’s even alive.
Things I loved about this episode…
Things that I didn’t like about this episode…