I love this song (Little Talks) by Of Monsters and Men.
It gets me right the feels every time.
Had no idea what the singers looked like, was interesting versus what I had in my head.
They make great music.
I love this song (Little Talks) by Of Monsters and Men.
It gets me right the feels every time.
Had no idea what the singers looked like, was interesting versus what I had in my head.
They make great music.
While I’ve been able to find some brass around me recently its actually been harder to find 12 gauge slugs and buck in any quantity.
After a few discussions at the range and some quick online searches I turned to Bulkammo.com.
I purchased four cases of ammunition.
1 case Federal Low Recoil Rifled slugs:
1 case of Rio Royal Buck 00 Buck shot:
and finally, 2 cases of NobelSport – 1 1/8 ounce #7 1/2 shot:
I live in Jersey, which has some old fashioned gun and ammunition laws, but buying from Bulkammo.com was quick and easy. I paid for my items, uploaded a scanned image of my firearms card, and it was done.
The one thing I added to my purchase was the “overbox” option, as they were going to be leaving some stuff on my porch. I was cheap, and it gave me the peace of mind knowing that anyone driving buy wouldn’t see four cases of ammo if they happened to pull up.
Within four days I had my ammo, no muss, no fuss.
Will definitely be buying from Bulkammo.com again.
The Molot VEPR looks really sweet and I like the idea of having a spare clip to quickly swap out, but the honest truth is that for the price, I’ll stick with my Remington 870 Tactical with holds almost the same number of rounds as two of these clips.
I know I am comparing apples to oranges, but the semi auto Molot VEPR is a lot heavier and more expensive, which to me cancels out the fact it is semi auto. I can pump and fire pretty damn quick when I’m motivated. (Like when I have a zombie horde around me.
If you haven’t already watched the first two seasons its time now. Season three is just kicking off. Go watch Season 1 & Season 2
. They are well worth watching again.
Episode 5 starts with a fun bus ride full of quiet tension as the cross country team travels to a match. Styles is his usual self, but Scott doesn’t really want to talk about what is going on.
Apparently this is one of those “in-reverse” episodes, which made the start a little hard to follow.
The boys are all on the bus, but Scott and the team apparently got into a brawl with the Alpha’s, and Allison is following the bus because of something she saw during the fight.
During the flashbacks we find out that the head Alpha lives next to the Argents and during the ambush, it looks like Derek may have eaten it after a long fall.
On the bus, Scott has no choice but to intervene before Boyd can attack any of the Alphas on the bus. He keeps Boyd from losing it, but he may have used up too much of his strength. While this is going on Styles notices that Ethan (a bad wolf) keeps checking his phone and gets Danny who’s sitting next to him to do some recon.
Back at the Dr Deacon’s shop the Alpha’s bring thier wounded to him, and it very clear they are very wary of him. I’m not sure what powers he has, but I can’t wait to find out.
After Stiles makes the puker spout a little, Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Stiles end up in a rest stop bathroom working on stitching Scott’s wounds up. He doesn’t seem to be healing, and Allison is freaking out that Scott is hurting so badly. She ends up stitching him up like Frankenstein, but it appears to help him “believe” he should be healing.
After getting stitched up Scott heads out to find that Isaac is beating the crap out of one of the Alphas. He ends up using his command voice and halts the action. Is this Scott turning into an Alpha?
Back at Dr. Deaton’s the head Alpha ends up killing his wounded soldier. I don’t get why they brought the wounded dude in, only to have the Alpha kill him?
When we finally get to the fight the Alphas mop the good guys up without too much effort. The head Alpha is about to make Derek kill one of his own when Allison shows up and kicks some ass of her own. (and looks good doing it.)
The last scene of the episode is Derek putting his bloody hand on the hot teacher’s window. I guess it is her turn to save him now.
Things I loved about this episode…
Things that I didn’t like about this episode…