Look, I don’t think I’d ever let my attractive thirteen year old daughter go anywhere with two twenty year old men, but it has nothing to do with race.
So while I completely understand why the cops stopped and asked a few questions, once they talked to the parents and the kids, I think they went way overboard. If the girl said she was okay, and the parents were okay with it, then I can’t see why the cops did anything else other than scratch their heads.
If you are looking for an awesomely compact and smooth shooting pistol, go out and buy yourself a CZ 75. It’s a great shooting pistol and the finish is top notch.
The only thing I did after putting a few hundred rounds through mine was to replace the guide rod.
The stock guide rod uses a flat wire spring and a poly rod. The rod itself if a bit flexible and the “nub” at the end (red circle below) that seats into the barrel feels weak, and I suspect it would be the first point of failure with long term use. After less than a thousand rounds the nub was already a bit flattened and worn.
When assembled, you can see the poly rod at the tip of the weapon.
So, after a few cycles of firing, cleaning, and assembly, I purchased the steel guide rod and a new 14lb spring to replace the flat wire spring from the factory.
The steel rod will obviously not flex like the poly rod, and the steel nub on the end of the rod that sits in the barrel should last the life of the gun under most circumstances.
Plus, it looks so much better to me with the steel rod versus the poly.
She seems like a very sweet girl if I met her on the street, and heck, maybe she is. I hope this doesn’t bite her in the butt in five, ten, or fifteen years.
Episodee eight, Too Far Gone starts right off with the Governor pitching his plan to overtake the prison. He’s already got Hershel & Michonne, and he plans on trying to ransom them.
The Governor’s new girl, Lilly, doesn’t want him to do anything to try and take the prison, but he won’t listen. All he can see is his new little girl, and he will do anything to keep her safe.
Back in the prison Glenn and Maggie re unite while Rick and Daryl have it out over Carol. Daryl is mad that Rick kicked Carol out, but seems way more okay with it than I thought. Rick & Daryl go to tell Tyrese that some form of justice has been done.
When they find Tyrese they discover that he’s found a board with an animal nailed to it. Tyrese thinks it must be the same person who killed his two family members, and Rick tells him he doesn’t think so. Apparently they have someone with a serious mental defect in the prison.
Rick is just about to tell Tyrese about carol when the Governor uses his tank to knock on the front door of the prison. Oh crap, they have a tank!
Back at the river, Lilly let’s her kid play a few hundred feet from her and of course the kid ends up getting bit. How do you not keep your frickin kids close to you during the zombie apocalypse?
I can’t believe they killed Hershel! I loved that old man. He brought such a sense of peace when everything was upside down. I guess there is no presents now:
Things I loved about this episode…
The Governor’s bullsh*t motivation speech to his people. It was wrong, but it was good.
The look on Hershel’s face when the Governor tells him he’s willing to kill Maggie and Beth because they aren’t his daughters. It was a pained, it hurt to watch. Hershel is such a good actor.
Maggie and Glenn re uniting after he wakes up. I’m so glad he made it.
Daryl telling Carl not to shoot. Daryl is always a rock to rely on.
The bus pulls away. “We’ll figure it out.”
Little kid militia. That was so awesome and wrong at the same time.
Michonne saving Rick from the Governor. Way to go ninja girl.
Daryl takes out a tank with a grenade, you awesome man you!
Things that I didn’t like about this episode…
Lilly acting like she doesn’t want what the Governor is preaching. If you were a mom afraid for you kid, don’t you think you’d be eating that up?
Why is Megan a hundred meters from everyone else? Don’t these people learn? There is a one meter rule when zombies are walking when it comes to your kids.
Hershel gets his head cut off! Come on, we love Hershel, he can’t die.
Michonne letting the Governor on the ground in pain. Take his head off. (But at least Lilly finished him off.)
Thank you to my buddy Don for taking me out to his club to shoot Sporting Clays. It was my first time, and while my score was bad, I had a ton of fun doing it. It was a cold but beautiful day, and the walk through the woods was nice.
Then there was the shooting. I accidentally grabbed my son’s gun when I packed up this morning, and that hurt me a bit in accuracy I think. Its an 870 Supermag, while I have the regular 870. His is two inches longer and just a bit heavier than mine. (I’ll blame that on at least a few points.)
Then of course there is the pump versus semi auto and or over unders, which I was competing against. Having to pump definitely makes it harder, but I think I’ll stay with my 870. It makes it a bit harder, but I think the challenge is good in the long run. I can’t wait to get back out there now!