Now that our gun club has opened its ranges (while enforcing social distancing and masks) we can go back out and work on our shooting skills again.
My youngest son and I went out yesterday and took our Model 64 S&W, Glock 23, and M&P 22. One of the things I always find interesting is how people just naturally gravitate to the wheel guns. Both other weapons we took us were semi autos, so they should eat ammo faster, but with 100 rounds for each gun, we ran out of ammo for the wheel gun first. This seems to happen every time, which should tell you how enjoyable it is to shoot revolvers. There are a ton of reasons that semi autos are better for carry and survival, but enjoying the experience matters too.
After we warmed up a little we put up fresh targets at 5 meters, and put 1cm Orange dots on our targets.
I was shooting the Glock 23, and hit the mark on my last shot of a 10 round clip. This was a huge moment for me, as I’d bought the Glock 23 before going through back surgery, and its basically sat in my gun safe for the last couple years. I’ d only taken it out a few times, but was never able to get it to feel right in my hand. So being able to adjust and figure out its sights was a big deal. Up until this, I was actually thinking of selling it. I guess I’ll keep it now. I just need to get an extended magazine that I can put a grip extension on. I’ve got big hands and the Glock 23 just feels too small because the palm of my hand hangs off the bottom of the pistol

My youngest son did equally as well. He was using the Model 64 S&W and hit his target on his second shot. Don’t ask where the first one went because it wasn’t within the new target. I told him we could tell people it was his first shot – but the truth is out!!!

It was a good day, the only downside at all was I ran to my local Super Store Gunmart and found the aisles to be picked over. Apparently Covid-19 and the recent social unrest has created a huge demand for weapons and ammo.
Smith & Wesson Model 64 Shooting Log
Date | Rounds Fired | Comment |
8/14/2021 | 200 | The wheel guns are just so much fun to shoot. |
09/06/2020 | 100 | I got to compare my new M586 to my M64 for the first time today. |
7/12/2020 | 100 | Relaxing day at the range with my youngest son. |
7/6/2020 | 100 | Had the range all to myself!!! |
6/27/2020 | 100 | Every time we go shooting the wheel gun is always the one we run out of ammo for. |
6/13/2020 | 100 | First outing of 2020. |
10/07/2016 | 150 | This really is one of my favorites. Pulling back the hammer forces me to pause - which usually helps my aim. |
09/04/2015 | 50 | Just a quick outing to start off our weekend. |
05/09/2015 | 150 | The .38 is clearly a fun gun to shoot. Everyone was waiting to shoot it and I only brought three boxes of ammo for it - and they went quick. |
04/26/2015 | 100 | Everyone loves the semi autos but for some reason they always keep reaching for the wheel gun too. There is just something about pulling back the hammer and firing with a good wheel gun. |
04/25/2015 | 100 | My son wanted to shoot the revolver so I took him out to the club. He had a ball. |
03/28/2015 | 200 | My brother went through all my 38 ammo! But it was worth it, he was hitting the target much better with the revolver. I don't think he likes the sites on my CZ or Glock. |
02/08/2015 | 100 | My first rounds with my new to me S&W Model 64. |
Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Shooting Log
Date | Rounds Fired | Comment |
11/21/2020 | 100 | The M&P 22 is just a joy to shoot, which is why it gets fed on a frequent basis. |
10/31/2020 | 200 | Our family friend really enjoyed the manageable kick the 22LR has. My son liked how he could group hits in rapid fire mode. |
10/24/2020 | 100 | After shooting the 40 Caliber G23, this feels like a toy, but it is fun to shoot. |
09/06/2020 | 100 | More bulls eyes with my .22 nail driver. |
7/12/2020 | 320 | Relaxing day at the range with my youngest son. |
6/27/2020 | 100 | Cheap, fun shooting. |
6/14/2020 | 100 | First outing of 2020. |
10/07/2016 | 250 | It's been a while since the .22 came out of the safe. What more could you want than cheap and fun shooting. |
03/28/2015 | 300 | |
02/08/2015 | 300 |
Glock Model 23 Shooting Log
Date | Rounds Fired | Comment |
8/14/2021 | 50 | Still not sure if I like this Glock. It doesn't point naturally and it always takes two clips to get on target. |
11/21/2020 | 50 | The Glock 23 is a great little semi auto that is slowly growing on me. |
10/31/2020 | 100 | My son and I took turns with the Glock 23 today. He really liked the Glock, so I might need to do a paternity test. |
10/24/2020 | 100 | I'm not a huge Glock fan, but this G23 is slowly growing on me. |
09/06/2020 | 100 | Spent a little bit of time at the range on this beautiful Labor Day Weekend. |
7/6/2020 | 100 | Had the range all to myself!!! |
6/27/2020 | 100 | After figuring out how to sight with this it was fun to shoot. |
10/07/2016 | 50 | The thing I'm starting to love about this Glock is how clean it shoots - and how easy it is to clean - because it doesn't seem to get that dirty. |
09/04/2015 | 50 | Just a quick outing to start off our weekend. |
05/09/2015 | 150 | My youngest was funny when he was shooting this . I don't really feel the difference between the .40 and the 9mm, but he said he can really tell the difference. |
04/26/2015 | 100 | My buddy is going through a divorce and needed some cash. So I got a very nice gun that had barely any rounds down the barrel for half the retail price. |