Resident Evil The Light has Jade attempting a dangerous escape through the Chunnel. She is leading a small group of survivors in an attempt to escape Umbrella’s wrath.
Resident Evil
The story telling continues to jump back and forth between the current timeline and the backstory. They should have just concentrated on the current timeline with Jade running from Richard Baxter, played by Turlough Convery. Yes, I kind of recognized him but couldn’t place it until I looked at his IMDB page and realized I knew him from Killing Eve.
With Baxter hot on her heels, Jade is forced to make a risky escape through the Chunnel, only to have Baxter follow her there anyway. Of course Umbrella isn’t the only dangerous thing in the Chunnel and there are some nice action scenes as everyone ends up fighting for their survival.
I Hate Spiders
Compared to The Devil You Know, The Light picked up and felt much faster paced. There are multiple combat scenes and a few good moments of suspense. I still don’t like jumping back and forth between timelines. It seems overused and I think I’d actually like the episode more if I could just watch the “current timeline” version. Yes, I love Lance Reddick as Albert Wesker. Actually, I love almost every role he’s ever had. From The Wire to John Wick, how can you not appreciate the subtle intensity that Lance brings to every role he plays?
But…I just want to see the story progression when Jade is surviving in the Zombie infested wastelands. I would even be happy if they just limited the flashbacks to a very short clip explaining why something is the way it is. I don’t need a whole other storyline to explain the past.
Scoring Resident Evil The Light
Okay, rant over. I’m giving The Light a 77/100 as I felt like it was back on track after a slower Episode 2. There was more and better action and I happily watched it twice to make sure I didn’t miss any small details.
Resident Evil The Devil You Know picks up right where Welcome to New Raccoon City left off. Jade has jumped off the wall to escape Umbrella Corp and only lives because the soldiers give her some cover and she’s lucky enough to be in the way of others trying to escape the Umbrella Corp cleansing that is about to go down.
Back in the past Jade’s father is dealing with the fallout from his daughters breaking into his lab, all while Billie is starting to exhibit some alarming symptoms. This is about where the episode loses some steam. The political drama and relationship drama is fine, but Resident Evil should be a show that focuses on surviving the Zombies, not surviving the big evil corporation. I’m here to suspend my belief, not relive our universal truth.
Basically the last thirty minutes of the episode is what I’d describe as story building. It was okay, and I know its a television show, but it just didn’t hold my attention like I wanted.
The whole present time versus past time method of creating media is burnt out in my opinion. It was novel, but now it seems like its a useful tool that just gets used too much. What the story teller is trying to say here is clear. A few brief flashbacks would have told the story and kept things much tighter. Instead we are basically watching two different shows that clearly have a link, but one where the present day story is just so much more compelling. That divide hurts the show because I really just want to know what Jade is doing in the here and now, and unless some major revelation comes out of the flashbacks I’m going to say all that time watching it was a waste.
Scoring Resident Evil The Devil You Know
The Devil You Know dropped to a 45/100. The opening was awesome, but the rest of the episode once we fell back to the past was very predictable and just not captivating enough.
The new Resident Evil television series kicks off with “Welcome to New Raccoon City”.
Resident Evil
The story uses the familiar dual storyline method, showing us today, and yesterday in spurts. Meanwhile the pattern of showing the past and present becomes a norm moving forward. The flashbacks show Jade and Billie Wesker have moving to New Raccoon City. Their father, Albert Wesker, played by the wonderful Lance Reddick has pull. Clearly he is a valued member of the Umbrella team. Obviously this makes me wonder who is more loyal to. His girls, or his employer.
In the current timeline Jade is thirty years old and researching the Zombies at great person risk. Evidently Jade will sacrifice time with her child to save the world.
This leads to the best action scene (for me) in “Welcome to New Raccoon City”.
Jade is working on her research when she accidentally cuts herself. The blood drives the infected mad. They swarm, searching for the source of the blood. The scene is awesome. I’m hoping it sets the tone for the rest of the season.
Jade barely escapes. In the process she runs into a group of scavengers. The scavengers give us new insight into Jade. She is a fugitive, and Umbrella is willing to pay to find her. Which is of course when we jump back to the other timeline. Just when it was getting good we flash back to the past. Jade and Billie want to know what their father is doing. To find out they break into Alberts lab. Even with the infected everywhere and the remaining population living in walled cities, teenage girls will get upset by animal testing. There is of course a rule that if you have dangerous pathogens in a lab, the security is crappy enough that a few teen girls can get in with nothing but a badge and some audio of their father who works there.
What the girls don’t know can absolutely hurt them. Albert takes blood samples from the girls. They think he is monitoring their health. Surprisingly, what Albert really does is inject their blood into himself. Is he infected? I guess I’ll have to keep watching to find out.
This of course brings us to the episode cliffhanger. Jade has limited choices. Jade has two choices. Be captured or dive into a swarm of the undead. With little real choice, she dives into the infected zone.
Thus ends the episode. How will Jade survive? What happened to Billie after being bitten by the dog?
Scoring Resident Evil Welcome to New Raccoon City
Firstly, this was a a great start to the season. Because of this, Welcome to New Raccoon City earned itself an 80/100, making it worth your time. The writing and dialogue is good and the special effects are top notch so far. The story itself is fairly boilerplate for the moment, but I’m hoping there are some twists and turns in the coming episodes.
Blaine’s World begins with Blaine and Julien in a panic. They are trying to find the brains that Major stole. Blaine has already sold the brains for a lot of money. They need to find them.
Major Cold Spell
Julien has searched everywhere he can think of, but he can’t find the brains. Major’s not helping either, he’s not in a talking mood. He knows if he tells them he gave them to Liv to test, she will be in danger. He’d rather freeze to death than put Liv in danger.
While Major is freezing, Liv, Clive, and Ravi are at the MEs office. They’ve got Miss Giovanni on their table. Miss Giovanni didn’t survive the beat down. Liv does her thing, making a Giovanni sandwich.
As Liv is eating, Ravi has made more progress. Their second Zombie Rat has turned Normal Rat, but they only have one dose. Ravi doesn’t have enough ingredients to make more. As Liv and Ravi are discussing the cure, Liv get’s a vision. A lot of puzzle pieces fall into place.
Assassin Zombie had saved the video proof of Zombie life. When the kids hit him with their car, they took his wallet, and the memory card inside it. Now Max Rager Corp needs to cover their tracks. It doesn’t matter how many people they kill, or die from the Zombie Virus.
We then cut to the CEO of Max Rager, Vaughn Du Clark, recruiting a new chief scientist. The last one got a little too close to an angry and hungry Zombie.
As Vaughn Du Clark is ending his interview, Liv and Clive shows up. This is perfect timing as Max Rager’s new chief scientist wants to see a Zombie in action. He knows that Liv isn’t human.
Back in the freezer, Blaine promises Major that he’s going to keep him just cold enough to suffer. He won’t let Major die. Blaine wants to know where his Astronaut Brains are, and he’s willing to torture Major to get the information.
Out in the wild, Max Rager’s team has bought the thumb drive. The only surviving teen was smart enough to pay a hobo to watch his car though. It saves his life when he gets waved off a minute before his car goes boom!
The kids thinks he made it out with the bag of money but when he starts to paw through it, he finds out that he’s not the only smart one. The Max Rager agents have put a tracker in the cash.
Cash Tracker
So if they were going to blow up the car with the money, why not just put some explosives in the bag too?
As the surviving kid tries to flee, he’s picked up by the police and ends up in the police interrogation room with Liv and Clive. The kid wants a deal, to be tried as a minor, but Clive has other ideas. The kid can cooperate or they will let him go so he can take his chances on the street, and the kid is smart enough to know he’s dead once he leaves the police station.
When Ravi gets home he calls Liv because Major hasn’t come home. Liv decides she has to lie to Major about the brains he gave her. She tells him they are Monkey Brains, but by texting Major she lets Blaine know exactly where his products are. Liv does the only thing she can, and agrees to exchange Major for the brains.
Liv, being the trusting soul that she is, hands over the brains before she confirms that they actually gave her Major. While Liv is being tricked, Major is setting a blaze in the freezer with the lighter he found on the dead kid, and affects an escape.
This gives him enough time to go back to his vehicle and get strapped, which includes a grenade. Major is in the mood to even a few scores.
Majorly Pissed Off
This leads to Major kicking some ass. Blaine has just lost four employees, and returns with Julien just as Major is completing his work on the first four. Julien ends up in the freezer with a grenade, but before Major can take care of Blaine, he gets a knife to get guts.
Blaine leaves Major to bleed out when Liv walks into the front of the Butcher Shop and puts a bullet in Blaine, thinking that Major is already dead. Blaine is rubbing his power into Liv’s nose when she stabs him with the dose of the cure she was going to give herself.
Human Again
Blaine flees, human again, while Liv looks at Major who is about to die, and does the only thing she can think of to save him, and scratches him.
Liv takes Major back to her apartment and tries to explain why she did what she did. Major isn’t exactly happy that she turned him. Liv is hoping they can be together as they are both Zombies, but Major is hurt and angry. Liv has done nothing but lie to him, and even allowed let him admit himself to a Psyche ward rather than tell him the truth.
While Liv is getting her soul crushed, Suzuki has realized that without the butcher shop he doesn’t have a source of food, and blows himself, and the shop up just as Liv’s brother is arriving for his first day of work.
After the police show up Clive realizes that everything isn’t quite what it seems, and even though Suzuki set it up to look like he went down with a fight, Clive has some intuition that Major was involved.
Blaine’s World ends on a heartbreaking note. Liv’s brother is in surgery with multiple shrapnel wounds and lots of blood loss.
Brother Down
The doctors need blood, and Liv is a potential downer. The screen goes dark as Liv is telling her mother no, she can’t give her brother blood, but she also can’t tell them the real reason.
The Season 1 finale has some great action when Major goes on the attack and rapped up a lot of storylines in a very satisfactory manner. I’m going to give Blaine’s World an 80/100 making it Worth Your Time. If you have someone in your life who isn’t a zombie fan, but does like murder mystery shows, this is a must watch that you will both enjoy.
Confused from being turned, and wounded from the blades of the boat hitting him, the assassin stumbled onto the road and directly into the path of a group of young men and women who are driving a stolen car.
Zombie Road Kill – Kind Of
Zombie Assassin
Things go about as you would expect. The kids can’t report the accident because their victim is dead, so they bury him in the woods. Of course our Assassin isn’t dead, he’s just stunned, and he wakes up just in time to snag the cheerleader, Kimber, before she can escape.
A few weeks later Liv and Ravi get pulled in when Rufus the pooch finds a body part in the woods.
Rufus Has His Foot In HIs Mouth
Back in the MEs office Liv gets a punch in the gut when Ravi finds his Zombie survivor rat “Hope” dead in her cage. The possible cure isn’t quite as close as they thought it was.
With Kimber’s cheerleader brains on board, Liv has turned into a teen. Clive has pulled in one of the victims friends, and Liv totally bonds with her, getting her to spill and play a voicemail Kimber left for her. This leads Clive and Liv to the three surviving youths who hit the Assassin Zombie. The kids are in a band, and rent out a storage space to jam.
Back at the station Clive has watched the security footage from the storage facility, and figured out that the kids could have been in the stolen car they see leaving, leading them back to the storage unit.
Brains Pizza
Unfortunately, someone else has already been there, and there is another body. At least we get to see what Pizza with Brains looks like.
Brains With Pizza or Pizza With Brains
Back at home, Ravi asks Major for some dating advice, which leads to one of the best exchanges of the episode. Major’s humor and attitude are awesome, and I just love the way he thinks.
When Major leaves Ravi, he goes out to buy weapons, and ends up buying a grenade as well. What could go wrong?
With two members of the foursome involved with the motor vehicle accident with the Assassin Zombie, Miss Giovanni, the dark haired goth girl comes to the station. She is convinced she’s going to be next. The story she tells seems unbelievable, at least to Clive. How could they bury someone and have that person climb out of a grave?
Before Clive and Liv can track down the Assassin Zombie, he tracks down Liv, pissed that he ate is grandmother, and he blames Liv for making him whatever he is. Peyton is knocked out cold on the floor, and Assassin Zombie wants revenge.
A short, brutal battle ensues, and Liv wins, but there is a cost. Peyton wakes up as Liv is in full Zombie mode.
Peyton Learns The Truth
Liv comes clean, telling Peyton the full truth and it doesn’t appear that Peyton is taking it well. When Liv goes to get medical supplies for Peyton, Peyton flees.
The episode ends with lots of bad things going on.
Ravi’s weekend with Peyton has been screwed over by Liv’s revalation.
Miss Giovanni has been beat to a pulp.
And worst of all, Major has been captured by Team Blaine, and Blaine has just hired Liv’s little brother.
Major Issues
Dead Rat… Scoring
This was a fun episode that leaves us on a cliffhanger for the season finale. Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat scored a 73/100, making it Worth Your Time.
Astroburger kicks off with Major in the hospital, waiting for his buddy Scott to play chess. When Major goes to find him, he’s in his tub, his wrists cut, a suicide. Or at least that what it was meant to look like.
Game Over, Man
Death Tub
It only takes Ravi a single look at the tub to say its a suspicious death. If Scott E had been alive when he was put in the water, it would have been much darker than a light pink.
Pink Water
Liv takes the chance while she’s at the hospital to talk one on one with Major. Major tentatively tells Liv that Scott E told him there were Zombies at the boat party massacre where Liv and Scott E both were at. Liv doesn’t admit the truth, but she does feel like betrayed Major, or at least the reason she thought it was a safe to let Major commit himself.
That night Liv is there for Peyton’s first date with Ravi, and Major shows up because Ravi changed the locks. This leads to something like a double date as Major, Liv, Ravi, and Peyton end up eating Chinese food while looking for something to watch that won’t trigger Major. While everyone is worried about Major, Scott E’s brain is kicking in and Liv is having delusions.
Suzuki’s Brains
Back at Blaine’s headquarters Suzuki is has come to pick up his brains, and shares that Liv and Lowell may have been working together, which doesn’t seem to shock Blaine at all.
The news leads Blaine to head to the MEs office under the pretense of following up on the cure Ravi is researching.
When Blaine leaves, Scott E’s friend, the local newsman shows up. Scott E was his pot dealer, and they were close. They would apparently watch cartoons and movies and get stoned. The room doesn’t look like it’s been tossed, but the newsman can tell someone has been there, which leads to him and Liv using the phone tracker app to see who took Scott E’s phone.
Find My Phone – A Killer App
1st & Lenora
The funny thing is that I’ve worked for two companies based on the west coast and have been to Seattle more times than I can count, and I knew exactly where this was. The app appears to show them somewhere near 1st and Lenora. I’ve actually stayed at the waterfront hotel by the harbor for a conference years ago.
First And Lenora Streets
Liv and the newsman stakeout Scott E’s phone location. They break into the apartment and find phones, and a ton of drugs. Liv calls Clive, but he can’t do anything because she broke the law to get the info. This leads Liv to set up a noise complaint call so the police can come investigate.
Back at Scott E’s apartment, it turns into a reunion with Major, Blaine, and Julian showing up to try and track down clues. This leads Major to decide that climbing in the trunk of Julian’s car is a great way to track down who he thinks is the Candy Man, which reveals to Major where Blaine’s home base at the meat shop is.
When Liv gets home Major is in her bed, but she doesn’t kick him out, which drives me nuts. Great job on not sending Major mixed signals girl.
With the police having a reason to investigate, Liv and Clive get on the path of one of the staff at the mental asylum, which leads them to a female doctor who was trying to get pregnant.
Major Can’t Quit Her
Back at home Liv rails against the doctor and her actions when Major grabs Liv and kisses her.
Stolen Kiss
Major begs Liv to tell him why she broke up with him. Did she cheat on him? Did he bore her? Liv breaks down and tells him that Zombies are real, and she broke up with him to protect him from what she’d become.
With the truth out in the open Liv and Blaine hug, Liv crying tears of relief and joy.
Back at Blaine’s headquarters someone has stolen all the brains from one of the trucks, which leads to Blaine stabbing his delivery driver in the neck as punishment.
Meanwhile Ravi is working on his Zombie cure, and he’s close. He’s been able to gradually make a rat’s vitals more normal.
The episode ends with Liv’s victims brain revealing to her that the newsman who’s been helping her the whole time was just another of Scott E’s delusions. But they were helpful, as it gives her the bit of data she needs to unlock her victims phone.
Liv thought the video would be useful, but it turns out one of the Zombies caught on the phone video is of her, which kind of puts a damper on how Liv can use the footage.
Liv Eating Brains Just After She Turned
The episode ends on a twist as Liv realizes that not everything she’s been experiencing has been real. Major shows up at her door with proof that zombies exist, he’s got all the brains stolen from Blaine’s delivery, and he vows to kill the Zombies. All of Them. Which makes me think the tearful reveal was just another delusion.
Astroburger Score
Astroburger scored a 72/100. It was a solid episode with a good twist. For me, I don’t like when delusions are used to make you believe one thing only to have it revealed later that it was only in someone’s head. It makes you question more than I want to when I’m trying to enjoy TV. What is a real memory? What is just a plot point I’m over analyzing? It annoys me when I’m just trying to enjoy an episode of a Zombie TV show. Still, Astroburger scored a 72/100, making it Worth Your Time.
Mr. Berserk starts with Liv sitting in an interrogation room. The police want to know how she ended up at her boyfriends house just after he was killed. The cops like her for at at first, at least until Suzuki comes in and tells the detective to let Liv go. Lowell had gunshot residue on his hands, making the case a suicide.
Blood On Your Hands
As Liv is dealing with the loss of her just found love, Clive tells Ravi that he should go check on Major. Clive still thinks Major is having some form of psychotic break. Ravi if course knows exactly what happened, even if he can’t admit it to anyone but Liv.
Sniper Brains
Liv, desperate to get the PTSD Sniper brains out of her system, jumps at the chance to eat the brains of the next body on the ME’s table. It just happens to be the alcoholic reporter who was helping Major investigate the missing kids.
The next day Clive tracks down Julian, and Julian looks just fine. In fact Julian is doing so well he’s benching a few hundred pounds. Clive goes back to Major and does what he thinks is the right thing. He tells Major he needs to get psychiatric help.
Get Help
Major believes he’s losing his mind. He admits himself into an inpatient psychiatric facility. This upsets Ravi, who confronts Liv. Major’s not crazy, and Ravi wants to tell him what’s really happening. Liv just feels relief that if Major is in the hospital he’ll be safe. How is he ever going to live with knowing that Zombies are real? Worse than that, knowing what really happened to the missing kids?
The Candyman
Alcoholic Brains Incoming
Liv, powered with the knowledge that her victims brains are showing her, tracks down the people in the story her victim was working on. This leads to a very twisted revelation from the debate team’s past. It could just be the reason the report ended up in the ME’s office.
With alcoholic fueled brains onboard, Liv goes into a drinking frenzy. When she gets flagged by the bartender, she calls the only person she trusts, Major, to come get her. This leads to a touching, but sad exchange between the two of them.
The next day Clive shows up at the ME’s office and shares that their prime suspect in the reporter murder has an alibi, but he did find some other things out. The tell tale mentions of the Max Rager drink have started to reveal a pattern. People who drink it are going Berserk.
Mr. Berserk
They now have a new suspect. If the reporter believed Max Rager was causing violent episodes, they’d have plenty of reasons to kill the reporter.
This leads Liv to go confront the Max Rager CEO, which doesn’t end well. They escort her out and when Liv gets back to the MEs office Clive is there, and he can smell the booze on her. Clive tells Liv she’s off the case. Between confronting the Max Rager CEO and being drunk, its time for Liv to take a break, and Ravi backs Clive up.
The Fixer
Liv finds another lead in her victims notes, and tracks down the Max Rager employee who had supplied the reporter with data. Unfortunately for Liv and the inside woman, Liv also lead the Max Rager fixer directly to them. The fixer thinks he’s killed them both, but not feeling a pulse on Liv doesn’t quite mean what he thinks it means.
Liv would have been dead, but her Zombie Rage kicked in just at the right moment and she was able to survive.
Liv Taking Care Of The Fixer
Back in the MEs office Liv finally signs off on destroying Lowell’s body, and admits to Ravi that his death was her fault. If she had just pulled the trigger, Lowell wouldn’t have had to try and step up, and would still be alive.
While Liv is dealing with the aftermath of her decisions Major is in the hospital, sharing his story in group. Only, one of the other members in group tells Major he knows exactly what’s going on, and gives Major confirmation that he’s experienced the exact same things, and he knows why.
Friggin Zombies
Mr. Berserk ends with the Fixer from the boat waking up on the beach. He’s cut up, and his eyes are bright red. That little bit of Liv’s blood he tasted when he thought he was the hunter and not the prey, just turned him into a Zombie.
Mr. Berserk Score
Mr. Berserk scored a 77/100 and is Worth Your Time. The storyline keeps you wanting to know what’s going to happen next, and acting is just top notch.
Patriot Brains kicks off with Liv leaving Lowell’s building just as Blaine is coming. She pulls her hood up to hide from Blaine as she leaves, but she now knows that her new boy toy is eating the brains of the teens that Major has been trying to help at the youth center. It only gets worse when Liv sees Julian and has vision from the breakfast brains she just ate in Lowell’s apartment. Julian and Blaine killed her breakfast.
28 Milliseconds Later
It only gets worse as Liv tries to sneak by. She looks into the back of Julian’s car and sees what can only by meals for Zombies.
Brains Delivery
Liv is horrified and stunned. How many people have died, and are going to continue to die to keep Blaine’s Zombies?
Zombie Rat Bites
While Liv is struggling with her moral dilemma, Ravi is taking his vitals, trying to figure out if his Zombie Rat bite is going to turn him. Liv tells Ravi that she saw her meal get murdered, but this is one of the kids that Suzuki supposedly found out at the cabin. It looks like team Ravi and Liv are about to start looking for the dirty Zombie Cop in the police department.
When Ravi goes to check up on Major, Major is watching a YouTube video on guns, and has what looks like a Beretta 92. It looks like Major is about to go on a Zombie hunt.
Major Gun Fetish
Meanwhile Liv has gone back to Lowell’s so she can confront him on where he gets his meals. Lowell says he hasn’t seen the violent visions and didn’t go looking them, but Liv isn’t letting him off the hook. She wants to know where he’s getting his brains, where Blaine’s base of operations is, which is the worst time ever for Lowell to drop the “I love you.” bomb. What an idiot.
Dead Paintballer
While Liv is confronting Lowell, a group of paintballers is out in the woods, but one of the targets gets killed in both worlds. He was already dead, but they tagged him anyway because they didn’t know at first.
Paintball Dead And Real Dead
As Ravi and Liv are examining the body Ravi let’s Liv know that Major is still focused on Julian as the Candy Man, but Major thinks its some weird body builder thing. Ravi’s just glad Major doesn’t think its Zombies.
After Liv has a snack of the victim’s brains, Clive and Liv begin to chase down the case.
With soldier brains onboard Liv feels the call to go play some paintball, and she kicks some butt on the field, at least until she finds the shell casing, but it doesn’t’ quite look like it was in the right place. The shell was between the tree and the body, but it doesn’t quite make sense because the shooter would have had to have been fifteen feet tall.
Meanwhile Major is trying to figure out how Julian was so strong. He thinks Julian’s gym would be a good start, and he only sounds mildly insane as he asks the gym trainer about eating brains to get jacked. This ends up backfiring when the trainer is talking about the incident later and Julian ends up overhearing. Major might be trying to find Julian’s source, but Julian is now trying to find him.
Back on the home front Lowell comes to beg forgiveness from Liv, and love will make you do crazy things, which is how he ends up agreeing to help Liv kill Blaine.
No Cross Species Transmission
As Ravi is telling Liv the good news that the Zombie Virus can’t jump species just before Clive shows up with some armed drone footage. They know how the shot came from where it did now. With a link to the victims’ ex wife’s new husband, who works on drones, they’ve got their murderer.
Later that night we see Liv and Lowell starting to enact their plan. With Liv’s sniper soldier brains on board, what better way to take Blaine out of the picture?
Blaine In The Crosshairs
Before we get to see if Liv is going to pull the trigger or not we cut over to Ravi’s house. Major has just gotten home, and the lights don’t’ work. He walks into the kitchen to find a maul on the table, but before he can wonder why, Julian has him. Julian wants to know who Major has told about his brains.
What The F*ck
Lucky for Major he’s still got his house keys in his hand and just barely escapes Julian’s initial attack, giving him just enough time to get to his bedroom and his Beretta 92.
Back on Sniper Hill, Liv chickens out, she just can’t pull the trigger. Come on, killing a killer doesn’t ruin you. You would have been doing the world a service!!! I can’t believe Liv chickened out.
Major calls Clive, afraid to call the police, but when Clive gets there Julian is gone, and there is no blood. Clive looks right at Major asks him about meds. Poor Major.
Back on Lowell’s deck Lowell, Liv’s new love interest decides that he’s going to finish what Liv couldn’t, and things don’t turn out so well for him. Blaine’s a killer, and he’s a thug.
Patriot Brains Score
Patriot Brains was another fun episode with some good twists and turns. I was going to give it an 80 but Liv not pulling the trigger cost it points with me, resulting in an episode that is still Worth Your Time at 74/100.
Dead Air opens with Liv making some very suggestive noises, but don’t worry, its just Lowell giving her a foot rub. The funny thing is this took me back a few decades (wish I was kidding). I think the first time I heard the phrase Le Petit Mort was while reading The Joy of Sex as a teen. Unfortunately for Liv, she’s just getting a foot rub, no matter how good she fakes the vocal.
Le Petit Mort
As Liv is sitting in her car we find out that even if this episode opened with a foot rub, Liv is definitely getting some. You go girl!
Foot Rubs
While Liv is getting foot rubs Ravi is waiting at the police station to pick up Major. Fortunately for Major, Peyton has his back and gets Major out on some paperwork technicalities. Unfortunately for Major, he’s also had the snot beat out of him.
Majorly Beat Up
With Major sprung from jail, Ravi has to tell him that the missing bodies of his street kids have been found at the house owned by the animal control officer in Maternity Liv.
When we get back from the commercial break Clive, Liv, and Ravi have caught a body. A popular talk radio show host has been electrocuted, and her last call was from a woman who claims she’d been cheated on.
Back at the ME’s office Ravi goes into check on his Zombie Rat experiment only to find that all but one of his test subjects has been eaten. Thankfully for Ravi, Liv is there to pick up the one remaining, Zombie rat and thus saves humanity.
Based on the victim’s job, and her on air feud with a rival radio station host, Clive and Liv end up interviewing Mr. Burd, but he genuinely doesn’t seem like a killer, but his wife does. Mr. Burd’s wife is a Russian mail order bride, and for the moment Mr. Burd and his wife don’t seem like the most likely murderers.
Break Up
Back at Ravi’s house, Major’s girlfriend shows up and breaks up with him, while Lieutenant Suzuki confronts Blaine. There are too many bodies, and Suzuki can’t hide them anymore.
Back at Liv’s, she gets a vision. The victim and her assistant are in a fight, but when Clive and Liv interview her, the assistant doesn’t seem like the key suspect.
After a brief discussion between Ravi and Liv, Liv’s self help improvement brain makes her go visit Major. Corrine has just broken up with him, and Liv’s brains compel her to try and help. This leads to one of the best lines from the episode when Major tries to explain his wounds.
I Can’t Talk About Fight Club
Once inside, Major hands Liv a paper, he made the police blotter. Unfortunately for Major, it cost him his job. This leads Major to explaining to Liv how he’s been hunting the Candy Man and how he found brains in Julian’s car.
Did You Say Brains?
This leads Liv to claim that it must have been cow brains, but Major doesn’t believe her. As Liv leads Major agrees to let it go, but as soon as she’s gone he’s looking at brains again online.
Once Liv leaves Major’s she goes to Lowell’s, her relationship focused brain driving her to seek some form of concrete explanation for what’s going on between her and Lowell. Lowell distracts her energy into sex, but its interrupted by a vision of the victim in bed.
The next morning Peyton wants to know who Liv’s been with which leads to Liv asking Peyton if she’s been dating, and how big his boat is.
Who Big Is His Boat?
Sadly, this always reminds me of a girl I knew when I was younger. How big is his boat would have always have two meanings. The innuendo meaning is obvious. The second was an allusion to money. She was always after what I called the BBD, the Bigger, Better, Deal, and it meant that me, who was poor, was never going to have a chance. Three decades later and it still hurts like hell.
Give Ravi A Chance
Even after Peyton tells Liv that she’s single, Liv doesn’t think that Ravi has a chance, and Liv is a complete mean b*tch when she shares the bit of data she just learned with Ravi. Ravi doesn’t take it well, and let’s Liv know he doesn’t agree.
Back on the murder front, Liv has heard a similar voice between the the “Cheated on In Chattanooga” caller and an ad, which leads Clive and Liv to one of the victims subordinates. As they continue to interview the suspect, they realize some of the facts don’t quite line up, which leads them back to the victim’s right hand.
While Liv is solving murders, Ravi is trying to find a cure for the Zombie Virus, and while he thinks his cut resistant gloves are going to save him, Mr. Zombie Rat still gets a nibble in.
Zombie Rat Bite
Dead Air ends with Liv eating some brains and eggs at Lowell’s apartment. As she’s leaving in the elevator she sees Blaine walking towards the building and has a Zombie Vision of Blaine killing her meal. The episode ends, leaving us to wait to see what happens.
Dead Air Score
Dead Air was another fun episode with a nice twist as an ending, but it wasn’t really about Zombies, so I’m going to give it a 66/100, putting it in Rainy Day Territory. If you like murder mystery, this was likely a 80/100, but I’m ranking it on a Zombie Scale.
Maternity Liv takes off with a bunch young people camping. The camping trip is interrupted when a pregnant young lady, Emily, barely makes it into camp. Emily doesn’t survive, but thankfully her baby does. When Liv has some of Emily’s brains she gets a full dose of maternal instincts.
Babe In The Woods
Emily’s Baby
Liv ends up at the hospital, staring at Emily’s baby until she sees a flash of angry parents. Liv let’s Clive know. Clive is doing his best to get something out of Emily’s boyfriend.
While Clive is dealing with Major’s missing kids, Ravi is making friends with Liv’s new love interest.
A comment by Emily’s boyfriend about barking dogs leads Clive and Liv to animal control. This leads to one of those moments where I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to laugh or not?
Can You Say That?
When Liv gets home its time for date night, only Lowell just ate someone’s brains who likes guys. This puts a damper on his night with Liv, at least at the beginning.
The next day Liv goes back to the hospital and has another vision. Emily hanging out of a window while two girls warn her that “she” will find her, even if she runs. When Liv shares the news with Clive it leads to a broader search area, and a hit on their female animal control officer, who they interviewed earlier.
While Liv and Clive are sleuthing, Major has tracked down Julian, who he thinks is the Candy Man, only to be taken away by the police after breaking Julian’s car window.
Meanwhile Clive and Liv try to stake out the animal control officer’s house only to be shot at.
Shots Fired!
Clive calls in backup, which leads to Lieutenant Suzuki making an odd command. His team should only enter the building after he gives the command. He ends up getting a bullet as thanks for his act of bravery, and then we see what he really is.
Sukzuki, That Red Eyes Devil
With Suzuki riding his Zombie Rage, the shooters don’t stand a chance. He takes out the husband after using a fridge door as a shield and then guns down the wife in cold blood as Liv is climbing into a nearby tree fort to rescue the other girls the family was keeping prisoner.
The scene at the house ends with Suzuki looking at Liv’s graze wound and commenting that there’s not much blood. He’s not sure, but he at least suspects that Liv is a Zombie just like him.
At the press conference Suzuki blames all the missing teens that Major is tracking as well as Emily’s death on the crazed actions of the game warden and her husband.
While Suzuki is trying to cover up Zombie crimes Major is getting a thank you from the police department for getting the subject into the news.
Maternity Liv ends with Liv on an upbeat note as the camera pans into Ravi’s test room, where there are lots of dead rats, and one Zombie Rat having some rat brain dinner.
Zombie Rat
Maternity Liv Scoring
Maternity Liv was a fun episode with some good twists and turns. It earned a 75/100, making it Worth Your Time.