Virtual Reality Bites starts with a scare. After seeing Major get the snot beat out of him the episode starts with him lying on the ME’s table. Thankfully, he’s alive, he’s just having Ravi start some stitches, which Liv then takes over. As Liv is working on him, Major tells her that he found the “Candy Man”. Major is sure that the shoes he saw on his assailant belonged to one of his kids.
Major Head Wound
Blaine’s Booty Call
Out in the wide world Blaine’s booty call is hungry, and her delivery doesn’t quite show up fast enough. She tries to cover it up by telling Blaine her delivery never showed up. Blaine he doesn’t look like he believes her.
When we come back from the first break, we have a new body. A shut in is found rotten and swollen after his overflowing mail resulted in a police wellness check. Liv doesn’t want to eat the rotten brains, but as Ravi puts it, she “sucks it up” for the team. Her first vision of the deceased is of the man struggling to breath while trying to use an epi pen.
Later, at the station, Clive and Liv look through the victims mail. One of the birthday cards smells like peanuts.
Later that night Liv is about to go out on her date with her new Zombie love interest when her victim’s brains kick in. It’s hard to go outside with agoraphobia. On the plus side, Liv does have her victims muscle memory, which means she can sign into her victims laptop when Ravi brings it to her. Liv gets sucked into an online game but it seems like a false start when the online “killer” ends up on the far side of the country, and is just a tween.
After Liv’s night of crime fighting, her Zombie beau shows up, which leads to a failed lean in for a kiss before Liv get’s sucked back into her case.
While Liv is working on her love life Clive finds himself in Blaine’s shop, investigating the dead delivery boy from earlier in the episode. This leads Blaine back to Jacky’s for one final drilling.
One Last Drilling
As Blaine is taking care of business, Liv is breaking into a donut shop’s records so she can find the real killer.
Virtual Reality Bites Scoring
Virtual Reality Bites scored a 76/100, making it Worth Your Time. It’s a fun, interesting episode that has a bit of a sad ending.
Flight of the Living Dead tells the tale of a group of adrenaline junkies working for “Max Rager”. Energy drink makers love to pitch their products to adrenaline junkies. The team takes a shot of some expensive alcohol before leaping from the plane.
Terminal Velocity
The Victom
After the team jumps we cut to Liv on the ground. She is having an irreverent conversation about food on sticks with Ravi.
Impaled On A Tree
It’s not long before Liv finds out that she has a personal connection with the dead jumper, Holly. They were briefly in the same sorority in college.
With Holly’s brains on board Liv finds a newfound joy in riding bicycles and racing around the city. As Liv is working on who and what killed Holly we find out that the corporate team who runs Max Rager may be hiding something. Just before Holly died she was copied on a corporate communication that had information about Max Rager fans going violently insane.
In the pursuit of Holly’s killer, Liv finds another Zombie. One of the Max Rager adrenaline junkies just happens to be one of the undead. This makes Liv wonder if her life has to be so empty of physical contact. What it might be like to share intimacy with someone she doesn’t have to worry about turning?
Spicy Drinks
Just before the episode ends, with no conclusion (yet) on who killed Holly – we see Major recognize an article of clothing. One of Blaine’s Zombie henchman is wearing clothing that Major believe’s came from one of his missing kids.
Major Down
Flight of the Living Dead Scoring
Flight of the Living Dead introduced a near character and gave us a peak into Clive’s boss not being interested in a lot of missing teens. Major also gets a taste of Zombie Rage, and Liv finds a potential love interest. There were some fun segments and interesting scenes, which earned Flight of the Living Dead a 71/100, making it Worth Your Time.
Liv and Let Clive opens with Blaine and his first rich woman turned “Zombie Brains” client having a spicy chat.
When Jackie asks if being Blaine’s bootie call gets her a rebate, he doesn’t pull any punches.
Blaine The Business Man
It’s just a not so subtle reminder that Blaine is not a nice guy.
We then see a montage of Blaine and Jackie enjoying Jackie’s wealth. There is time at the pool followed up with spray tans before Blaine ends up in the kitchen. He makes Red Chili Pepper Brain Smoothies for him and Jackie to sip in privilege.
Red Chili & Brain Smoothies
Major Problems
After Liv showed up at Major’s place last episode she’s felt nothing but guilt. She gets another gut punch when she visits his place first thing in the morning with coffee. Major has a girl over. Corinne, played by the lovely Elise Gatien, is wearing a “U Dub” shirt. It’s not Corinne’s though, she’s wearing Major’s clothes.
Liv leaves with as much dignity as she can, and I’m amazed how “adult” she was over the interaction. My personal experience is very different. In my world there would have been hair pulling and screaming if a recent ex finds their ex with a new hottie.
Back at the ME’s office there is a new victim. The moment Clive sees the body, he recognizes the victim. This leads to Clive telling Liv to stay out of it. He’s telling her this just as she’s seeing Clive screaming and beating Sammy up.
With Sammy’s brains coloring Liv’s mood she’s turned emotional, suspicious, and possessive. This leads to Liv pushing Ravi to fill Major’s roommate need. Liv thinks that if she can get Ravi into Major’s lease space, it will mean Corinne won’t be able to be there. Obviously Liv is acting a bit crazy. Major isn’t just seeing Corinne because he sees someone to pay the rent, she also has a great personality.
Brain Chef
Out on the streets Blaine takes us to where he runs his business from. He’s expanded and not only has a Brain Chef, but underlings to deliver it.
Brains Door Dash
While Blaine is running his business Liv’s paranoia drives her to follow up on Clive’s background. This makes Liv even more sure that Clive is a dirty cop. As Liv and Ravi follow up on the leads her visions are feeding her, they end up at an Asian comic book/porn store. While there Liv get’s more Sammy visions of Clive not being the nicest guy.
As Liv and Ravi are leaving they see Clive pulling up and going into the very same store.
Clive Showing Up At the Asian Comic Book/Porn Store
Later that night Liv ends up back at home, and her brother has settled in. She reminds Evan not to go into Peyton’s room. Evan is wondering out loud if there might be snacks in Peyton’s sports bra drawer. Does Evan have a harmless crush or is he a stalker? Can’t wait to see how this shakes out.
When Liv comes back from her shower to talk to Evan she finds Clive in her living room. He’s not happy that Liv has been following up on his past. Clive explains that Sammy was in witness protection. Sammy got himself killed when he came back to see his dying mother. Sammy gave Clive an ominous, stay out of it or you could get hurt message the last time they communicated.
Brains Delivery
Out on the Brains Delivery service Blaine’s delivery guys make a pitch to Jackie. They offer her brains for cheaper if she’ll buy from them instead. I’m sure this is going to end up just great for them. Blaine doesn’t seem like the type of guy who’s going to get pissed off by underlying defying him…right?
Meanwhile Major and Ravi have figured out that Liv is trying to set them up as roommates. At first Ravi isn’t so thrilled with the idea. At least until the two of them realize they have the same Diablo III fetish.
As Liv is walking home she sees a final Sammy vision. It reveals that the Asian gang knows that there is still an undercover agent in their midst. If Liv and Clive don’t do something, the undercover agent is a goner.
As Liv and Clive race to save the undercover cop Blaine is putting an end to his competitions small business start up. We also find out that Blaine is a decent shot, he puts a bullet cleanly into both their foreheads.
Blaine Cleaning Up The Competition
Liv Versus Gangster
Once home Liv calls Clive and he confirms that they got to the airstrip in time, and arrested everyone except for the gang leader, who wasn’t at the air strip. When Liv goes to investigate a noise in the other room guess who’s waiting for her? Yep, the gang boss followed her home after she visited the Asian comic book/porn store.
Liv takes the gangster down just in time to save brother, but he saw her face when she was Zombie Raging, but Liv shuts him up as the cops are leading him out of her apartment.
Just A Girl!!!
With all the bad guys under wraps Clive and Liv have a heart to heart. He’s hurt that she could ever think he was a dirty cop, and Liv explains that the visions she gets are very real to her, very powerful. Clive tells her that when your undercover you have to pretend to be something else, and if your their long enough, its hard for others, and even yourself not to remember the darkness you cloaked yourself in for the good of all.
Liv and Let Clive ends with Blaine thanking Jackie for tipping him off about his underlings about to turn on him. Meanwhile Liv, Ravi, and Major enjoy some “friend” time watching TV. At least until Ravi tells Liv that Major thinks there is still a chance to save their relationship. Liv doesn’t want to admit it either, but clearly they both want it. Even if it can’t be.
Liv and Let Clive Scoring
Liv and Let Clive scored a 75/100, making it Worth Your Time. The acting and story were top notch.
The Exterminator opens with a kid exploring an old building, using his cell phone to record and light the way.
What Could Possibly Go WRong
The kid finds what he thinks is a hobo in a well. Which leads to the kid posting a picture of what he thinks is a Zombie.
This triggers Ravi’s internet search bot, making him aware that someone thinks there is a Zombie in town. Liv isn’t quite as interested. She’s hungry, and the only thing she can think about is putting some brains in her belly.
Brains On Wheat Drowned In Siracha
Peyton’s Problem
When she gets home Peyton is celebrating a professional win. She’s about to prosecute a murder case and feels like she’s got a win. Unfortunately, Liv sees that the man Peyton is prosecuting, isn’t the guilty party.
Liv just ate the brains of a killer for hire, and the brains are affecting her. She’s spouting strange facts while emotionally flat.
Triggered by Ravi’s internet alerts, they head to the waterfront. Once there they find a hungry Zombie at the bottom of a well.
Marcy The Party Girl
Old Friends
Not only have they found another Zombie, but Liv knows the girl. Marcy was a fellow medical resident, the one who invited Liv to boat party in the first place. Ravi decides that Marcy is a great opportunity to perform an experiment. He pours a cooler of brains into the hole so Marcy can have a snack. Ravi wants to see if the brains will turn Marcy into something more similar to what Liv is.
While Ravi is thinking about what will happen to Marcy, Liv is worried about Peyton’s Case. She knows the Seattle PD has the wrong man fingered for the murder. Liv convinces Clive to go talk to the dead man’s bookie. The bookie, Smitty, just happens to be a retired cop.
Smitty is not so happy about being questioned about a murder, and he knows Clive’s Lieutenant, Suzuki. As Clive and Liv are leaving the bar, they see a picture of their murderer on the trivia wall. Clive now believes that maybe Liv isn’t off the mark.
Liv and Clive end up at the murderers house, and not only does Liv have another vision, but Clive finds a Glock with a suppressor. The same kind of weapon that killed the victim.
Peyton’s Angry
Back at home Peyton is a little pissed. Her prime suspect is set free, and she’s blaming Liv.
In the midst of the murder investigation Major comes to Liv. One of the shelter kids he works with has disappeared. Major needs Liv’s help.
After Liv and Clive work on tracking down who killed the killer, Ravi and Liv end up back at the pit. Marcy hasn’t improved. Liv, being controlled by her killer for hire brains onboard, wants to take care of Marcy. Ravi wants to get a biopsy, which leads to him falling in the pit and nearly getting turned, or killed by Zombie Marcy.
The Exterminator ends with Clive, Liv, and Peyton bluffing to get their murderer to take a plea deal.
Sadly, Liv is enjoying having a killer for hire controlling her emotions. Not because she likes the memories, but because the killer has no feelings. Liv doesn’t want to feel. Doesn’t want to be in pain.
The Exterminator ends with Major’s halfway house kid showing pictures of his missing friend, trying to find anyone who’s seen him.
Missing Person
Unfortunately for the kid, he runs into Blaine. Blaine tells him he knows where his friend is. They wander off into the dark as the credits roll.
The Exterminator Scoring
The Exterminator scored a 71/100, making it Worth Your Time. It is a fun episode with lots of twists and turns.
Brother, Can You Spare a Brain? gets right into the action in good murder mystery style. A couple comes home to find Javier, the resident artist, dead, a paintbrush pushed through his eye socket.
Love Is Blind
Flip To The Last Page
As soon as Clive shows up on scene his first question it to ask Liv if she’s got anything yet. I love her response. “Wow, your a flip to the last page of the book type guy, huh?” When Liv asks him what he’s detected so far Clive has an equally flip response. He doesn’t have to detect anything. The wife did it, the wife always did it.
Once the body is back in the ME’s office, Liv makes what appears to be a brains and hot sauce empanada. Yum.
Brains Empanada
The next morning Liv finds Major at her door, returning a box of things she left behind. Peyton returns just as Major is leaving. Peyton calls Liv out again for the fact that it’s clear that Liv still has feelings for the man. Liv is in pain, but she’s trying to save Major’s life. If a scratch turned her, what would f*cking do? I’m pretty sure he’d turn and so is Liv.
That night Liv wakes up from a nightmare. She sees the drug dealer from the boat in her dreams.
That day at work Liv gets her first vision from eating Javier’s brains, and its hot and steamy. She tells Clive what she was seeing but doesn’t have any real details. Just smuttiness. Clive thanks her for the “Fifty Shades of Psychic.”
Fifty Shades Of Psychic
Clive is still convinced it’s Lola, Javier’s wife, which leads us back to the loft.
Yes, Lola is played by Judy Reyes, aka Nurse Carla Espinosa, aka Turk’s better half. Hopefully Turk doesn’t find out she was banging Javier.
When they arrive at the studio, Tasha, the woman from the vision is there. We find out that Lola and Javier had an open relationship. Both parties knew who the others were sleeping with. Clive doesn’t care, he’s still got Lola pegged as the killer. At least until Ravi calls and tells him whoever did the murder was over six foot tall. Lola is not tall enough.
Back at the ME’s office Ravi has enlisted the help of a police sketch artist under false pretenses. We also see the effect that Javier’s brain is having on Liv. She’s emotionally descriptive and she also discovers new artistic talents.
Liv Unleashing Her New Drawing Skills
With Liv’s new drawing out, she doesn’t find her target, but he does find her. Both Liv and Blaine thought they were the only Zombies pretending to be human. They bond over their loss of humanity until Ravi shows up and takes some samples.
As Blaine is apologizing for the boat party, and for turning Liv, he knocks over an instrument tray. This brings about another vision of Javier, being screamed at by Tasha’s jealous boyfriend. When Liv goes to tell Clive, Clive is already on it. The jealous ex boyfriend is already there, ready to be questioned.
While Liv and Clive are questioning suspects we see Blaine picking up an older woman at a bar. The next day he shows up at the ME’s office again. He tells Liv that he’s changed, that he’s cut out the toxic people in his life. The next morning Liv witnesses Blaine with some of his old friends, proving to her he’s not what he says he is.
We then get a view of exactly what Blaine is up to. He turned the woman at the bar so he could go back and black mail her for brains to eat.
Turned By The Zombie STD
Back on the crime fighting front Clive has discovered that Javier was boning his manager’s daughter. Also that the manager was also dead broke. The team plans on stopping by the art show to question the manager again. Clive and Liv are there to solve a crime. Ravi is more interested in the models and the free booze.
While at the show Ravi gets pulled into a domestic dispute with a model and her boyfriend. As Ravi is distracted, Liv explores the loft. This s when Tasha’s boyfriend shows up and tries to take advantage of Liv. At least until she reveals she’s a lot stronger than she looks.
Pregnant Daughters
When Liv goes back out onto the main floor Clive is confronting Javier’s manager. Liv piles on, asking him how he felt about Javier getting his daughter pregnant.
The noose is tightening around the manager when Ravi has a revelation because of where Liv is standing. If Javier was on the lower step, the killer wouldn’t have to be over six foot after all.
Clive was right all along, the wife did it. Javier was going to leave her for his pregnant eighteen year old girlfriend. That sounds like a reasonable reason to kill someone to me, but maybe I’m old fashioned.
Brother, Can You Spare a Brain? ends with Liv going to Majors house and telling him that she can’t take not being close to him. She kisses him which leads to Major unleashing the pent up anger and frustration that been building up for six months and kicking Liv out. As Liv walks away she regrets all the times she didn’t spend with Major when she had a chance. I think that’s a valuable lesson we can all learn from. Life is short, enjoy it.
Brother, Can You Spare a Brain? Scoring
Brother, Can You Spare a Brain? scored a 70/100, making it Worth Your Time. If you have someone in your life who doesn’t like classic Zombie Gore but does like a good murder mystery, this is a great, unusual show to enjoy together.
iZombie is a fun, lighted series that tells the story of Olivia Moore. She’s a medical resident turned Zombie, who uses her hunger to solve mysteries and fight crime. Pilot is the premiere, and it will absolutely hook you!
Enjoy the first few minutes where Liv (Oliva) is still human and has some skin color. It’s not going to last. As Liv leaves the hospital, she meets up with Major, her boyfriend. He encourages her to go to a party she was invited to. As he is convincing here, he curses her with the comment, “What’s the worst that could happen?”.
Well, the Zombie outbreak could happen buddy.
What’s The Worst That Could Happen
Waking Up In A Body Bag
When Liv wakes up she’s in a body bag, and she’s got a deep wound on her forearm.
Liv Waking Up In A Body Bag
We then jump forward five months, and Liv is trying to adjust to being a Zombie. That means a lot of bronzer, and dealing with her mother’s concern.
Liv’s mom is petrified that Liv is destroying her life. Liv has broken up with Major, quit her medical residency to work at the morgue, and has generally withdrawn. It is a completely different Liv.
The next scene opens with Liv showing up to work, and we are introduced to Ravi. He is the medical examiner who runs the morgue that Liv works at. Ravi is one of my favorite characters, and is a constant source of enjoyment. This is also about when we find out Liv’s reason for quitting her residency. She went to work at the morgue so she could get easy access to brains!!!
Zombie, Hot Sauce, Noodles, The Perfect Lunch
As Liv digs in Ravi comes back, catching her mid bite of brains, hot sauce, and noodles. Strangely, Ravi’s not scared, he’s intrigued. He was the medical examiner (ME) on duty the night of the boat accident, and he’s had suspicions ever since.
Ravi confirmed his suspicions after re opening an autopsy that Liv had closed on. He noted missing brain material, and then started to follow up on her until he finally caught her. Anyone else would have been horrified, but Ravi was just curious as to what, and how it happened.
As Ravi is examining Liv we introduced to another critical character, Detective Clive Babineaux. Clive is there to see what the ME has on his victim. As Clive is talking to Ravi, Liv chimes in with details that she shouldn’t know. The brains she just ate are giving her flashes of the victims life.
Psychic? Say What
Clive’s face when Ravi explains Liv’s unexplainable knowledge as psychic powers is just epic. Clive thinks they are screwing with him, but Ravi immediately realizes that Liv is seeing what happened to her meals.
While Liv is struggling with her love life, not wanting to infect Major, while still loving him, Ravi is encouraging her to tell Detective Babineaux what she saw.
Clive is struggling. He’s been in homicide for two months with no wins. His boss is breathing down his neck for results. When Liv tries to tell Clive what happened he isn’t too receptive, and makes her go with him to interview the newsman who she saw in her vision.
The interaction makes Clive a believer. He doesn’t know what he believes, but he knows something’s going on. He takes Liv with him to interview the other girl that the victim knew. This leads them to the victims apartment, where Liv sees the murder.
As Liv is helping Clive, Ravi has been using samples from Liv to test potential cures. This gives Liv a taste of hope, something she hasn’t had since she turned.
The best line of the episode goes to Clive when Liv tells him she can’t go with him on his next interview:
Clive: “Thought I had a psychic sidekick. I was working on the bit…Cagney and Pasty.”
Sadly, the hope that Ravi inspired in Liv leads her to visit Major. It doesn’t go well. He’s playing a Zombie video game with a new girl.
Major’s Other Girl
As Liv is dealing with the realization that Major might be moving on her Roommate, Peyton calls Liv out on her depression and basically tells her to step up.
The speech leads Liv to re-engage, and results in her being in the station at the perfect time to inadvertently learn who killed their victim. The reason none of the girls had records is because the man running the girls is a cop. Not only a cop, but the cop who works one desk away from Clive.
When Clive goes to confront the dirty cop Liv ends up in the line of fire. In the process of stopping the dirty cop from escaping, we find out that you really don’t want to piss Liv off.
Angry, Hungry, Liv
Liv is just barely able to contain herself, and almost get’s caught tearing into the dirty cop’s brain when Clive shows up. She was shot, rode on the top of a car, and is no worse for wear.
Clive is happy that he has his first win as a homicide detective, and Liv has a new found purpose. With a new purpose in life, she goes to the community Halloween party and finally has some peace.
Pilot ends with Liv finally getting some sleep before she wakes up with a start, seeing the man who is going to become her nemesis.
Pilot Scoring
The season premier, Pilot scored a 90/100. It is a fun, fast paced Zombie Murder Mystery crime drama. This isn’t a show for hard core traditionalists when it comes to Zombies, but this is a great show that you can enjoy with a non zombiephile.
TS-19 starts with an intense flashback to Shane at Rick’s bedside. Outside the hospital is being overrun by the undead. Shane struggles, first trying to pick Rick up before going to find a gurney. As Shane is trying to find transport we see soldiers gunning down hospital staff. The soldier lives long enough for walkers to catch them off guard and pull a few of them down. There is chaos. The soldiers are shooting anything not wearing a uniform. In a panic Shane pushes the gurney against Rick’s door and flees.
Shane At Rick’s Hospital Beside During The Collapse
As the flashback ends we jump back to current time. Team Rick is entering he CDC and we are introduced to Dr. Jenner, the sole survivor left at the facility. After a quick blood test to rule out active infections Jacqui mentions they haven’t eaten in days. This leads to Dr. Jenner bringing them to the cantina.
The Survivors Enjoying Food And Drink
The food and drink flows and everyone is happy. At least until Shane wrecks the mood by pushing Dr. Jenner for some answers. Dr. Jenner tells the survivors that there were waves of defections as things got worse. Then a wave of suicides once it was clear the city was overrun.
When dinner breaks the team is treated to a rare treat in the apocalypse, hot showers!
While Rick is in his cups Shane confronts Lori with his need and jealousy. Lori scratches him up when things turn physical.
The next morning everyone is suffering from their celebrations from the previous day when Dale asks a few critical questions. This leads Dr. Jenner to show us the MRI of TS-19, Test Subject 19.
Test Subject 19 MRI
Then comes the stunning revelation that TS-19 was actually Dr. Jenner’s wife. Dale then points to the clock, and everyone gets a kick in the gut.
Decontamination Cycle
The facility is running out of power. When it does, it’s going to perform a deadly decontamination cycle which is essentially a fire bomb. Dr. Jenner is resigned to die. There is nothing left in the world for him. He tells the survivors they should hug their loved ones and shut their eyes, it will be quick.
The message rings true for Jacqui and Andrea. They are ready to go and sit with Dr. Jenner as the others work their way back to the main lobby. Dale sits with Andrea, telling her that if she’s going to stay, he is too.
The rest of the survivors escape thanks to the grenade that Carol saved from Ricks clothing. The grenade he took from the tank in Guts. The group is about to pull away when we see Dale and Andrea. She was willing to die, but not if it meant killing Dale.
TS-19 ends with the team pulling away in their caravan.
TS-19 Scoring
Season 1 of The Walking Dead ends at the same amazing pace as the rest of the season, which earned it a 99/100. The whole season is Worth Your Time, and is going to be tough for any other series to compete with. If you haven’t watched The Walking Dead recently, it is well worth visiting again.
Wildfire opens at the break of dawn. Rick calls out to Morgan on the radio, warning him that Atlanta is overrun. Thankfully he did find his family though.
Catching Morgan Up
While Rick is trying to catch up with Morgan the rest of the crew is busy. They are cleaning up the dead from the zombie attack. I really appreciate the fact that Daryl is spiking heads with a pick axe. Because you don’t want to be picking up a zombie to find out its only mostly dead, know what I mean?
The clean up is mostly done when the survivors turn to focus on Andrea. She refuses to leave her sister’s side. Even going so far as to pull a gun on Rick and reminding him she now knows how the safety works. Daryl wants to put a bullet in Amy’s head from a distance. He stalks away in disgust when the others disagree.
As the clean up crew is working Jacqui sees blood on Jim’s shirt and panics. He starts yelling out to the others that Jim was bit. T-Dog grabs Jim’s arms so Daryl can lift up Jim’s shirt as he begs that he’s okay.
Jim’s Been Bitten
Daryl is proposing direct action. Pick axe blows to heads, and Dale regretfully agrees. Rick hasn’t lived through people turning from bites yet. He naively thinks there is maybe help to be had at the CDC. Shane would rather go to Fort Benning. He believes the military would be their best hope of finding other survivors and safety. Fort Benning is a lot further away than the CDC in Atlanta though.
After Rick takes Jim someplace safe Dale goes to talk to Andrea. He tells her about his wife, and how mad he was when his wife died of cancer. He tells Andrea that her and her sister were the first people that he dared to care about. Andrea pulls out Amy’s birthday present, feeling guilty for all the missed birthdays in the past. Glenn leaves her to her mourning as Andrea puts the mermaid necklace around her sister’s neck.
We then get to see Carol take out years of abuse on her husbands corpse. She swings Daryl’s pick axe with enough fervor to make even Daryl raise an eyebrow.
Letting Go
Andrea is still beside Amy when she turns. Amy’s eyes twitch slowly before her eyes open, slowly turning to stare at her sister. Andrea apologizes as Amy lifts her head, trying to take a bite of her sister. The others turn, realizing what’s happening, afraid Andrea isn’t going to be strong enough to do what is needed.
Andrea Saying Goodbye To Amy
In the end Andrea does the needful and puts a bullet into her sister’s head. If you watch the shot closely it looks like she would have put a bullet through her other hand in the process though. That would have 100% infected hers in the process.
As Shane and Rick are burying the dead Shane blames Rick for taking half their manpower to go look for Merle. Rick pushes back that without the guns they would have been in even more trouble. While they are arguing Daryl piles in saying they need a leader. That the camp needs to know the rules. This is when Lori chimes in, telling Daryl they need to bury their dead, because its what people do.
Not far off Jim is suffering from a fever. He’s seeing flashes of walkers as the virus eats away at his brain. Rick comes to talk to Jim, but Jim’s in a fever dream, not fully aware of where he is. While Rick is talking to Jim, Lori and Shane are talking outside. This almost leads to Rick finding out just how well Shane was taking care of his wife while he was almost dying in the hospital bed. Shane short circuits the conversation after Lori chimes in to support Rick’s CDC plan. This leads the two old friends to head out into the woods to do their security sweep.
In Shane’s Sights
Rick And Shane Alone In The Woods
This leads to a very nerve wracking moment where Shane is clearly tempted to kill his old partner.
Shane Views Rick From Behind Is Shotgun
When Shane lowers the weapon, Dale is there, having seen the whole thing.
Dale Takes The Lord’s Name In Shane
Shane tries to play it off, pretending he thought Rick was a walker. Shane comments that they might have to start wearing reflective vests, but Dale’s face says it all. He doesn’t believe Shane any further than he could throw him.
When they get back to camp everyone groups around the fire. Shane says that he thinks they should all stay together. That means agreeing with Rick’s plan to head for the CDC. Rick shares the news with Morgan on the following dawn, telling him he left a map behind if he wants to follow.
Not Safe
The caravan has formed up, and everyone except for Morales and his family are going to head for the CDC. Rick and Shane gives Morales a revolver and half a box of shells as a farewell present.
Roll Out
The caravan rolls out, on their way to the CDC as Jim burns with fever in the back of the RV. They don’t get far before the RV blows its radiator hose. Shane goes to find parts when Jacqui comes out to get Rick, Jim isn’t doing well. Jim has a moment of clarity, and begs Rick to leave him behind. He’s in pain and every bump in the road is an agony.
In the end the group agrees to let Jim make the decision and leave him propped up against a tree as they roll away.
Dr. Jenner
We are then introduced to Jenner, the sole survivor at the CDC facility. He is alone and his affect seems off.
Dr. Jenner
Jenner is recording his updates and we learn that he’s concerned about saving power. Jenner is also having trouble sleeping due to being underground. We then see him working in a biohazard lab in a space suite when there is a small accident. This shows us how any breach in protocol leads to his experiments being burnt in a decontamination cycle.
This leads to Jenner voicing his loneliness and desperation, which ends in him admitting he’s considering suicide.
Jenner Admitting He’s Suicidal
Back on the surface the survivors have made it to the CDC. There is evidence of a fierce, last ditch effort to defend the installation outside its walls.
CDC Battleground
There are bodies everywhere, as well as what’s left of defensive positions. As the group approaches Jenner is pulled to monitors by motion alarms. We see the team get to the doors of the CDC. The doors are closed and sealed with protective shutters.
The CDC Is Shuttered
The team is just about to flee in a panic when the camera moves. They can’t be in the city when night falls. Rick bangs on the shutters and begs to be let in, they are out of gas and supplies. Jenner watches as Rick begs, and opens the doors just before the team is forced to flee the city before nightfall.
CDC Doors Open
The episode ends with the survivors looking into the CDC as the doors open, flooding light out into the coming darkness.
Wildfire Scoring
Wildfire is Worth Your Time and scored a 95/100. There is so much depth to every scene and the acting and writing is just top notch. The only thing that would have pushed this amazing episode up to a 100/100 would have been getting to see some flashbacks or security footage of the CDC compound being overrun.
Vatos opens with Amy and Andrea in a canoe, talking about their father and how he taught them to fish. Amy and Andrea have a twelve year age gap and as they chat they realize that their father taught them each differently. He gave them each what they needed though. This leads them to another of their Dad’s rules, “No crying in the boat.”
Andrea & Amy Fishing
Up at camp Dale is on over watch, keeping an eye on everyone from atop his RV. As Dale sees Jim in the distance digging the camera zooms in for just a moment. Jim is digging what looks like graves. Dale goes over to check on him but Jim isn’t in a talkative mood and just keeps digging.
Jim Digging
Merle’s Rescue
Meanwhile Merle’s rescue team is coming to grips with what happened on the roof. Daryl has a brief moment of murderous rage before he switches back to tracker mode. It is time to follow his brother’s blood trail. The trail leads them to two dead walkers, one with a bloody wrench near it. Daryl comments that his brother is the toughest *sshole he ever met.
Merle’s Wrench Kill
Rick reminds Daryl that anyone can pass out from blood lose, no matter how tough they are. They continue the search until they come to a kitchen area where they find lit sterno candles and burnt skin. Merle cauterized his stump.
Merle’s Cauterization Station
Daryl wants to keep searching, but Atlanta is huge. They agree to look around a few blocks, but only after they get the guns that Rick dropped by the tank.
Back at the camp Amy and Andrea have returned from their fishing trip as victorious heroes. Because of their fishing skills the camp gets to have a real meal. The survivors are celebrating their good fortune when Dale comes back and lets them know they have a problem. Dale points up to the hill where Jim is still digging.
Dale leads the camp group up to talk to Jim, but Jim doesn’t want to hear any feedback. He refuses to stop until Shane takes the shovel from him and handcuffs him. Shane tells him he’s going to be okay but Jim says he doesn’t believe it. It’s the same thing Jim told his family right before they were torn out of his grasp and eaten. The survivors tie Jim to a tree. After some rest he tries to bargain for his freedom. He tries to sound normal, but there is still crazy in his eyes.
Get The Guns
In Atlanta Glenn is laying out his plan to grab the guns. He wants the team to split up on either side of the bag so once he grabs it he’s go someplace to run in either direction. Daryl asks Glenn what he did before the apocalypse. I think Daryl was expecting something more than “Pizza Delivery” as Glenn’s old profession.
While Glenn is grabbing the bag of guns (and Rick’s hat) Daryl finds himself face to face with another survivor. The kid Daryl finds is screaming for someone, which leads to a brief scuffle before two others show up. Daryl is outnumbered and gets a beat down. As Daryl is getting the snot kicked out of him Glenn comes around the corner, which leads the newcomers to focus on Glenn.
Glenn gets beat but Daryl saves the bags of guns with a well placed crossbow shot. They aren’t able to save Glenn though. The newcomers show up in a car and kidnap Glenn before speeding away, leaving one of their own behind in the rush.
Rick, T-Dog and Daryl interrogate their prisoner. Daryl wants to know if they also took Merle like they took Glenn, which leads to Daryl trying to kick the kids face in. I love this Daryl. It is the angry, impulsive, raw metal that the apocalypse hammers into a smart, deadly survivor in coming years. Going back and re-watching these old episodes really makes me appreciate the character development of my favorite survivors.
The Prisoner
The kids not speaking, which forces Daryl to use psychological warfare. He throws Merle’s hand at the kid and tell him it was from the last person who didn’t speak when told to. The kid freaks out and falls off his chair as Daryl bears down on him. Daryl tells him they are going to start with the feet this time. Not surprisingly, the kid breaks, and leads the group back to where his friends took Glenn.
Rick and team approach the Vatos and we are introduced to Guillermo, the leader of the gang. Guillermo drops some truth, calling out Rick for saying they just want to talk. From Guillermo’s perspective his guys were jumped and defended themselves. Guillermo wants the bag of guns in exchange for the damage done to his people. Then he’ll agree to the prisoner exchange.
Things are about to get very ugly. Guillermo tells Rick that if he doesn’t do what he wants Glenn is getting fed to his three man eating dogs. Rick and the Vatos are about to thrown down when the violence is interrupted by an old lady. It’s hard to understand what she’s saying, but someone needs their medicine.
Guillermo’s Charge
The old lady takes Rick by the hand and leads him to “the Asian boy”. On the way Rick realizes that the Vatos aren’t bad people. They’ve been protecting an old folks home. Better still, we get to see Guillermo’s three, man eating dogs.
Guillermo’s Man Eaters
Rick pulls Guillermo aside, angry that they almost came to blows. Rick does the right thing and splits the gun stash with Guillermo. When Team Rick heads back to the van, it has been stolen, presumably by Merle, who is going to want revenge.
Back at the camp Andrea is looking for something to wrap Amy’s birthday present in. Meanwhile Shane checks on Jim before cutting him loose.
As the camp enjoys their fish fry, Rick, Daryl, T-Dog and Glenn are running back. They are afraid that Merle is going to hurt their friends and loved ones.
Running Back To Camp
As the camp is enjoying there fish fry Morales asks Dale why he still winds his watch every day. Dale quotes Faulkner about time.
I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father’s before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it.
― William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
As Amy goes to the restroom Ed hears noises just outside his tent. When he gets up to punish whomever is there comes face to face with a walker. Ed is swarmed in his tent as Amy steps out of the RV to complain about toilette paper. She steps directly into the grasp of a walker. Andrea looks up just in time to see her sister get bitten.
Amy Gets Bit
The camp is swarming with walkers as Shane tries to rally the survivors, yelling for everyone to make for the high ground by the RV. Rick’s small group shows up with their new firepower just in time to save the camp from being completely overwhelmed.
We then get the first of many punches to the balls that is to come as Andrea holds Amy in her arms as her sister dies.
The episode ends with Jim saying he now remembers the dream, and why he dug the graves as the camera scans the bodies on the ground around camp.
Vatos Scoring
Vatos was an excellent episode with good character development, tension and action. It is what every Zombies Series should strive to be! Vatos is Worth Your Time and scored a 94/100.
In This Life starts with Hope pulling the weapon she stole from Felix on Huck before leaving us hanging for a little while.
When we come back form the first commercial break Elton has found Silas. The smoke from cooking a rabbit gave his location up. Iris has found a stabilization boot for Felix which is letting him move about a little more freely. As Iris and Felix chat, she tells him that she doesn’t trust Huck. There is only one room in the old folks home they haven’t searched, which Huck said was full of bodies. What does it mean if Huck was lying?
Huck & Hope
Out on the trail Hope has Huck at gunpoint. Huck tells Hope that even if she pulls the trigger, the other’s will come looking for her. This is about when a few walkers come stumbling there way, and Hope has to decide on what to do. Shoot Huck? Keep her at gunpoint? Or shoot a few walkers?
Hope freezes as the walkers come closer and ends up losing her gun as Huck yells stupid sh*t. Huck is yelling stuff like “work your angles”.
Back at the old folks home Iris and Felix go into the room that Huck said was full of bodies. Only there are no bodies. The room is full of supplies. Supplies that could have helped treat Felix’s ankle as well as the truck.
While Iris and Felix are realizing that Huck might not be who she says she is. Percy is telling Elton and Silas just about the same thing. Silas wasn’t the one who killed Percy’s Uncle, it was Huck all along.
Who Sent The Messages
After clearing the walkers Huck congratulates Hope, telling her she did an awesome job killing the walkers. Hope wants to know why Huck is there, which brings Huck to admit to Hope that Hope’s father didn’t send the messages, it was Huck all along. At least according to Huck. When pressed on the why, Huck tells Hope she needed Hope to realize that civilization is worth fighting for. Huck gives Hope a long spiel about why the CRM is the right path. When Hope asks why the CRM cares about her, Huck tells her she has no idea who she is.
When we come back from commercial Leopold is having wine with his CRM girlfriend, telling her about how Hope took apart and rebuilt a computer. Hope is special. Maybe she will even save the world.
As Team Percy is making their plans to catch up to Huck a CRM team shows up in a truck, forcing them out of their hiding place. The plan is to catch up to Huck and Hope, and save Hope, which is just about the same plan that Felix and Iris come up with.
As Huck and Hope are holing up for the night Iris and Felix pull up in the truck and Huck tell her they need to hide if she wants to save their life. When they have no choice, Huck comes out and acts as if everything is okay, and Hope covers for her.
Felix pretends to believe what Huck is shoveling long enough to grab her gun and demand that she tells him what’s going on.
When we come back from the next commercial break we see Leopold’s girlfriend breaking the news that Hope will be with them shortly, but something is off, it appears that Leopold is behind glass, but it turns out what we were seeing was her practicing, Leopold wasn’t even there.
Back at the abandoned house Huck tells’ Felix that he needs to get back into the house and leave. Hope chimes in and tells Iris and Felix they have to walk away so they can live. As Felix is thinking about what Huck is saying she attacks, pushing Felix down the stairwell at the same time she knocks over the lantern.
As the fire rages Huck and Felix do battle with their spears while the girls look for the handgun that Felix dropped. Hope finds the gun before running towards the hand to hand fighting. Who does she shoot? Who does she decide to go with?
Hope then does the crazy thing so she puts the gun against her own head and tells Felix and Iris to go, that she is the asset and that she has to go with Huck to help her father.
While Hope is making her decision Silas has decided to sacrifice himself to save Percy and Elton.
Hope decides to go with Huck as Silas gives himself up to the CRM.
Back at the CRM Leopold questions the military arm of the CRM, and admits that he is afraid they are being lied to, but he knows how they can be certain.
Out on the road Huck has Hope, and they have reached the drop point, and are waiting for the helicopter. When Elizabeth arrives to pick up her daughter and Hope she tells Huck that she’s taking care of the loose ends. While Huck thought she was saving Felix and the others, her mother just made it clear that no one was going to be left alive if she had anything to say about it.
The season ends with Hope telling Iris that the Civic Republic has no idea that it’s really been the both of them all along. They are apparently smarter together than alone. As Felix and Iris walk, Bill finds them in the woods and the two embrace. Bill tells them he thought they were dead, but doesn’t tell them that everyone in their home has been gunned down by the CR.
In This Life Scoring
In This Life scored a 50/100. It just struggled to generate any excitement for me.
Things I don’t like about The Walking Dead: World Beyond
The writers really struggle to let any suspense build. They must believe the audience is really dumb, because they spell out everything that might lead to suspense.
There is no real feel of danger from the undead. The focus is all politics, but it’s not up to par with what we got from the original “The Walking Dead” and the quality gap is really noticeable.
The expandable spear weapons are just dumb. A solid shaft spear would just make more sense.
Iris’s dinosaur tooth spear is even dumber than the expandable spears. A fossil is not going to make for a good piecing weapon.
The flashback should be a tool used more selectively. There are just too many flashbacks in The World Beyond.
Why is Elton wearing a mustard suit? (screaming this)