Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 8

The Collector starts with Team Murphy stranded on the roads, and running low on supplies. No food, no water, and very little ammunition. It’s so bad that Doc and Murphy go to scavenge edible plants.

The only problem is that Murphy isn’t quite so interested in a salad.


Murphy is giving into his Zombie side, and is hungry for brains. The hunger is so strong that he doesn’t even see the trap that a brain tied to a tree limb might be. He ends up falling through a trap door, where he meets a Zombie who fell for the same trap. The Zombie he’s trapped with has some brains, and when Murphy takes just a small taste the shock is visible. It looked like a drug addict getting a hit after a long dry spell.

Once trapped, the team starts to look for him, and Murphy almost gets lobotomized before his captor, The Collector, realizes that Murphy isn’t some regular Zombie, no The Collector  has heard Citizen Z and knows exactly who and what Murphy is.

Zombie Film Movie History Lesson

We get a fun history Zombie Movies from The Collector and get a funny line from Murphy when he says, “I am not what you’d call a hard core fan of the genre.”

The Collector Scoring

The Collector scores a 63/100 putting it in Rainy Day Territory. It’s not a bad episode and we do learn some interesting things about how Murphy is changing, but its also a little slow without a lot of action.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 7

Down the Mississippi introduces us to the Dentists. Only, they aren’t the good natured dentation fairies they pretend to be. No, they just want to get you strapped into a chair so they can add you to their collection. Why? Well, we’ll find out in a little bit.

Murderous Dentists

Team Murphy meanwhile finds themselves on the Mississippi after commandeering a pontoon boat. They don’t get far before they come across some old friends, Sketchy, and Skeezy.

Sketchy and Skeezy

Those of you who are Z Nation fans will know that Addy’s Z Whacker was purchased from Sketchy. That happened way back in the very first episode, Puppies and Kittens. That kind of makes them family don’t you think?

Zombie Log Jam

Things quickly go south after Team Murphy picks up Skeezy and Sketchy. Skeezy tried to warn them, but not one wants to listen. At least until they are in the midst of a Zombie Jam.

Zombie Jam

With Zombies warming the boat the team is forced to go overboard, and in the process they get seperated.

Sketchy, Skeezy, and 10K end up on one side of the river while the rest of Team Murphy finds themselves on the other. This episode really shows Doc’s character. The others were willing to move on, but 10K is Doc’s friend, and Doc isn’t willing to just leave him behind.

Skeezy, Sketchy, and 10K have a few small adventures culminating with them stealing the empty Dentists vehicle while the drivers are in the woods doing their business. They end driving into a freaky town that uses Zombies as a power source.

This brings the Zero’s into the picture, because when they show up with the Dentists in tow, we realize the whole place is really just a Gangster profit generating tool, and they aren’t pleased that their Zombie Dentist truck was stollen.

Down the Mississippi Scoring

Team 10K is about to get hung for their crimes against the Zero Cartel when Team Murphy whos up with Doc to save their butts. This was a fun, silly episode that focused more on character development than Zombies, but it was so well done it scored an 87/100.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 6

The team is in Springfield, Illinois, and things aren’t good. Zombie Baby Daddy starts with the team surrounded. The only thing left to do is to kick some Zombie ass. This fight also confirms a few things we learned from last episode, Zombaby. The Zombies are attracted to Lucy, and Murphy’s power over them doesn’t work when they are locked on her.

This leads to several awesome Zombie Kills in the first three minutes of the episode.

First we see 10K using gears as sling shot projectiles…

10K Sling Shot Kill

Followed up by Warren with some slick machete work…

Warren Working the Machete

A Lot Of Lincolns

Doc also has a brief moment where he’s not sure if he’s having a bad trip when he comes fact to face with a bus full of Abraham Lincolns. I love Doc and the fun he brings to every episode.

Zombie Lincolns

After the team takes care of the immediate Zombie threat they flee into the woods. Team Warren finds itself with two objectives. The first is for Warren to track down Vasquez. Meanwhile Addy, 10K, and Doc try to assess whether Lucy is going to become a threat, or a savior as she grows.

Addy, Doc, and 10K’s attempts to get Murphy to let them hold the baby only spooks Murphy. This forces him deeper into the woods, where Lucy’s Zombie attractive powers brings out a few Zombified woodland critters.

Zombie Critters

The Zombie critters end up chasing Murphy deeper into the woods. This leads him to a small homestead protected by a man and woman. Murphy realizes he can’t take care of Lucy with everyone so focused on her, so he does what every Zombie Dad would do. He makes two zombie slaves to take care of his baby.

Zombie Baby Sitters

While Murphy is taking care of his child care situation, Warren and Vasquez are forced to fight for their lives, all while Vasquez reveals how was originally a federal agent before he was compromised by the cartels, and both Warren and Vasquez get to do some surgery on the other. They both make it, but everyone else isn’t so lucky.

Cassandra is blindly loyal to Murphy, and in the process of trying to protect her maker, she hurts Addy, then pushes 10K too far. He’s forced to protect himself, or die, and in the end, it costs Cassandra her life.

Doc tries his best to make 10K feel better, but 10K had feelings for her, which makes her death even harder to deal with. She was 10K’s 3255th kill, and Murphy is pissed, but Warren keeps things from devolving into a fist fight.

Team Murphy has to continue on, for humanities sake.

Zombie Baby Daddy Scoring

Zombie Baby Daddy scored an 86/100 and is Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 5

Zombaby finds Team Murphy moving through a small town in Wisconsin. The Zombie apocalypse must have hit during their cheese festival, because the town is decked out with everything from a massive cheese wheel, to people in cheesy costumes. This reminds Warren about how they turned the Liberty bell in Philadelphia into a weapon back in Season 1, Philly Feast. Thus we get an epic rolling cheese wheel of death:

Cheese Wheel – Of Death

After escaping the horde in Cheesy Town, Murphy’s baby Momma, Serena, continues to suffer with horrible nausea.

Serena Spewing

Baby On Board

Team Murphy is trying to help with Serena when they are ambushed. This leads to Serena’s awesome rage killing spree as she opens up with an M4, screaming that there is a baby on board. Good times.

Serena is about to pop, so Team Murphy heads for a local Mennonite community, hoping to find friendlies and supplies. This introduces us to another great moment in Zombie Television history, the Zombie Sheep!!!

Zombie Sheep

As if Zombie Sheep wasn’t bad enough, the local zombies spew white powder when they are killed. That white powder just happens to be Anthrax spores, which takes 10K down for the count. The Mennonites have some cipro, but not enough for everyone.

The Search For Antiobiotics

This leads to the next two acts of Zombaby. Addy leads a small group to a local town to find more antibiotics as Doc and Murphy stay back to help Serena give birth.

Unfortunately for 10K, Addy isn’t able to find any antibiotics, and when she makes it back to the farm, 10K looks bad, and Addy collapses. Warren, Doc, and the bounty hunter are all ex military, so they have been vaccinated against Anthrax, but 10K and Addy didn’t serve, so they are suffering.

Warren comes to a difficult decision. The Mennonites have enough antibiotics to save 10K and Addy, but only if they take what they need, which will leave the Mennonites to die. The Mennonites don’t resist because its against their beliefs, they just let Warren take all the meds.

Back in the barn, Serena gives birth to a very Murphy-esque baby. I died laughing when the zombie wise men showed up.

Zombie Wise Men

While everyone was focused on the new baby, a horde of zombies showed up to great the baby, leading to Serena making the ultimate sacrifice so Murphy and their baby can escape.

After escaping the farm, we also get to see Addy giving 10K a box of condoms, and giving him the “don’t be stupid” talk. FYI, I did look for Billy Brand condoms for fun, but they appear to be made up for the show. It was very touching that Addy cares enough about 10K to give him the talk. We also learn that apparently 10K is a virgin, but Addy assures him there are girls out there for him.

10K Getting the Talk

Zombaby ends with Murphy naming his little girl Lucy. The episode ends with the giant wheel of cheese rolling along, taking out a cow before the credits roll.

Zombaby Scoring

Zombaby scored an 85/100 and earned every one of those points.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 4

Batch 47 finds the Team at a Zombie pot farm. Literally. Zombies have merged with the pot plants, and thus we have Z Weed. The only problem is that the Zombies have fused with the pot, and harvesting Z weed makes them angry.

I love Z Nation’s mix of frenetic violence, fun characters, and the way it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Usually, this is great. Batch 47 takes it just a little bit too out there. Obviously you have to watch it because who just skips an episode in the middle of a series. But, my suggestion is that you have a few drinks to help you through it.

Or, better yet, if you live in a state where its legal. Light up a little bit bit of the green and pren

After the last few powerhouse episodes Batch 47 just doesn’t cut it. It was fun at times, but also silly, and I’m giving it a 60/100, putting it in Rainy Day Territory.

Batch 47 Scoring

The big news doesn’t happen until almost at the very end of the episode when Murphy’s Baby Momma shows up, and she is about to pop!

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

See how all Zombie Series rank here!

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 3

Zombie Road feels like Z Nation’s tribute to the Mad Max franchise., and they did a great job. Zombie Road opens with two marauders who have run a vehicle off the road and assassinate the passengers. This leads to one of the best one liners of the episode. Marauder 1 gets mad at Marauder 2 for using his firearm.

Marauder 1: Every Blaster within 5 miles heard that!!!

Marauder 2: Don’t be so negative, worry is poison. That’s why you don’t crap right.

Z NationZombie Road

It was silly and dumb, but it made me laugh. Then both Marauders got violently eaten by radiation mutated zombies. We just got introduced to Blasters, the new, very fast, and very deadly zombies that the fallout has created.

Marauder Eaten Alive

On The Road

Team Murphy is on the road. They are trying to get further away from the nuclear fall out when they encounter another group of survivors. The other group is being ambushed. Team Murphy watches from afar before deciding to act. Warren and the team tell their new member that they are going to help, because they are still good people.


Warren and team help defend the small convoy from the bandits, but its not long before more bandits lead to a series of action packed gun battles.

We also get introduced to Z Weed, which on top of being relaxing and giving you the munchies, seems to make Cassandra remember a little bit of who she was before Murphy bit her.

Life post zombie apocalypse has been made significantly worse by the zombies being exposed to fallout. These “Blasters” are fast, can take a ton of damage and keep going, and worst of fall, they are immune to whatever power Murphy has over the normal undead.

For me, the Best Zombie Kill was when one of the Blasters fell off the semi and got sucked under the tires.

Zombie Road ends with Murphy, Cassandra, and Wrecking Ball have slipped away in one of the convoys cars, and thanks to Wrecking Ball and his tales of Z Weed and a potential strain of Z Weed as a cure, Murphy is all in on making his way to the source of the Z Weed in Minneapolis.

This sets us up for the next episode for Warren and team to chase after Murphy, and for us to find out more about Z Weed.

Zombie Road Scoring

Zombie Road had lots of action, gore, and violence, and scored a 90/100. What cost it a few points? The first is the same thing that cost last episode some points. People are shooting at other people in the open, who are not far off, and keep missing. The second was the “sick bus”. Everyone knows that when you die you turn, so it seems silly to keep a bunch of nearly dead, sick people, where they can get to you. Still, there was a ton of action in Zombie Road, and that is worth every other point this episode got.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 2

White Light picks up where The Murphy left off. Citizen Z’s attempt to make sure that Murphy gets to the CDC backfires. Everyone wants the bounty. The bounty hungers are willing to kill anyone who gets in their way. This leads to a crazy free for all.

Free For All

Everyone is trying to get to Murphy at the same time they are trying to kill each other. Bullets are flying. Unfortunately Doc and 10K are pinned down by sniper fire. This leads to one of the most intense scenes in White Light. Doc is strangled, and only just survives. You can’t kill Doc!

He is one my favorite characters. Nothing better happen to Doc! Sadly, not everyone is as lucky as Doc. We lose another member of the crew in the human vs human vs zombie free for all.

While all hell is breaking loose in Cheyenne Wyoming, Citizen Z is fighting for both his life. Camp Northern Light is under attack. Citizen Z fights, and kills several fast, ex military zombies. Lucky for us, he’s up to the task.

After lots of shooting and violence, they catch Murphy. Addy nearly beats him to death. She clearly blames Murphy for making them chase him, which cost Mack his life.

White Light Scoring

I’m giving White Light an 81/100. There was a lot of action, but it bugs me when there is just tons of shooting as people cross open ground. Everyone who films a shooting scene should go play a few rounds of airsoft. Why? Because it is not like the movies. Being in the open means you will be hit.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation, Season 2, Episode 1

The Murphy kicks off Season 2 of Z Nation.

The nukes are coming down, and the team is about to face some fall out.

Nukes In Rear View

Murphy has run, and Team Warren barely escapes the initial blast, and Cassandra appears to crawl out of the crater of the lab, or at least what was Cassandra.

Citizen Z isn’t faring too much better at Camp Northern Light. The nuke aimed at him appears to have hit a plane, bringing down a horde of zombies. Citizen Z survives, but the base is in bad shape. He barricades himself off from the undead long enough to send out an urgent call to whoever can hear him. He knows Murphy is on the loose, and tells anyone listening that there is a huge reward for getting Murphy to the west coast.

Sisters Of Mercy

Mack and Addy are still at the Sisters of Mercy, but the nukes and one of their exiled children have torched the place, killing almost everyone. Mack and Addy drive away on a four wheeler as the woman that Murphy slept with back in Season 1, Episode 11, creeps out of the tree line, and guess what? Murphy is going to be a daddy!!!

Baby Momma

Murphy on the other hand is buck naked after shedding his skin, and decides to go clothes shopping, with a few zombies in tow. It’s not long before a scavenger finds Murphy, and tries to take him prisoner so he can collect the bounty.

The plan doesn’t go so well after Cassandra shows up. She’s not quite herself, but she does seem to recognize Murphy. This kicks off an interesting bit of Murphy’s quirks as he uses his “Zombie Whispering” to try and get two of the female zombies to kiss.

Team Warren

Warren, Doc, and 10K are somewhere out on the plains with no vehicle and no supplies, and Doc is hurt. Warren leaves them to go find supplies, help, or both. She doesn’t get far before fatigue and depression make her question whether she wants to survive any longer.

Warren At The End Of Her Rope

Warren is about to pull the trigger when she hears a girl’s scream, and it renews Warren’s purpose. All she needed was someone to save, and she goes into b*dass mode.

Warren really was at the end of her rope though. Once the girl is safe Warren passes out, hitting the ground hard.

Warren’s Fancy Machete Work

Lucky for Warren, the kid is kind enough to take her home to safety after she passes out.

While Warren is enjoying the hospitality of the girl’s family Mack and Addy are reunited with Doc and 10K.

10K For The Rescue Kill Shot

Lucky for Warren, she meets back up with Doc, 10K, Mack, and Addy and the team is able to make up some ground using Mack’s 4 wheeler to pull them along.

Team Warren finds Murphy a little ways down the road in Cheyenne Wyoming. Murphy has taken over the local strip club.

Murphy in his Pimp Suit

Practical Clothing?

I think Addy has the best one liner of the episode when she looks at Cassandra’s gold hot pants, and says, “I’m sorry, what is she wearing? Is that mildly impractical for the apocalypse?” Unfortunately for 10K, Cassandra doesn’t seem to really recognize him, and she’s clearly keeping herself between Murphy and the humans.

The episode ends with a zombie strip show that ends in a centrifugal force amputation that leaves the team distracted and vulnerable, giving another band of bounty hunters just the opening the newcomers need to get the drop on Team Murphy.

The confrontation ends with Murphy hitting the Zombie Panic button, leaving all the humans to fight for survival as Cassandra and Murphy flee out the back of the bar. This leads to the third awesome zombie kill of the episode with 10K using a fire extinguisher.

Zombie Fire Extinguisher Kill

The episode ends with Team Warren going to follow Murphy before cutting away to Murphy’s Baby Momma. She’s standing on the road, looking left and right, before she asks her belly, “Which way is daddy?”

We then see the outline of a little hand move across the inside of her belly, pointing the way.

The Murphy Scoring

Wow, the Season 2 opening episode was packed with awesome scenes and storyline. I’m giving The Murphy a 90/100.

Now on to important questions. Let me know in the comments bellow which kill you think was the Best Zombie Kill. We have Warren’s machete work, 10K’s headshot, or 10K’s fire extinguisher kill. For me the fire extinguisher takes it.

Fight me if you disagree.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70