Doc’s Angels opens with Kaya watching Enders killing Zombies as she eats some snacks. Citizen Z comes over and comments on how empty the world seems. This leads to a touching moment where Kaya takes his hand and he presses it to his lips.
We then cut over to Doc who is moving across open ground until he sees what looks like a castle in the background. As eh walks he is listening to a strange radio broadcast on his handheld.
Doc’s not very into the ground when he encounters what appear to be Bedazzled Zombies. Not only do they sparkle, but they also add some armor, because Doc’s handgun doesn’t do much damage.
The Zombies corner Doc and wound him, but thankfully don’t manage to get a bite in. When Doc wakes up he’s been bandaged and dressed in clean clothes, and there are three woman watching him sleep.
The three seem nice as they put balm on his wounds and give him a back massage. They even do his hair up in a nice man bun. At least they seem nice until he tries to use their radio. It doesn’t matter though, they cut the radio wire under the desk.
With the radio not working the women feed Doc. As he eats they tell him that they set up the whole compound on their own. The women seem to be in competition for Doc’s attention. Then the bald girl steps it up by rubbing his inner thigh with her foot.
Doc gets to see just how crazy the women are when its time to feed their pets. As the girls are working with their pets Doc almost gets eaten. Thanks to his quick reflexes he takes out the sparkling Zombie instead.
As the girls entertain Doc, he starts to realize that he should get moving. But they offer him some weed which distracts him from his original thought. When he goes to bed he gets three visits. The first two are openly flirty while the bald woman is scary flirty, bringing Doc a sword. In the end, Doc gives in to temptation, and wakes up the next morning after what I can only assume is an exhausting night.
Doc apparently wore the girls out because he’s the first one up in the morning and discovers the radio’s transmission wire is cut just before the girls find him.
As he’s fleeing he realizes the girls have been using humans to make “art”. They have a row of skulls and couches and lamp shades made out of leather, human leather. The girls did tell him they make everything locally. As Doc flees he finds the torture dungeon, or as doc says, the Hobby Lobby of hell.
With their secret known, the girls put on their gimp masks and confront Doc as he comes out of the basement.
Doc is getting his *ss kicked until the other dungeon prisoners come to his rescue. The distraction gives Doc a chance to get back to the radio. He tells Citizen Z that Lucy is alive but captive. It is up to Citizen Z to get the message to Warren.
The girls break into the radio room before Doc can tell Citizen Z where he is but Doc has escaped up the radio tower, treed by the girls and their pet Zombies. Doc just barely escapes by using the towers height to drop him over the fence when it collapses.
Doc’s Angels ends with Doc fleeing back across open ground before we cut over to Kaya telling Citizen Z that she cracked the encrypted sat phone transmission they picked up earlier. They know where The Man is going to be after he called for a helicopter to pick him and Lucy up. Now Citizen Z and Kaya just need to get the information to Warren so she can do something about it.
Doc’s Angels Scoring
Doc’s Angels wasn’t really about the Zombies, so I have to give it a 70/100, even though it was all about Doc, who is one of my favorites.
Things I Loved About This Episode
- The creepy music really set the mood throughout the episode.
- Doc’s Bedazzled Zombie Kill.
- Doc talking about how 10K is the closest thing he has to a son. It was a one liner, but it was very touching.
- The crazy girl talking about Columbian neck ties and her third husband, which was pre Zombie. I loved the look of worry and fear on Doc’s face as he realized she was nuts.
- Rabbit Milk – “I milked it myself.”
- The girls putting Doc’s beard hair in their book.