ZOMBIE MOVIES – Antisocial (2013)

I picked Antisocial at random. Completely at random.

I should not gamble.

Don’t get me wrong. The acting wasn’t bad, the actors actually were quite good at their jobs. The issue is really just comes down to the pace of the movie, and what should have been the focus. In terms of pace, there is very little action until almost a half hour in, that is just too slow of a build up for this type of movie.

On the focus front, I wanted to see a bunch of people defending the house from waves of zombies, not watch a suspense/thriller about what is causing the violence.

If the writers had actually made a movie about surviving in the house, this movie could have been so much better.

Having said that, they did make a sequel, and I’m hoping they take off from the end of this movie, and make it a pure Zombie Apocalypse movie. We’ll find out next weekend, so keep your fingers crossed.

I won’t ruin the “twist”, but its not hard to see it coming. I did watch the whole movie, so it is watchable, it just isn’t what a zombiephile is really looking for, so its gets a 32/100.

See all Zombie Movies here.

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