Rebirth (2020)

Rebirth was written and directed by Roger Conners. I am assuming it is a self funded passion project – but I am totally guessing.

The movie starts with two brothers visiting their family gravesite. We are then quickly introduced to our Zombies. These Zombies have glowing eyes.


There are just so many things that don’t quite work for Rebirth. The dialogue is a little rough around the edges. The special effects are not so great, and the movie forgets that the focus should be on the Zombies. I found the glowing eye effect to be very distracting. It felt like someone with poor CGI experience doing a school project. I’m sorry if you were the CGI coordinator. The special effect were just so poorly done.

All in all Rebirth earned itself a 10/100, making it Just Bad. I challenge you to watch this from start to finish without taking a drink. Yes, this movie made me want to drink. Not only want, but it made me actually drink. There was just no way to power through it otherwise. I’m a week man.

If you are looking for a decent low budget Zombie Movie I recommend The Battery.

See all Zombie Movies here.

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