I have no idea where this gentleman is or what he’s shooting at.
So I don’t know why his balance is off or his footing is bad, but as a general rule, unless its life or death, you are better off not taking the shot, and getting better footing.
Most people instinctively clutch at something when they are falling, and if that was not a single action rifle, everyone, including the shooter, are at risk of an other round being squeezed off.
Zombie Night starts just the way I want a zombie movie to start.
The outbreak has started, and all hell is breaking loose. People get stranded wherever they were when the biting started, and have to survive as best they can. This is how all zombie movies should start in my opinion.
Want to make it even better, throw Alan Ruck in. How can you not love a movie that gives you flash backs to a classic role like Cameron Frye in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?
Sure, there are some other big names in this movie like Daryl Hannah and Anthony Michael Hall, but Alan Ruck is the actor out of those three that engenders the most positive feelings out of me.
Zombie Night has some awesome scenes, like when the little girl comes back as a zombie, or when granny turns.
The honest truth is that the zombies were the best part of the movie, and in a weird way, Daryl Hannah actually took away from the scenes she was in. I couldn’t stop thinking about her as the mermaid in that Tom Hanks movie when she was on screen, and that was distracting.
Was it the best zombie movie ever made, not quite. Is it enjoyable and very watchable? Absolutely, which earned Zombie Night a respectable score of 70/100.
What would have made it better? The movie falls into the standard traps of having people make silly survival decisions by ignoring things that should have been obvious.
The movie is well worth a watch, its just not one of the movies that I think I’ll end up watching more than once.
Self Testing BulletProof Vests is just Bad Gun Handling. This is scary. Don’t do it. You could kill your friend!
I can’t believe I even need to say this, but don’t test your body armor.
Especially when drunk.
Each time it is hit it gets weakened and of course you have the risk that your buddy is going to miss the panel.
Respect The Weapon
Why do I show these videos? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
Treat all guns as though they are loaded.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
Clearly this is a violation of Rule 1. Shooting your buddy is not safe. I don’t care if he strapped on a vest first. I get it. You get curious. Will this vest really stop a bullet. Go buy a gel torso and strap your vest to that. Shooting at your buddy is not the way to test if the vest is going to work or not.
Day of the Dead (2008) is a remake of George A. Romero’s 1985 film by the same name, and is exactly what a zombie movie should be. An outbreak takes place in a small town and the military is sent in to contain the infection, but things don’t go quite as planned.
Mena Suvari plays the main character, Sarah Bowman, who is dispatched back to her home town with her military unit to help contain whatever is going on in town.
Sarah, realizing that something bad may be going on, leaves her post to go check on her brother and mother. That sets off a chain reaction of events that lead to some of my favorite scenes in the movie.
Part of watching zombie movies is the desire to see the moment when the infection goes rampant and things go crazy. Day of the Dead did an awesome job of turning the hospital, and Sarah’s escape from it, into a violent orgy of zombie violence.
The makers of the movie understood the basic premise that George A. Romero was going for. Make people run, and those who don’t get eaten. It’s a basic principle that too many zombie movies forget.
If you haven’t seen Day of the Dead yet, I highly recommend it, the movie earned its 90/100.
It is so hard to find a good zombie movie these days.
Take the Antisocial series. It has a great premise, but then focuses on the wrong aspect of what makes a good zombie movie a good movie. I was really hopeful that the second edition would concentrate on surviving the zombie apocalypse, instead it tried to be the zombie matrix lite and missed out on what makes a good zombie horror flick a good movie.
Way too much mother son drama in Antisocial 2, and not nearly enough zombie fighting, killing, and fear of people being eaten.
I’m going to give Antisocial 2 a 33/100, but mostly because of the good acting and overall film quality. If the plot had been more focused around the hordes this could have been a great movie.
Let’s start by saying this is in now way this young ladies fault.
Whomever handed her that gun should have their ammo taken away because she is going to hurt herself, and then someone else, if she actually shoots from that stance.
Be good to new shooters, train them well, and train them to be safe…
I picked Antisocial at random. Completely at random.
I should not gamble.
Don’t get me wrong. The acting wasn’t bad, the actors actually were quite good at their jobs. The issue is really just comes down to the pace of the movie, and what should have been the focus. In terms of pace, there is very little action until almost a half hour in, that is just too slow of a build up for this type of movie.
On the focus front, I wanted to see a bunch of people defending the house from waves of zombies, not watch a suspense/thriller about what is causing the violence.
If the writers had actually made a movie about surviving in the house, this movie could have been so much better.
Having said that, they did make a sequel, and I’m hoping they take off from the end of this movie, and make it a pure Zombie Apocalypse movie. We’ll find out next weekend, so keep your fingers crossed.
I won’t ruin the “twist”, but its not hard to see it coming. I did watch the whole movie, so it is watchable, it just isn’t what a zombiephile is really looking for, so its gets a 32/100.