This guy is lucky that this example of bad trigger discipline didn’t end up killing someone. You can see the moment his finger slips on the trigger.
This is why practice, training, and education are so important. It is also why doing the same thing every time you perform the action is so important. Deviation leads to sloppiness. Sloppiness is how accidents like this happen.
Please be safe out there.
Wear good Safety Gear and learn the proper skills to shoot safety.
Safety First
Why do I show these videos? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
Treat all guns as though they are loaded.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
Clearly this video shows the dangers of how breaking Rule 3 can end up in disaster. A failure to maintain Trigger Discipline can easily result in catastrophic outcomes.
Resident Evil The Devil You Know picks up right where Welcome to New Raccoon City left off. Jade has jumped off the wall to escape Umbrella Corp and only lives because the soldiers give her some cover and she’s lucky enough to be in the way of others trying to escape the Umbrella Corp cleansing that is about to go down.
Back in the past Jade’s father is dealing with the fallout from his daughters breaking into his lab, all while Billie is starting to exhibit some alarming symptoms. This is about where the episode loses some steam. The political drama and relationship drama is fine, but Resident Evil should be a show that focuses on surviving the Zombies, not surviving the big evil corporation. I’m here to suspend my belief, not relive our universal truth.
Basically the last thirty minutes of the episode is what I’d describe as story building. It was okay, and I know its a television show, but it just didn’t hold my attention like I wanted.
The whole present time versus past time method of creating media is burnt out in my opinion. It was novel, but now it seems like its a useful tool that just gets used too much. What the story teller is trying to say here is clear. A few brief flashbacks would have told the story and kept things much tighter. Instead we are basically watching two different shows that clearly have a link, but one where the present day story is just so much more compelling. That divide hurts the show because I really just want to know what Jade is doing in the here and now, and unless some major revelation comes out of the flashbacks I’m going to say all that time watching it was a waste.
Scoring Resident Evil The Devil You Know
The Devil You Know dropped to a 45/100. The opening was awesome, but the rest of the episode once we fell back to the past was very predictable and just not captivating enough.
Homemade Silencer? Scary, and a bad idea. They are also Bad Gun Handling. I like to upgrade my firearms. But I use tools and parts that approved and legal for their intended purposes.
This Homemade Silencer is just plane dangerous. It is putting backpressure on the cylinder and is using a plastic bottle and duct tape. Not only is this an illegal modification in many places, but it is just plane dangerous.
This Homemade Silencer could cause a deadly malfunction and injure someone. It’s just scary. If you want to put a Silencer on a weapon, fill out the forms and do it the right way by buying one.
Please be safe out there.
Safety First
Why do I show these videos? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
Treat all guns as though they are loaded.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
Wear good Safety Gear and learn the proper skills to shoot safety.
The new Resident Evil television series kicks off with “Welcome to New Raccoon City”.
Resident Evil
The story uses the familiar dual storyline method, showing us today, and yesterday in spurts. Meanwhile the pattern of showing the past and present becomes a norm moving forward. The flashbacks show Jade and Billie Wesker have moving to New Raccoon City. Their father, Albert Wesker, played by the wonderful Lance Reddick has pull. Clearly he is a valued member of the Umbrella team. Obviously this makes me wonder who is more loyal to. His girls, or his employer.
In the current timeline Jade is thirty years old and researching the Zombies at great person risk. Evidently Jade will sacrifice time with her child to save the world.
This leads to the best action scene (for me) in “Welcome to New Raccoon City”.
Jade is working on her research when she accidentally cuts herself. The blood drives the infected mad. They swarm, searching for the source of the blood. The scene is awesome. I’m hoping it sets the tone for the rest of the season.
Jade barely escapes. In the process she runs into a group of scavengers. The scavengers give us new insight into Jade. She is a fugitive, and Umbrella is willing to pay to find her. Which is of course when we jump back to the other timeline. Just when it was getting good we flash back to the past. Jade and Billie want to know what their father is doing. To find out they break into Alberts lab. Even with the infected everywhere and the remaining population living in walled cities, teenage girls will get upset by animal testing. There is of course a rule that if you have dangerous pathogens in a lab, the security is crappy enough that a few teen girls can get in with nothing but a badge and some audio of their father who works there.
What the girls don’t know can absolutely hurt them. Albert takes blood samples from the girls. They think he is monitoring their health. Surprisingly, what Albert really does is inject their blood into himself. Is he infected? I guess I’ll have to keep watching to find out.
This of course brings us to the episode cliffhanger. Jade has limited choices. Jade has two choices. Be captured or dive into a swarm of the undead. With little real choice, she dives into the infected zone.
Thus ends the episode. How will Jade survive? What happened to Billie after being bitten by the dog?
Scoring Resident Evil Welcome to New Raccoon City
Firstly, this was a a great start to the season. Because of this, Welcome to New Raccoon City earned itself an 80/100, making it worth your time. The writing and dialogue is good and the special effects are top notch so far. The story itself is fairly boilerplate for the moment, but I’m hoping there are some twists and turns in the coming episodes.
Shooting From Porch is just a bad idea. I can’t see what is behind those trees. Could this guy own a thousand acres of land and there is nothing out there? Could it back to water? Sure, but even with each of those scenarios someone could have ended up there.
That is the first thing that scares me.
The second thing is that he’s up on that porch. What if someone walks around the corner from either side and wanders in front of that weapon?
I know I will get hate mail on this one. Sure, you can make a hundred scenarios where this might be safe. But that is the key word. Might. Even if you think you are alone on your property people may have broken down or gotten lost on their four wheelers. There are a lot of ways that people end up where you don’t think they should be.
Safety First
Why do I show these videos? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
Treat all guns as though they are loaded.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
Clearly this video shows the dangers of how breaking Rule 4. Anyone could be coming around the corner.
The Valley Of The Dead is a Spanish Language film titled “Malnazidos”. Its original theatrical release was delayed because of the pandemic. Thankfully Netflix swooped in, bought the rights, and dubbed it to English for those of us without Spanish Language skills to enjoy.
Valley Of The Dead – aka Malnazidos
The material is probably not as familiar to Americans, as it takes place during the Spanish Civil War. The movie synopsis doesn’t actually cover this, so if you are like me, you probably assumed the time frame was one of the World Wars until it was a bit further in.
Months after bloody combats leave behind thousands of dead in the trenches. Jan Lozano, Captain of the Fifth Brigade has fallen prisoner by an opponent’s platoon along with a young driver while carrying out a mission that has been entrusted to him. The possibility of dying executed will soon be overtaken when a new unknown enemy arises. Both rival sides must unite and set their mutual hate aside in order to survive.
-Telecinco Cinema
Spoilers Below
The Valley Of The Dead kicks off as a standard war movie. Our unwilling “hero” Jan, played by Miki Esparbé, is given a mission which has little chance of success. Jan is sent to recover a downed pilot. Unfortunately for Jan, he and his driver are captured shortly after thier mission begins. This finally introduces us to our first Zombie. Why do I say finally? Because that first zombie doesn’t actually appear until twenty minutes in.
It isn’t long before Jan and his captors join forces to fight a common enemy. One of my favorite scenes is when they took down a lone Zombie only to realize they pulled every Undead within earshot down on their heads. This may seem obvious but so many movies have people blowing away undead without accounting for the fact it would pull every biter around them down on their heads.
The Valley Of The Dead
I would describe The Valley Of The Dead as a fun, but formulaic movie. Don’t expect new ground to be covered here. Don’t get me wrong. The Valley Of The Dead is enjoyable to watch. The visuals and special effects are first rate. The cast was well chosen and each of them plays their part well. It all comes together nicely.
The Valley Of The Dead Scoring
So why is The Valley Of The Dead scoring a respectable 70/100? It makes The Valley Of The Dead Worth Your Time, but just barely. There were a good number of Zombies, but I would have loved to see a horde versus a machine gun. There was plenty of action, I just wanted something a little more. The other main reason is that the story. There just wasn’t anything new there. It was enjoyable, but it needed something to make it pop just a little more to get that score up a little more.
Respect The Weapon, learn how to handle it properly.
How do you tell someone you don’t know how to handle a revolver without saying anything?
You snap the cylinder shut with a flick of your hand.
This is just so bad for the weapon. You want to support the crane. Using the weight of the cylinder to close it will eventually ruin the weapon. How badly it fails when it is stressed too much is a roll of the dice. Do you want to lose a finger because you didn’t handle your revolver with respect and care?
Respect The Weapon
Why do I show these videos? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
Treat all guns as though they are loaded.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
If you are interested in learning more about how to shoot a revolver, I highly recommend The Art of Revolver Shooting.
The Video Dead is what I’d call a classic Zombie Movie. Anything over 30 years old qualifies in my book.
The Video Dead
What should you expect from a 30 year old Zombie movie? Don’t expect state of the art CGI or a lot of special effects. The late 80s were a time when special effects cost big dollars, and Zombie movies relied mostly on practical effects.
Having said that, they did spend some bucks on what I’d call the Weird Science lightening effect. Who knows, maybe someone on the team actually worked on Weird Science, it did come out two years before The Video Dead was released.
Amazing CGI
The Video Dead tells a story about a television that allows Zombies to escape from it, as well as having the ability to haunt anyone who is watching it. The movie opens with delivery guys bringing the television to a house, and then shortly returning to find the owner of the house murdered in gruesome fashion. We then jump forward in time to a brother and sister who move in, not knowing they just made “The Murder House” their new home.
It’s not long before the television makes itself present felt, taunting Jeff, the younger brother with lustful messages.
Creepy TV
Jeff writes off the strange events, blaming the weed he was smoking for his crazy thoughts.
When a neighborhood young lady comes by with the dog she’s watching, Jeff temporarily finds a new target for his attentions, but in the process, the dog gets loose, leading to one of the funniest lines in the movie:
The Dog
It is not long before the last owner of the television shows up. His guilt driving him to try and help. He knew what the television could do, and tries to help the best he can.
The story was relatively straight forward and stayed true to itself. There is a nice little twist at the end. It’s not ground breaking, but I thought it was a suitable ending and I don’t want to give the end away as I do think The Video Dead should be put on your list as a Rainy Day Movie. The Video Dead scored a 65/100, putting it at the top of that Rainy Day Movie category.
Looking Down The Barrel of a loaded weapon is the ultimate example of Bad Gun Handling.
I was really hoping this was an airsoft gun, which would have been bad, but potentially less life threatening. Never, ever, point a loaded at anything you don’t intend to destroy. That includes the camera, especially if you are behind it.
This is why mandatory gun safety and range training should be required to buy a gun.
Respect The Weapon
Why do I show these videos? Because I like to go to the range and every one of these videos gives the non shooting public a bad impression of the total shooting community.
Always follow the four basic rules of Gun Safety:
Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
Treat all guns as though they are loaded.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
Looking Down The Barrel of a loaded weapon is a clear violation of Rule 1. Nothing could be worse from a safety perspective. This is how people die and their families are left with horrible questions. Was it an accident? Was there something we could have done to avoid the tragedy?
The End? is an Italian language Zombie Horror film with a straight forward premise:
Claudio Verona is a young and cynical businessman. One day he gets locked in his office elevator before an important meeting with a client, and this annoying obstacle turns into a nightmare. For outside that metal cage, a deadly virus has begun to infect and transform people into extremely violent and dangerous zombies.
Rai Cinema
The End?
Spoilers Below
Claudio is a shmuck. The End? makes that very clear in the first fifteen minutes. Claudio is a high powered businessman and an ass. Claudio cheats on his wife. He treats the working class people around him horribly. When Claudio finds himself stuck in an elevator while the Zombie horde rages through the building it does seem like a bit of karma.
The action takes a little while to get going. Thankfully the action starts around the 22:30 minute mark.
Marta Dies
Marta finds Claudio. Claudio is hopefull he might be saved, at least until Marta gets dragged off screen. The Zombies are in the building! This quickly leads to the sub story of Claudio’s wife who is at home as someone bangs at her door.
Claudio then loses his cool. He screams and yells in panic. While I get that Claudio would be scared out of his mind, I don’t get screaming and yelling while there are Zombies trying to eat you just outside the elevator. Maybe try to draw less attention to yourself? Even worse, try not to turn your back on the opening to take a call.
Marta Dies Again
At this point there is a good bit of gore, but there is also still an hour left in the movie and I’m curious how the next sixty minutes are going to play out. I am happy to see Claudio finally learned a lesson when he sees another survivor, and instead of screaming does a bit of whispering instead.
Several other survivors come, go. The zombies make quick work of them before a police officer shows up and gives Claudio some real hope – and a gun.
With a bit of help from his new fellow survivor Claudio eventually makes it out of the elevator. The city has been overrun, but there are still survivors. The ending was good, and avoided one major trope, which gave it points in my book.
The End? Scoring
So how did it do overall? The End? scores a 64/100, putting it at the higher end of the “Rainy Day Movie” scale. What cost it points? The End? didn’t really break any new ground, but the special effects were good and the acting was above par. The movie is in Italian, so it is subtitled, but it is still worth watching.