Z Nation Season 3, Episode 4

Escorpion and the Red Hand finds themselves greeted by disemboweled Zombies, their bodies hanging off an overpass in warning.


The ropes holding the Zombies up are cut just as Team Warren is staring up at the Zombies. Don’t worry, it gave us an awesome Zombie Kill.

Zombie Slice – O – Matic

With the Zombies taken care of Team Warren is ambushed. The attackers mistake Team Warren for the “Red Hand” gang who came into town and murdered people. The newcomers are going to get get revenge on the “Red Hand” and their leader Escorpion. Only Hector is right there with Warren, so who is pretending to be him?

Back in Spokane Murphy has expanded his compound and his followers, but at a cost. Murphy is weak from giving blood so his doctor can try and find a cure, and he’s impatient. As Murphy is leaving in a huff his doctor gives 10K the cure. 10k immediately drops, foaming at the mouth.

10K With A Minor Reaction To The “Cure”

Lucky for 10K, the doctor was just breaking Murphy’s hold over him, and wants 10K to help her escape.

While 10K is suffering, Team Warren is on the hunt for the “Red Hand”. While Warren and Hector are being threated that Escorpion is going to kill them by a wounded “Red Hand” soldier, Addy is in pain, an infected tooth poisoning her blood. Dr. Sun Mei wants to pull her teeth, but Addy isn’t happy about potentially having a gap in her smile.

After questioning their wounded “Red Hand” soldier Warren realizes that the “Red Hand” is overly motivated to kill the other group of survivors and we find out from the prisoner that the other group of survivors killed members of the “Red Hand” in order to steal food.

While Warren & Hector are fighting in the front of the warehouse, Dr. Sun Mei and Doc are playing emergency dentist, holding Addy down to pull her infected tooth.

Emergency Dental Extraction

I have to be honest, this is one of my worst fears in the Apocalypse. I can take a lot of pain, but I hate having dental issues, and the thought of having to do novice dentistry just sends s chill down my spine.

While Addy is being worked on, the “Red Hand” is sending bomb Zombies at the front door. Warren is able to distract one, but the second puts a huge hole in the building and sends Warren flying to the floor, knocked unconscious as a small horde comes rolling in. Warren and Hector barely survive the fight, but in the process one of the other survivors sees the tattoo on Hector’s arm and realizes who he is.

Back at Murphy’s compound 10K is ready to make his escape but when he goes back for the doctor, he finds that Murphy has found them out. 10K does the only thing he can do, which is jump out a window and run. 10K escapes as Murphy and his doctor vaccinate Murphy’s people.

With the survivors thinking that Hector is the acting leader of the “Red Hand” they attack, and lose. For some reason the “Red Hand” then decides to move on, leaving Team Warren to leave.

Escorpion and the Red Hand ends with Dr. Merch ignoring Murphy’s commands and escaping the only way she has left, by walking into the Zombie moat and putting a scalpel in her neck.

Dr. Merch Bites It (Or Vice Versa)

Escorpion and the Red Hand Score

Escorpion and the Red Hand was an interesting episode but it had some plot holes with the way the “Red Hand” just up and leaves after they have essentially won. Why do that? Which is why Escorpion and the Red Hand scored a 70/100.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70
SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Human Flow85
13Summer School70
17The Tunnel83
18The Stadium91
21The Cold95
23Card Game91
24Cold War83
25White Horse88
27The Lodge75
28The Plane99

Z Nation Season 3, Episode 3

Murphy’s Miracle picks up right where A New Mission left off. Team Murphy is on the road, and get stuck behind the only other car in a thousand miles. Murphy is ticked at first, at least until he sees why the other vehicle is moving so slow. There is a sick kid who is about to turn in the other car. What does Murphy do? I guess he saves her? Is it really saving her if she ends up like Cassandra?

Miracle Or Murder

While Murphy is playing god, Team Warren thinks they are hot on his tracks. At least until they realize that Murphy outsmarted them. Murphy was lead them on a wild goose chase by hiding Warren’s tracker on a Zombie. As Team Warren is looking for a vehicle they come across a food truck that is surrounded by Zombies. Oddly, the town’s mailman is inside and doesn’t want the Zombies hurt.


The Artic

Up in the arctic Kaya is pepping Citizen Z up, trying to get him to understand how important he is. His transmitter is dead, and without it he’s just Simon, but Kaya doesn’t buy it. People need to hear the voice of hope, to know that everything isn’t lost. I love Kaya’s attitude! A little bit later Kaya reveals her softer side. Shes breaks down when Citizen Z tells her there is no one left to hear him anyway. They are just about to smooch when the radio distracts them. A little bit later at dinner Citizen Z discovers that Kaya and her family are almost out of food. Lucky for them, Citizen Z knows where there is more food.

While Team Murphy is exploring Spokane, Team Warren is helping the Postman in exchange for gas and supplies. As they are helping him they realize something is very odd in town. The Zombies in town are very focused on the Postman, and it doesn’t seem natural. They corner the Postman, thinking maybe he’s been bit by Murphy or has some other power. They go so far as to make sure he’s not doing, well, other things, with the undead.

Sexual Contact

The Postman

With the heat on, The Postman just wants Team Warren gone, so he agrees to take them into the basement shelter to get supplies. There are multiple dead mail carriers who’ve been shot in the head. That is just about when the Postman opens a door, leaving Team Warren to fight for their lives in the near dark. This leads to what I think is the Best Zombie Kill of the episode. Hector goes to town with a Cancelled stamp.


When the fighting is done Team Warren finds the real Postmaster among the dead zombies, confirming their suspicions that something wasn’t right.

While Warren, Doc, Addy, and Hector are locked in the basement the Postman goes back upstairs and takes Dr. Sun Mei prisoner at gunpoint, leading her to his torture dungeon.

Torture Dungeon

Once in the Dungeon, the Postman reveals his true nature. He killed his townsfolk because he was angry at how they treated him, and was jealous of their lives. The townspeople aren’t following him because he feeds them, or love him. They are following him because he was the last thing they say before dying.

Dr. Sun Mei is able to save herself long enough to open the dungeon door so the Zombie townspeople can take their revenge.

Murphy’s Miracle ends with Murphy sitting on his self proclaimed throne as 10K struggles with being under Murphy’s influence when the family from the opening scenes shows up, wanting to thank Murphy for saving their daughter, who is not longer scared.

It’s Good To Be King

Not only do they want to thank him, but the husband wants Murphy to bite his wife. Murphy is smiling as Murphy’s Miracle comes to an end.

Murphy’s Miracle Score

Murphy’s Miracle scored an 80/100. I really liked the twist with the postman and loved the progression of Citizen Z’s story, which is why this episode is Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation Season 3, Episode 2

A New Mission begins with Citizen Z, nearly frozen to death, stranded out in the snow in the far north. We then see someone put him on a sled and begin to pull him away.

Citizen Z On The Ice

We then cut over to Warren just as Murphy is approaching from the sub. We have apparently fallen back in time from Episode 1. A group Asian special forces have Warren, Doc, Addy, and Escorpion. Murphy has decided to set out on his own.


Murphy, 10K and Murphy’s Zombie Slaves don’t make it far before two of their four wheelers blow tires. This leads to an attack by a group of very barbarian like newcomers. Murphy tries to stop them, but they aren’t Zombies, and his power doesn’t hold sway over them.


The special forces have air support, including an air drop of supplies. Unfortunately, everyone for miles around can see the supplies falling from the sky. This results in a mad rush to get to the supplies first.

Back in the north Citizen Z is slowly coming to, waking up next to a young lady. He doesn’t know where he is, but Pup is okay and he’s warm. That seems like a good reason to lie back down and rest. In the end it does make sense. If they wanted to harm him, he wouldn’t be waking up at all.

Citizen Z Got Lucky

Back on the race to the supplies, the special forces holding Team Warren show just how much firepower they have. A small group of Zombies approach, and is rapidly taken out by a laser grenade.

Laser Grenade

The special forces, being overly confident, almost fall pray to a Zombie straggler. Luckily for them, Warren and Escorpion take care of the Zombie even though they are in handcuffs. Warren and Escorpion get their zip tied cut off as a reward.

Back over on the Team Murphy side 10K is trying to break away from whatever hold Murphy has on him. As 10k struggles they hear something approaching. A massive ball of Zombies is rolling along, tearing into itself as the starving Zombies eat each other.

Zombie Ball

Out on the hunt for the air drop, the special forces have decided to give Team Warren their weapons back, with some small modifications. Addy gets a new Z-Whacker and this time its electrified.

Shockingly Nice Modifications


Back in the cold North Citizen Z has woken up, literally, on every front, and we get introduced to Kaya. Kaya is a huge fan of Citizen Z. Kaya has a flat affect, but I love the way she approaches life, and her affection that is already apparent for Citizen Z.

Back on the hunt for the supply drop the special forces go down after one poorly timed laser grenade. A zombie throws the laser grenade back and all but one soldier gets their heads popped off. The survivor is bleeding though, and he doesn’t last long when the smell brings a hungry Zombie his way. The mission has been a total bust. The female leader of the special forces is still alive, but her team is dead, and the supplies have been destroyed.

Warren takes control the situation. Their new mission is to get Murphy, and help save the world. Because no one else is going to do it. This is just about when Murphy rolls up in an armored vehicle. Murphy wants Warren to join his mission, and he has no desire to save anyone.

As Team Warren is struggling with their next step to bring Murphy back into their fold, Citizen Z is watching the northern lights with Kaya.

The episode ends with The man showing the name on his paper, and no surprises here, he’s after Murphy.

Alvin Bernard Murphy

A New Mission Score

A New Mission had some great scenes and I loved seeing Citizen Z made it after nearly freezing to death. Overall I’m giving A New Mission  a 77/100, making it Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

Z Nation Season 3, Episode 1

No Mercy kicks off Season 3 of Z Nation with the introduction of a new character. “The Man” has come to town. He works for some very serious people, and he’ll do whatever it takes to find his target, Dr. Teller.

The Man

The Man is pretty certain he knows Dr. Teller is in the survivor’s compound. Worse, he is willing to take a kid hostage to get what he wants. The kid manages to escape The Man and meets up with Team Murphy in the process.

This leads an an awesome opening montage with lots of Zombies receiving Mercy. My two favorites were 10K’s double kill:

One Shot, Two Kills

Followed up by Doc’s hammers of mercy:


After Team Murphy kicks some Zombie *ss the kid asks them for help. They balk, leading the kid to grab 10K’s gun. This leads to another new character being introduced, Red. She’s the The Crow Kid’s adopted older sister and has an awesome war club.


The team is still hesitant to help, but they are low on supplies and that drives their decision. They have to get involved to get supplies, even if they don’t really want to. Red leads them to her survivor’s compound and we see 10K crushing on Red. She tells him she’s wearing red to scare away men, and not the undead. It doesn’t bother 10K at all.

Later that day The Man shows up again, and he wants Dr. Teller. This leads to the classic “I am Spartacus” response as all the survivors claim to be Dr. Teller

After The Man leaves once more, 10K and Red head out to scout around, and bump into Doc and Addy. Doc gives 10K some advice to “be careful”.

As 10K is trying to get close to Red, Warren, Doc, and Addy are planning their defenses.

We then see what Dr. Teller might have been working on. Murphy is hearing the Zombie whispers again, which leads him into the research building where he finds strange zombies coated in blue who beg him for mercy.

Begging For Mercy

Dr. Teller catches Murphy which leads to a bit of the truth coming out. Dr. Teller has been keeping his wife and other infected inside the building. He’s unable to give them mercy. He’s also unable to let them free for fear the fungus they were working on could escape into the world.


Out on the plains, 10K is teaching Crow Kid how to use a sling shot. This earns 10K points with Red, who is very maternal towards the kid.

Team Murphy thinks they have a plan, but Warren is the first to go down, tricked into attacking a Zombie wearing The Man’s coat. This leads to her capture.

When The Man and his team arrive at the research center, Team Murphy is there to meet them, but The Man isn’t just rolling in guns, he’s got a truck load of badness to unleash if Dr. Teller isn’t handed over.

There is a brief moment of negotiation as The Man tries to put Warren on the phone to prove she’s alive but Kid Crow has found her and helped her escape before she can be used as a bargaining chip.


With nothing left to bargain with, The Man unleashes his Zombie Horde. This kicks off a very cool siege battle.

Siege Wall

The team takes care of the first wave, but The Man has armored Zombies, and his “Kraken” horde doesn’t go down quite so easily, event after taking a direct hit from an improvised mortar.

The research facility survivors fall back into the building with the fungus infected staffers. The fungi Zombies can talk to Murphy, and with his ability to communicate with them, the fungi Zombies form the last line of defense.

It almost works. Dr. Teller is forced to give his gravely wounded fungi wife mercy just before The Man blows a hole in the wall and takes Dr. Teller by force. He is after all The Man.

The Man In His Homemade Decontamination Suit

With the Dr. taken, Team Murphy flees the building. None of the townspeople survived.

We then see a helicopter flying away with The Man’s already captured targets. The Man is puts on his glasses and starts his car, preparing for his next hunt. We can’t see whos name and picture were in the envelope, but I’m sure its not going to turn out to be good for Team Murphy.

We then see the heartbreaking ending of Crow Kid’s story as 10K comes back, covered in blood, forced to tell Red that her adopted little brother didn’t make it. Red goes into a rage and attacks a massive horde before 10K can stop her. It appears she threw her life away in a moment of blind rage.

We then cut to Zona and the people relaxing by the pool. They have the scientists, but we don’t know why…yet.

The episode ends with the crows surrounding Crow Kid, attending him one last time.

Crow Kid Funeral

No Mercy Score

No Mercy was full of action and excitement, and had some excellently done zombie hordes, complete with a siege fight, which is why No Mercy scored a 90/100, setting a high bar for the rest of the season.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Puppies and Kittens95
12Fracking Zombies80
13Philly Feast80
14Full Metal Zombie81
15Home Sweet Zombie75
16Resurrection Z81
17Welcome to the Fu-Bar83
19Die Zombie Die… Again29
110Going Nuclear79
111Sisters Of Mercy82
112Murphy's Law80
113Doctor of the Dead91
21The Murphy90
22White Light81
23Zombie Road90
24Batch 4760
26Zombie Baby Daddy86
27Down The Mississippi87
28The Collector63
210We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon72
211Corporate Retreat85
212Party with the Zeros64
213Adiós, Muchachos69
214Day 190
215All Good Things Must Come to an End 94
31No Mercy90
32A New Mission77
33Murphy's Miracle80
34Escorpion and the Red Hand70
35Little Red and the Wolfz79
36Doc Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest73
37Welcome to Murphytown 67
38Election Day80
39Heart of Darkness70
310They Grow Up So Quickly85
311Doc’s Angels70
312The Siege of Murphytown70
314Everybody Dies in the End70

iZombie , Season 1, Episode 12

Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat opens up with Liv’s would be assassin climbing out the water and stumbling up onto the road.

Why Did The Zombie Cross The Road

Confused from being turned, and wounded from the blades of the boat hitting him, the assassin stumbled onto the road and directly into the path of a group of young men and women who are driving a stolen car.

Zombie Road Kill – Kind Of

Zombie Assassin

Things go about as you would expect. The kids can’t report the accident because their victim is dead, so they bury him in the woods. Of course our Assassin isn’t dead, he’s just stunned, and he wakes up just in time to snag the cheerleader, Kimber, before she can escape.

A few weeks later Liv and Ravi get pulled in when Rufus the pooch finds a body part in the woods.

Rufus Has His Foot In HIs Mouth

Back in the MEs office Liv gets a punch in the gut when Ravi finds his Zombie survivor rat “Hope” dead in her cage. The possible cure isn’t quite as close as they thought it was.

With Kimber’s cheerleader brains on board, Liv has turned into a teen. Clive has pulled in one of the victims friends, and Liv totally bonds with her, getting her to spill and play a voicemail Kimber left for her. This leads Clive and Liv to the three surviving youths who hit the Assassin Zombie. The kids are in a band, and rent out a storage space to jam.

Back at the station Clive has watched the security footage from the storage facility, and figured out that the kids could have been in the stolen car they see leaving, leading them back to the storage unit.

Brains Pizza

Unfortunately, someone else has already been there, and there is another body. At least we get to see what Pizza with Brains looks like.

Brains With Pizza or Pizza With Brains

Back at home, Ravi asks Major for some dating advice, which leads to one of the best exchanges of the episode. Major’s humor and attitude are awesome, and I just love the way he thinks.

When Major leaves Ravi, he goes out to buy weapons, and ends up buying a grenade as well. What could go wrong?

With two members of the foursome involved with the motor vehicle accident with the Assassin Zombie, Miss Giovanni, the dark haired goth girl comes to the station. She is convinced she’s going to be next. The story she tells seems unbelievable, at least to Clive. How could they bury someone and have that person climb out of a grave?

Before Clive and Liv can track down the Assassin Zombie, he tracks down Liv, pissed that he ate is grandmother, and he blames Liv for making him whatever he is. Peyton is knocked out cold on the floor, and Assassin Zombie wants revenge.

A short, brutal battle ensues, and Liv wins, but there is a cost. Peyton wakes up as Liv is in full Zombie mode.

Peyton Learns The Truth

Liv comes clean, telling Peyton the full truth and it doesn’t appear that Peyton is taking it well. When Liv goes to get medical supplies for Peyton, Peyton flees.

The episode ends with lots of bad things going on.

Ravi’s weekend with Peyton has been screwed over by Liv’s revalation.

Miss Giovanni has been beat to a pulp.

And worst of all, Major has been captured by Team Blaine, and Blaine has just hired Liv’s little brother.

Major Issues

Dead Rat… Scoring

This was a fun episode that leaves us on a cliffhanger for the season finale. Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat scored a 73/100, making it Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
Season 11Pilot90
Season 12Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?70
Season 13The Exterminator71
Season 14Liv and Let Clive75
Season 15Flight of the Living Dead71
Season 16Virtual Reality Bites76
Season 17Maternity Liv75
Season 18Dead Air66
Season 19Patriot Brains74
Season 110Mr. Berserk77
Season 111 Astroburger72
Season 112Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat73
Season 113Blaine's World80
Season 21Grumpy Old Liv80
Season 22Zombie Bro80
Season 23Real Dead Housewife of Seattle85
Season 24Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues70
Season 25Love & Backetball81
Season 26Max Wager75
Season 27Abra Cadaver85
Season 28The Hurt Stalker90
Season 29Cape Town88
Season 210Method Head75
Season 211Fifty Shades of Grey Matter85
Season 212Physician, Heal Thy Selfie70
Season 213The Whopper85
Season 214Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind69
Season 215He Blinded Me With Science81
Season 216Pour Some Sugar, Zombie82
Season 217Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be83

iZombie , Season 1, Episode 11

Astroburger kicks off with Major in the hospital, waiting for his buddy Scott to play chess. When Major goes to find him, he’s in his tub, his wrists cut, a suicide. Or at least that what it was meant to look like.

Game Over, Man

Death Tub

It only takes Ravi a single look at the tub to say its a suspicious death. If Scott E had been alive when he was put in the water, it would have been much darker than a light pink.

Pink Water

Liv takes the chance while she’s at the hospital to talk one on one with Major. Major tentatively tells Liv that Scott E told him there were Zombies at the boat party massacre where Liv and Scott E both were at. Liv doesn’t admit the truth, but she does feel like betrayed Major, or at least the reason she thought it was a safe to let Major commit himself.

That night Liv is there for Peyton’s first date with Ravi, and Major shows up because Ravi changed the locks. This leads to something like a double date as Major, Liv, Ravi, and Peyton end up eating Chinese food while looking for something to watch that won’t trigger Major. While everyone is worried about Major, Scott E’s brain is kicking in and Liv is having delusions.

Suzuki’s Brains

Back at Blaine’s headquarters Suzuki is has come to pick up his brains, and shares that Liv and Lowell may have been working together, which doesn’t seem to shock Blaine at all.

The news leads Blaine to head to the MEs office under the pretense of following up on the cure Ravi is researching.

When Blaine leaves, Scott E’s friend, the local newsman shows up. Scott E was his pot dealer, and they were close. They would apparently watch cartoons and movies and get stoned. The room doesn’t look like it’s been tossed, but the newsman can tell someone has been there, which leads to him and Liv using the phone tracker app to see who took Scott E’s phone.

Find My Phone – A Killer App

1st & Lenora

The funny thing is that I’ve worked for two companies based on the west coast and have been to Seattle more times than I can count, and I knew exactly where this was. The app appears to show them somewhere near 1st and Lenora. I’ve actually stayed at the waterfront hotel by the harbor for a conference years ago.

First And Lenora Streets

Liv and the newsman stakeout Scott E’s phone location. They break into the apartment and find phones, and a ton of drugs. Liv calls Clive, but he can’t do anything because she broke the law to get the info. This leads Liv to set up a noise complaint call so the police can come investigate.

Back at Scott E’s apartment, it turns into a reunion with Major, Blaine, and Julian showing up to try and track down clues. This leads Major to decide that climbing in the trunk of Julian’s car is a great way to track down who he thinks is the Candy Man, which reveals to Major where Blaine’s home base at the meat shop is.

When Liv gets home Major is in her bed, but she doesn’t kick him out, which drives me nuts. Great job on not sending Major mixed signals girl.

With the police having a reason to investigate, Liv and Clive get on the path of one of the staff at the mental asylum, which leads them to a female doctor who was trying to get pregnant.

Major Can’t Quit Her

Back at home Liv rails against the doctor and her actions when Major grabs Liv and kisses her.

Stolen Kiss

Major begs Liv to tell him why she broke up with him. Did she cheat on him? Did he bore her? Liv breaks down and tells him that Zombies are real, and she broke up with him to protect him from what she’d become.

With the truth out in the open Liv and Blaine hug, Liv crying tears of relief and joy.

Back at Blaine’s headquarters someone has stolen all the brains from one of the trucks, which leads to Blaine stabbing his delivery driver in the neck as punishment.

Meanwhile Ravi is working on his Zombie cure, and he’s close. He’s been able to gradually make a rat’s vitals more normal.

The episode ends with Liv’s victims brain revealing to her that the newsman who’s been helping her the whole time was just another of Scott E’s delusions. But they were helpful, as it gives her the bit of data she needs to unlock her victims phone.

Liv thought the video would be useful, but it turns out one of the Zombies caught on the phone video is of her, which kind of puts a damper on how Liv can use the footage.

Liv Eating Brains Just After She Turned

The episode ends on a twist as Liv realizes that not everything she’s been experiencing has been real. Major shows up at her door with proof that zombies exist, he’s got all the brains stolen from Blaine’s delivery, and he vows to kill the Zombies. All of Them. Which makes me think the tearful reveal was just another delusion.

Astroburger Score

Astroburger scored a 72/100. It was a solid episode with a good twist. For me, I don’t like when delusions are used to make you believe one thing only to have it revealed later that it was only in someone’s head. It makes you question more than I want to when I’m trying to enjoy TV. What is a real memory? What is just a plot point I’m over analyzing? It annoys me when I’m just trying to enjoy an episode of a Zombie TV show. Still, Astroburger scored a 72/100, making it Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
Season 11Pilot90
Season 12Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?70
Season 13The Exterminator71
Season 14Liv and Let Clive75
Season 15Flight of the Living Dead71
Season 16Virtual Reality Bites76
Season 17Maternity Liv75
Season 18Dead Air66
Season 19Patriot Brains74
Season 110Mr. Berserk77
Season 111 Astroburger72
Season 112Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat73
Season 113Blaine's World80
Season 21Grumpy Old Liv80
Season 22Zombie Bro80
Season 23Real Dead Housewife of Seattle85
Season 24Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues70
Season 25Love & Backetball81
Season 26Max Wager75
Season 27Abra Cadaver85
Season 28The Hurt Stalker90
Season 29Cape Town88
Season 210Method Head75
Season 211Fifty Shades of Grey Matter85
Season 212Physician, Heal Thy Selfie70
Season 213The Whopper85
Season 214Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind69
Season 215He Blinded Me With Science81
Season 216Pour Some Sugar, Zombie82
Season 217Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be83

iZombie , Season 1, Episode 10

Mr. Berserk starts with Liv sitting in an interrogation room. The police want to know how she ended up at her boyfriends house just after he was killed. The cops like her for at at first, at least until Suzuki comes in and tells the detective to let Liv go. Lowell had gunshot residue on his hands, making the case a suicide.

Blood On Your Hands

As Liv is dealing with the loss of her just found love, Clive tells Ravi that he should go check on Major. Clive still thinks Major is having some form of psychotic break. Ravi if course knows exactly what happened, even if he can’t admit it to anyone but Liv.

Sniper Brains

Liv, desperate to get the PTSD Sniper brains out of her system, jumps at the chance to eat the brains of the next body on the ME’s table. It just happens to be the alcoholic reporter who was helping Major investigate the missing kids.

The next day Clive tracks down Julian, and Julian looks just fine. In fact Julian is doing so well he’s benching a few hundred pounds. Clive goes back to Major and does what he thinks is the right thing. He tells Major he needs to get psychiatric help.

Get Help

Major believes he’s losing his mind. He admits himself into an inpatient psychiatric facility. This upsets Ravi, who confronts Liv. Major’s not crazy, and Ravi wants to tell him what’s really happening. Liv just feels relief that if Major is in the hospital he’ll be safe. How is he ever going to live with knowing that Zombies are real? Worse than that, knowing what really happened to the missing kids?

The Candyman

Alcoholic Brains Incoming

Liv, powered with the knowledge that her victims brains are showing her, tracks down the people in the story her victim was working on. This leads to a very twisted revelation from the debate team’s past. It could just be the reason the report ended up in the ME’s office.

With alcoholic fueled brains onboard, Liv goes into a drinking frenzy. When she gets flagged by the bartender, she calls the only person she trusts, Major, to come get her. This leads to a touching, but sad exchange between the two of them.

The next day Clive shows up at the ME’s office and shares that their prime suspect in the reporter murder has an alibi, but he did find some other things out. The tell tale mentions of the Max Rager drink have started to reveal a pattern. People who drink it are going Berserk.

Mr. Berserk

They now have a new suspect. If the reporter believed Max Rager was causing violent episodes, they’d have plenty of reasons to kill the reporter.

This leads Liv to go confront the Max Rager CEO, which doesn’t end well. They escort her out and when Liv gets back to the MEs office Clive is there, and he can smell the booze on her. Clive tells Liv she’s off the case. Between confronting the Max Rager CEO and being drunk, its time for Liv to take a break, and Ravi backs Clive up.

The Fixer

Liv finds another lead in her victims notes, and tracks down the Max Rager employee who had supplied the reporter with data. Unfortunately for Liv and the inside woman, Liv also lead the Max Rager fixer directly to them. The fixer thinks he’s killed them both, but not feeling a pulse on Liv doesn’t quite mean what he thinks it means.

Liv would have been dead, but her Zombie Rage kicked in just at the right moment and she was able to survive.

Liv Taking Care Of The Fixer

Back in the MEs office Liv finally signs off on destroying Lowell’s body, and admits to Ravi that his death was her fault. If she had just pulled the trigger, Lowell wouldn’t have had to try and step up, and would still be alive.

While Liv is dealing with the aftermath of her decisions Major is in the hospital, sharing his story in group. Only, one of the other members in group tells Major he knows exactly what’s going on, and gives Major confirmation that he’s experienced the exact same things, and he knows why.

Friggin Zombies

Mr. Berserk ends with the Fixer from the boat waking up on the beach. He’s cut up, and his eyes are bright red. That little bit of Liv’s blood he tasted when he thought he was the hunter and not the prey, just turned him into a Zombie.

Mr. Berserk Score

Mr. Berserk scored a 77/100 and is Worth Your Time. The storyline keeps you wanting to know what’s going to happen next, and acting is just top notch.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
Season 11Pilot90
Season 12Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?70
Season 13The Exterminator71
Season 14Liv and Let Clive75
Season 15Flight of the Living Dead71
Season 16Virtual Reality Bites76
Season 17Maternity Liv75
Season 18Dead Air66
Season 19Patriot Brains74
Season 110Mr. Berserk77
Season 111 Astroburger72
Season 112Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat73
Season 113Blaine's World80
Season 21Grumpy Old Liv80
Season 22Zombie Bro80
Season 23Real Dead Housewife of Seattle85
Season 24Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues70
Season 25Love & Backetball81
Season 26Max Wager75
Season 27Abra Cadaver85
Season 28The Hurt Stalker90
Season 29Cape Town88
Season 210Method Head75
Season 211Fifty Shades of Grey Matter85
Season 212Physician, Heal Thy Selfie70
Season 213The Whopper85
Season 214Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind69
Season 215He Blinded Me With Science81
Season 216Pour Some Sugar, Zombie82
Season 217Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be83

iZombie , Season 1, Episode 9

Patriot Brains kicks off with Liv leaving Lowell’s building just as Blaine is coming. She pulls her hood up to hide from Blaine as she leaves, but she now knows that her new boy toy is eating the brains of the teens that Major has been trying to help at the youth center. It only gets worse when Liv sees Julian and has vision from the breakfast brains she just ate in Lowell’s apartment. Julian and Blaine killed her breakfast.

28 Milliseconds Later

It only gets worse as Liv tries to sneak by. She looks into the back of Julian’s car and sees what can only by meals for Zombies.

Brains Delivery

Liv is horrified and stunned. How many people have died, and are going to continue to die to keep Blaine’s Zombies?

Zombie Rat Bites

While Liv is struggling with her moral dilemma, Ravi is taking his vitals, trying to figure out if his Zombie Rat bite is going to turn him. Liv tells Ravi that she saw her meal get murdered, but this is one of the kids that Suzuki supposedly found out at the cabin. It looks like team Ravi and Liv are about to start looking for the dirty Zombie Cop in the police department.

When Ravi goes to check up on Major, Major is watching a YouTube video on guns, and has what looks like a Beretta 92. It looks like Major is about to go on a Zombie hunt.

Major Gun Fetish

Meanwhile Liv has gone back to Lowell’s so she can confront him on where he gets his meals. Lowell says he hasn’t seen the violent visions and didn’t go looking them, but Liv isn’t letting him off the hook. She wants to know where he’s getting his brains, where Blaine’s base of operations is, which is the worst time ever for Lowell to drop the “I love you.” bomb. What an idiot.

Dead Paintballer

While Liv is confronting Lowell, a group of paintballers is out in the woods, but one of the targets gets killed in both worlds. He was already dead, but they tagged him anyway because they didn’t know at first.

Paintball Dead And Real Dead

As Ravi and Liv are examining the body Ravi let’s Liv know that Major is still focused on Julian as the Candy Man, but Major thinks its some weird body builder thing. Ravi’s just glad Major doesn’t think its Zombies.

After Liv has a snack of the victim’s brains, Clive and Liv begin to chase down the case.

With soldier brains onboard Liv feels the call to go play some paintball, and she kicks some butt on the field, at least until she finds the shell casing, but it doesn’t’ quite look like it was in the right place. The shell was between the tree and the body, but it doesn’t quite make sense because the shooter would have had to have been fifteen feet tall.

Meanwhile Major is trying to figure out how Julian was so strong. He thinks Julian’s gym would be a good start, and he only sounds mildly insane as he asks the gym trainer about eating brains to get jacked. This ends up backfiring when the trainer is talking about the incident later and Julian ends up overhearing. Major might be trying to find Julian’s source, but Julian is now trying to find him.

Back on the home front Lowell comes to beg forgiveness from Liv, and love will make you do crazy things, which is how he ends up agreeing to help Liv kill Blaine.

No Cross Species Transmission

As Ravi is telling Liv the good news that the Zombie Virus can’t jump species just before Clive shows up with some armed drone footage. They know how the shot came from where it did now. With a link to the victims’ ex wife’s new husband, who works on drones, they’ve got their murderer.

Later that night we see Liv and Lowell starting to enact their plan. With Liv’s sniper soldier brains on board, what better way to take Blaine out of the picture?

Blaine In The Crosshairs

Before we get to see if Liv is going to pull the trigger or not we cut over to Ravi’s house. Major has just gotten home, and the lights don’t’ work. He walks into the kitchen to find a maul on the table, but before he can wonder why, Julian has him. Julian wants to know who Major has told about his brains.

What The F*ck

Lucky for Major he’s still got his house keys in his hand and just barely escapes Julian’s initial attack, giving him just enough time to get to his bedroom and his Beretta 92.

Back on Sniper Hill, Liv chickens out, she just can’t pull the trigger. Come on, killing a killer doesn’t ruin you. You would have been doing the world a service!!! I can’t believe Liv chickened out.

Major calls Clive, afraid to call the police, but when Clive gets there Julian is gone, and there is no blood. Clive looks right at Major asks him about meds. Poor Major.


Back on Lowell’s deck Lowell, Liv’s new love interest decides that he’s going to finish what Liv couldn’t, and things don’t turn out so well for him. Blaine’s a killer, and he’s a thug.

Patriot Brains Score

Patriot Brains was another fun episode with some good twists and turns. I was going to give it an 80 but Liv not pulling the trigger cost it points with me, resulting in an episode that is still Worth Your Time at 74/100.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
Season 11Pilot90
Season 12Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?70
Season 13The Exterminator71
Season 14Liv and Let Clive75
Season 15Flight of the Living Dead71
Season 16Virtual Reality Bites76
Season 17Maternity Liv75
Season 18Dead Air66
Season 19Patriot Brains74
Season 110Mr. Berserk77
Season 111 Astroburger72
Season 112Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat73
Season 113Blaine's World80
Season 21Grumpy Old Liv80
Season 22Zombie Bro80
Season 23Real Dead Housewife of Seattle85
Season 24Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues70
Season 25Love & Backetball81
Season 26Max Wager75
Season 27Abra Cadaver85
Season 28The Hurt Stalker90
Season 29Cape Town88
Season 210Method Head75
Season 211Fifty Shades of Grey Matter85
Season 212Physician, Heal Thy Selfie70
Season 213The Whopper85
Season 214Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind69
Season 215He Blinded Me With Science81
Season 216Pour Some Sugar, Zombie82
Season 217Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be83

iZombie , Season 1, Episode 7

Maternity Liv takes off with a bunch young people camping. The camping trip is interrupted when a pregnant young lady, Emily, barely makes it into camp. Emily doesn’t survive, but thankfully her baby does. When Liv has some of Emily’s brains she gets a full dose of maternal instincts.

Babe In The Woods

Emily’s Baby

Liv ends up at the hospital, staring at Emily’s baby until she sees a flash of angry parents. Liv let’s Clive know. Clive is doing his best to get something out of Emily’s boyfriend.

While Clive is dealing with Major’s missing kids, Ravi is making friends with Liv’s new love interest.

A comment by Emily’s boyfriend about barking dogs leads Clive and Liv to animal control. This leads to one of those moments where I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to laugh or not?

Can You Say That?

When Liv gets home its time for date night, only Lowell just ate someone’s brains who likes guys. This puts a damper on his night with Liv, at least at the beginning.

The next day Liv goes back to the hospital and has another vision. Emily hanging out of a window while two girls warn her that “she” will find her, even if she runs. When Liv shares the news with Clive it leads to a broader search area, and a hit on their female animal control officer, who they interviewed earlier.

While Liv and Clive are sleuthing, Major has tracked down Julian, who he thinks is the Candy Man, only to be taken away by the police after breaking Julian’s car window.

Meanwhile Clive and Liv try to stake out the animal control officer’s house only to be shot at.

Shots Fired!

Clive calls in backup, which leads to Lieutenant Suzuki making an odd command. His team should only enter the building after he gives the command. He ends up getting a bullet as thanks for his act of bravery, and then we see what he really is.

Sukzuki, That Red Eyes Devil

With Suzuki riding his Zombie Rage, the shooters don’t stand a chance. He takes out the husband after using a fridge door as a shield and then guns down the wife in cold blood as Liv is climbing into a nearby tree fort to rescue the other girls the family was keeping prisoner.

The scene at the house ends with Suzuki looking at Liv’s graze wound and commenting that there’s not much blood. He’s not sure, but he at least suspects that Liv is a Zombie just like him.

At the press conference Suzuki blames all the missing teens that Major is tracking as well as Emily’s death on the crazed actions of the game warden and her husband.

While Suzuki is trying to cover up Zombie crimes Major is getting a thank you from the police department for getting the subject into the news.

Maternity Liv ends with Liv on an upbeat note as the camera pans into Ravi’s test room, where there are lots of dead rats, and one Zombie Rat having some rat brain dinner.

Zombie Rat

Maternity Liv Scoring

Maternity Liv was a fun episode with some good twists and turns. It earned a 75/100, making it Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
Season 11Pilot90
Season 12Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?70
Season 13The Exterminator71
Season 14Liv and Let Clive75
Season 15Flight of the Living Dead71
Season 16Virtual Reality Bites76
Season 17Maternity Liv75
Season 18Dead Air66
Season 19Patriot Brains74
Season 110Mr. Berserk77
Season 111 Astroburger72
Season 112Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat73
Season 113Blaine's World80
Season 21Grumpy Old Liv80
Season 22Zombie Bro80
Season 23Real Dead Housewife of Seattle85
Season 24Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues70
Season 25Love & Backetball81
Season 26Max Wager75
Season 27Abra Cadaver85
Season 28The Hurt Stalker90
Season 29Cape Town88
Season 210Method Head75
Season 211Fifty Shades of Grey Matter85
Season 212Physician, Heal Thy Selfie70
Season 213The Whopper85
Season 214Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind69
Season 215He Blinded Me With Science81
Season 216Pour Some Sugar, Zombie82
Season 217Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be83

iZombie , Season 1, Episode 6

Virtual Reality Bites starts with a scare. After seeing Major get the snot beat out of him the episode starts with him lying on the ME’s table. Thankfully, he’s alive, he’s just having Ravi start some stitches, which Liv then takes over. As Liv is working on him, Major tells her that he found the “Candy Man”. Major is sure that the shoes he saw on his assailant belonged to one of his kids.

Major Head Wound

Blaine’s Booty Call

Out in the wide world Blaine’s booty call is hungry, and her delivery doesn’t quite show up fast enough. She tries to cover it up by telling Blaine her delivery never showed up. Blaine he doesn’t look like he believes her.

When we come back from the first break, we have a new body. A shut in is found rotten and swollen after his overflowing mail resulted in a police wellness check. Liv doesn’t want to eat the rotten brains, but as Ravi puts it, she “sucks it up” for the team. Her first vision of the deceased is of the man struggling to breath while trying to use an epi pen.

Later, at the station, Clive and Liv look through the victims mail. One of the birthday cards smells like peanuts.

Later that night Liv is about to go out on her date with her new Zombie love interest when her victim’s brains kick in. It’s hard to go outside with agoraphobia. On the plus side, Liv does have her victims muscle memory, which means she can sign into her victims laptop when Ravi brings it to her. Liv gets sucked into an online game but it seems like a false start when the online “killer” ends up on the far side of the country, and is just a tween.

After Liv’s night of crime fighting, her Zombie beau shows up, which leads to a failed lean in for a kiss before Liv get’s sucked back into her case.

While Liv is working on her love life Clive finds himself in Blaine’s shop, investigating the dead delivery boy from earlier in the episode. This leads Blaine back to Jacky’s for one final drilling.

One Last Drilling

As Blaine is taking care of business, Liv is breaking into a donut shop’s records so she can find the real killer.

Virtual Reality Bites Scoring

Virtual Reality Bites scored a 76/100, making it Worth Your Time. It’s a fun, interesting episode that has a bit of a sad ending.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
Season 11Pilot90
Season 12Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?70
Season 13The Exterminator71
Season 14Liv and Let Clive75
Season 15Flight of the Living Dead71
Season 16Virtual Reality Bites76
Season 17Maternity Liv75
Season 18Dead Air66
Season 19Patriot Brains74
Season 110Mr. Berserk77
Season 111 Astroburger72
Season 112Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat73
Season 113Blaine's World80
Season 21Grumpy Old Liv80
Season 22Zombie Bro80
Season 23Real Dead Housewife of Seattle85
Season 24Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues70
Season 25Love & Backetball81
Season 26Max Wager75
Season 27Abra Cadaver85
Season 28The Hurt Stalker90
Season 29Cape Town88
Season 210Method Head75
Season 211Fifty Shades of Grey Matter85
Season 212Physician, Heal Thy Selfie70
Season 213The Whopper85
Season 214Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind69
Season 215He Blinded Me With Science81
Season 216Pour Some Sugar, Zombie82
Season 217Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be83