The Last Of Us Season 1, Episode 6

Kin is Episode 6 of The Last Of Us.

The Last of Us: Kin

Spoilers Below

I give detailed, blow by blow details as I review. If you want to skip the spoilers jump down to the Scoring!

If you have watched Kin let me know if you agree with my Scoring Below.

The Cabin (3 Months Later)

Joel and Ellie have taken Marlon, played by Graham Greene and his wife captive. They are lost in the woods and were hoping to get some help. Marlon and his wife tell Joel that anyone who goes west of the river doesn’t come back. As Joel leads Ellie outside he has some type of attack. He was about to pass out before he regains his composure.

Joel and Ellie find a secluded place along the river and rest for the night. Ellie sees Joel sipping from his Hip Flask and begs a sip. She still doesn’t like the taste of whiskey. I was so excited to see Joel’s Hip Flask because I have the same one. Its made by Valtcan and is totally awesome.


The River Of Death

For the second time Joel falls asleep and leaves Ellie at Risk. Thankfully this time she stood guard for him and they weren’t ambushed.

Joel and Ellie then watch the river from the high ground. Joel fires off a single shot but they don’t see anything moving. The two of them cross an old bridge as the background music grows ominous. As they walk they come upon an old power generation station. As the two are walking they are quickly surrounded by a group on horseback.

The newcomers have a dog that can smell the infected. Ellie backs away in fear as the dog approaches, at least until it tackles her gently to the ground and licks her face.

River of Death Base Camp

Joel and Ellie are taken to a large settlement. The survivors have a town. They are only a few hundred feet into the town when Joel sees Tommy and screams hi name. The brothers hug in relief as they are re-united.

As Joel and Ellie eat breakfast Tommy breaks some news. Maria MIller is now family. If she looks familiar, she is played by Rutina Wesley of True Blood fame.

Joel asks Tommy to help him get Ellie to the Firefly base but Tommy isn’t having it. Tommy doesn’t want to leave his new community or put it at risk. Maria is pregnant and Tommy doesn’t want to take any risks. Joel angrily tells Tommy that they will collect some supplies and be gone in the morning. As Joel walks outside two things happen. He leans against a post as if he’s lost his strength and then he sees a girl who looks like his dad daughter Sarah in front of him.

We then see Ellie reading about how a Menstrual Cup works. This is the second time we’ve seen Ellie with feminine hygiene products. Is the show just very female friendly or is there something coming up that deals with how her body works?

Afterwards Maria cuts Ellie’s hair as the two chat. Maria tells Ellie about Sarah before warning Ellie that Joel has done some very bad things in the past. Ellie tells her she knows that Joel is a killer – but Maria still warns her to be careful.

New Boots

While Ellie spends time with Maria, Joel tries to fix his boot. At least until Tommy comes in and gives him a new pair of boots. Tommy asks Joel why he’s with Ellie and Joel tells his brother the truth. Ellie is immune. The fear on Tommy’s face is real. He looks outside in the direction where Ellie is with Maria before demanding that Joel gives him the whole story.


Joel pours out his heart. He feels weak and afraid. He relives losing Sarah over and over in his sleep. Joel is afraid that he is going to let Ellie down as well. Joel begs Tommy to take Ellie. Tommy is the only one that Joel trusts.

Tommy promises to take Ellie out at dawn before parting ways with his brother.

Ellie’s Room

As soon as Joel enters Ellie’s room she confronts him. She heard Joel tell Tommy that he has to take her. Ellie tries to tell Joel she’s sorry about Sarah but Joel can barely stand to hear his daughters name. Ellie tells Joel that she’s lost people too. Everyone she’s ever known or trusted has died or let her down. Joel’s face is hard and cold as he tells Ellie that at dawn they are going their separate ways.


In the morning Tommy comes to collect Ellie. They had to the stables only to find Joel already saddling a horse. He tries to give Ellie a choice and tells her she would be better off with Tommy. Ellie disagrees and immediately picks Joel.

Joel and Ellie ride away into the frozen landscape as Tommy locks the town gate behind them.

We then get a bonding moment between Joel and Ellie as he tries to teach her how to shoot. She kept flinching but Joel puts a round exactly where he wanted to.

As they ride Joel and Ellie discuss what life was like before the outbreak. They are talking about football on day five when we can see the city of Colorado in the distance.


Joel and Ellie are riding their horse into the university when they see monkeys playing in the open. It is not long before they see a Firefly logo and follow it into what appears to be an empty building. Inside they find assorted medical gear and a packing list. When they hear noises coming from upstairs they go to investigate. Because that is what people do when there are infected about right?

It’s not long before Joel and Ellie find themselves interrupted by raiders. They run to the horse but a raider sticks Joel with the end of a baseball bat before they can flee.

Man Down

The two escape the college but Joel is bleeding out. He falls off the horse before Ellie can grab him. Ellie cries and tells Joel she can’t do it without him as the camera zooms out.

Kin ends on a cliffhanger. Joel is on the snowy ground, bleeding.

The Cliffhanger!

Kin Scoring

Kin has Joel and Tommy re-uniting. What should have been nothing but a happy event get’s clouded by the fact that Tommy really didn’t want Joel to find him.

There is a lot of emotional growth and storytelling going on in Kin but sadly the episode does not have much action. That is going to cost Kin  some points.

Overall it was a good episode that propelled the story along. It had lots of emotional drama but only a little bit of action and scores a 90/100, making it Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11When You’re Lost in the Darkness100
13Long Long Time95
14Please Hold on to My Hand94
15Endure and Survive100
17Left Behind90
18When We Are In Need100
19Look for the Light100

See all Zombie Series.

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The Last Of Us Season 1, Episode 4

Episode four is titled, Please Hold on to My Hand. So far the series has been amazing. Screw the a-holes who review bombed Episode 3 because they are so insecure about themselves. Let’s see how the fourth episode holds up.

Spoilers Below

I give detailed, blow by blow details as I review. If you want to skip the spoilers jump down to the Scoring!

If you have watched Please Hold on to My Hand let me know if you agree with my scoring below.

Ellie & Her Gun

Ellie is fascinated by her new toy. Cough, I mean firearm. Bella Ramsay really shines here. You can feel Ellie’s excitement at holding the small pistol.

Outside, Joel is scavenging gas. Ellie tries to cheer him up but Joel resists.

I love the road scenes. The run down highway and the remnants of a society that is dead. Just so well done.

The Open Road

When they pull off to rest for the night Ellie begs for a fire. It’s cold. Joel doesn’t care, there are people about who aren’t friendly. The two eat canned food and settle down in sleeping bags for the night.

There is a cute scene as Ellie tries to make Joel laugh. It is a very sweet father daughter moment.

Just before Ellie falls asleep she asks Joel nervously if they are safe. He promises her they are – but you can see he’s nervous. A short time later we see him standing watch as Ellie sleeps.

The Car Ride – Next Day

Joel makes some coffee before the two of them head back out. Ellie is not a fan of the way coffee smells. As they drive Ellie gets Joel talking. Joel gives Ellie his and Tommy’s story. Ellie asks Joel why he continues, and he says for family. This leads to a brutal reality check for Ellie.


The road becomes clogged with vehicles. Joel weaves his way through before they come to a block in the road. Joel gets out to investigate. The road on the other side of the overpass is clear. They just need to find a way around.


It’s not long before Joel and Ellie are lost in the city. As they search for the highway they are ambushed by survivors. The truck looses its tires to nail strips before it swerves into a laundromat. The scavengers open fire on the truck before Joel picks them apart. At least until the last one gets the drop on Joel and Ellie gets to use her new gun – saving Joel.

The kid is still alive. Ellie shot him in his spine. The kid begs for his life as Ellie hides. There is a brutal thump and the begging stops. Joel and Ellie are on the run.

Scavenger Base

An old man is being held captive. He is being interrogated by a young woman who is not happy with the old man. The old man betrayed her family. She wants information on where Henry is. Who is Henry? We don’t know yet. After she see’s the bodies of the men Joel killed she gives a simple speech. Find and kill who did it.

Joel and Ellie watch from inside an abandoned building, watching as the scavenger search parties search building to building. They share a moment as Joel feels bad for forcing Ellie to have to shoot someone to save him. Ellie admits it wasn’t her first time. Joel clears the small pistol and gives Ellie a brief handgun training session. Afterwards he hands her the weapon and tells her to put it in her pack. Of course Ellie ignores this order and puts the gun in her jacket pocket.

Ellie is now packing heat.

Scavenger Queen

The female lead of the bandits looks over an attic hideaway. Henry was there. More importantly we learn a bit about who Henry is and why the Scavenger Queen is interested in Henry. Henry has Sam with him. Sam is clearly this woman’s son.

They are in the basement when the Queen and her soldier find a broken floor. Whatever it is – its bad. They both exit the room in a panic. Her soldier wants to tell the rest of the scavengers but she forbids it.

Breaking And Entering

Joel lifts Ellie up to squeeze through an air vent. They have entered what looks like an apartment building. Joel wants to get up high so he can see the city around them and figure out how to escape. As they work their way up endless stairs Joel admits that he’s been one of the Ambushers in the past. Ellie asks him if he’s killed innocent people and he ignores her.

They climb as high as they can before Joel calls it. He spreads broken glass out on the floor as an impromptu alarm system. Joel asks her who else she’d shot but Ellie doesn’t want to talk about it. He tries to tell her he feels bad for her growing up in their world but it creates some friction. It’s all okay though. Ellie tells a joke about diarrhea and they are both shortly laughing and giggling.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger. Ellie has a gun pointed at her head as she calls for Joel who starts awake just before the episode ends.

Please Hold on to My Hand Scoring

Please Hold on to My Hand had a lot to live up to. The first three episodes were off the charts amazing. Episode 4 is a great episode. There was some action, but it was all people versus people. It needed a few more Zombies in my opinion. Still, it carried the story forward and the bond between Joel and Ellie is very nicely matured. They share jokes as they learn to care about each other. It was very touching.

It just didn’t have quite the weight of the first three episodes. Or at least on Sunday night this was how I felt. After rewatching it I have to give Pedro and Bella more credit. The interaction is just so on point. I can feel Joel’s walls slowly falling as Ellie continues to be a light his life. I’ve updated my original score from a 80 to a 94/100.

This episode is Worth Your Time no matter how you rank it.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11When You’re Lost in the Darkness100
13Long Long Time95
14Please Hold on to My Hand94
15Endure and Survive100
17Left Behind90
18When We Are In Need100
19Look for the Light100

See all Zombie Series.

Get the Last Of Us Game here.

The Last Of Us Season 1, Episode 2

Infected is the Episode 2 of Season 1 of HBO’s new Zombie Apocalypse series.

There are spoilers in the review below.

The Last of Us: Infected

Jakarta, Indonesia 2003

Infected opens on a diner. Ibu Ratna is eating her lunch. Two uniformed men enter. Ibu Ratner has no choice but to go with them. The soldiers driver her to a base and show her a pathology slide taken from a human subject.

Ibu Ratna calmly explains that what she is seeing does not make any sense. Cordyceps cannot survive in humans. After questioning the three star general Ibu gives the soldiers some chilling advice. If they want to control the infect that is about to be unleashed they should start bombing.

Boston, Current Day

Ellie wakes up in a square of sunlight. Joel and Tess are sitting nearby watching her. Ellie’s positive test has Joel spooked.

Tess interrogates Ellie, forcing the girl to tell them her secret. The Fireflies are convinced that Ellie has the cure to the infection. Joel doesn’t believe it but Tess doesn’t care. She is more pragmatic. If the Fireflies are willing to pay for transporting Ellie, Tess is willing to do whatever needs to get done in order to get paid.

Tess forces Joel to think of the payday. It is time to head west. The first challenge is getting through Boston. The original route has been damaged by collapsing buildings, forcing the small group to cut through a hotel.

This gives us one of the first really cool visuals of the episode. Once they make it onto a terrace they see that the infected have swarmed out into the open. Ellie notices how the infected move in unison and Tess uses it as a chance to educate the young lady on how the Cordyceps can communicate across large distances.

The Horde

With their original plan blocked by infected, they fall back to take a route through The Museum.

The Museum, Current Day

Joel examines the Cordyceps veins outside The Museum, hopeful that the dried up tendrils mean the building is clear of the infected. At first all seems well. At least until Ellie finds a fresh body. Joel and Tess are anxious. Clearly they know that they are in danger. With little options, they continue through The Museum.

They make it up a few flights of stairs before the way behind them caves in, drawing the attention of the infected. In the distance we hear clicks and cries. The infected are coming. The three travels hide as the infected stumble into the room. The infected can’t see them, but it can hear them if they make any noise. Joel cautions her to be quiet but she can’t help but gasp in fear.

The survivors are separated briefly as the infected attack.

This leads to some awesome combat scenes. The Cordyceps are hard to kill, although head shots seem to be the most effective.

Ellie ends up bitten again while Tess has rolled her ankle. The trio makes it to the roof and then down through the collapsed buildings to the street.

The Street, Current Day

Once through The Museum the trio reaches a large transport vehicle. Whoever Joel was expecting to be there isn’t. There is however a body on the ground and a blood trail leading inside a nearby building.

Tess rushes in. The band of survivors they were hoping to find has been destroyed. Joel looks at the bodies. One of the band must have been bitten, which resulted in a battle that destroyed the group. Joel wants to keep moving but Tess tells them they are going to need to leave her behind.

Tess has been bitten. As the new reality sits in, one of the bodies on the floor moves and Joel quickly dispatches it with a head shot.

Tess shows Joel Ellie’s wound. Tess is going to turn, but Ellie isn’t. Joel has to get Ellie to Bill and Frank’s. They can take Ellie west if he can get her to them. As Tess is begging Joel to agree we see the hand near the infected Joel just killed. There is a tendril of Cordyceps nearby.

The Infected Phone Home

The infected are coming.

Tess grabs a rifle and uses it to spill barrels of fuel. She is going to keep the Cordyceps from following Joel and Ellie at all costs. As the door breaks down Tess is flicking her lighter, struggling to get a spark as hordes of infected run up the stairs.

One of the infected pauses in front of Tess, giving her a Cordyceps kiss as she desperately tries to flick her lighter. Just as she is being fully taken the lighter ignites and first floor of the building goes up.

Joel and Ellie hear the explosion and turn to see fire envelop the building.


There were so many things I love about Infected. Ellie is sassy, funny, and adds a bit of humor to what could otherwise become too heavy. On the other side, Joel and Tess exude anxiety and fear when they are moving through the infected territory, making me sit on the edge of my seat with tension.

Infected earned every point of its perfect 100/100 score.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11When You’re Lost in the Darkness100
13Long Long Time95
14Please Hold on to My Hand94
15Endure and Survive100
17Left Behind90
18When We Are In Need100
19Look for the Light100

See all Zombie Series here!

The Last Of Us Season 1, Episode 1

When You’re Lost in the Darkness

When You’re Lost in the Darkness is the season premiere of HBO’s new Zombie Apocalypse series.

There are spoilers in the review below.

The Last Of Us When You're Lost in the Darkness
The Last Of Us


When You’re Lost in the Darkness opens with two epidemiologists discussing microorganisms and how they could cause a global pandemic. One of the epidemiologist explains how some fungi take control of their hosts and force them to do the fungi’s will. What is that will? To spread, to take over. This segment was a great way to explain what is about to start.


Sarah Miller, played by Nico Parker, wakes up in her pink bedroom adorned with posters, school awards, and pictures of her friends and family. She immediately runs to make sure her father, Joel Miller, played by Pedro Pascal is awake.

It is Joel’s birthday. He seems gruff, but clearly his daughter loves him. The two have immediate onscreen chemistry. As Joel’s brother comes in we find out that there are money problems. Joel is going to work a double on his birthday.

Sarah runs upstairs to take a watch and money from her father’s nightstand. After hearing about their money issues, it seems like a crappy thing to do.


As the Miller’s are leaving, we are introduced to their next door neighbors. The neighbors ask Sarah to come over later, laying on a guilt trip. Sarah reluctantly agreess to go over after school.

After school Sarah heads to a watch repair shop. We find out that she isn’t a thief after all. She took the money and the watch to fix it as a birthday present for her father. The shopkeeper fixes the watch just in time before his wife demands he shuts the store. Sarah leaves the store is shutdown for the day.

It has started. Once Sarah gets back to her neighbors, it isn’t long before we see Nana turn.

Nana Turns

The scene is a masterpiece. It was subtle, and I found myself tensing up as I watched how the dog reacted to Nana Zombie. Just like Terminators, Dogs know when your not really human!

Sarah may not fully understand what is going on yet, but she is on edge. After she falls asleep on Joel’s lap his brother Tommy calls him. Tommy took a swing at an attacker in a bar fight and begs Joel to come bail him out. This of course leaves Sarah home alone.

The sounds of helicopters and flashing lights wakes Sarah up. The news is playing an emergency broadcast warning. Mercy, the neighbors dog is at her door. Sarah tries to take Mercy home, but Mercy wants nothing to do with it.

This leads us to our first Zombie Attack. It has a slow build, which left me more tense than if it was a jump scare.

Nana Attacks


Joel and Tommy show up just in time to save Sarah. The trio jump into Tommy’s truck and try to find a way out of town. As they drive away we see another concerned neighbor come out, thinking she just saw Tommy drive over people. The concerned neighbor rushes to help. The infected attack her as the trio escape.

The trio head to the highway to find the military isn’t allowing anyone to leave. Planes fall out of the sky as the three attempt to flee through town. Another driver rams their car, flipping it over. The accident separates the group. Tommy tells them he will meet them at the river. Joel picks up his injured daughter and runs.

The infected are everywhere. Joel makes it to the river only to be stopped by the military. The soldier has orders to shoot anyone leaving the town.

The scene is sad. It hurt to watch.

Twenty Years Later

A child is walking along an overgrown path. He comes through the brush to reveal a world no longer dominated by mankind.

Mankind Lost

The child is captured, tested, and quickly euthanized after testing positive. The rules of this world are cruel but clear. The infected are not people. The infected must be killed.

The world has changed. The survivors use paper chits as money. Joel is desperate to make enough money to buy a car battery. He has to get out west to find him brother who has gone silent. Joel will do anything to get the money he needs. This includes selling drugs and acting as an enforcer.

Ellie Williams

Ellie is played by Bella Ramsey of Game of Thrones fame. The partisan group “The Fireflies” has Ellie in chains. They are watching her, making sure she is still human.

Joel & Ellie Meet

The Fireflies try to buy the same battery that Joel is after. Blood is shed and the leader of the local Fireflies is wounded. Her own plans to take Ellie west are shot. She offers Joel a vehicle and supplies if he will take Ellie. Joel reluctantly agrees.

Joel, Tess, and Ellie escape the compound only to be caught be the corrupt guard Joel was selling drugs to earlier. The guard follows protocol and tests each of them. Ellie’s status as infected is confirmed.

Is Ellie the savior? Is whatever allows her to test positive but resist the infections control what the world needs to survive?

I can’t wait for episode 2!


When You’re Lost in the Darkness not only has amazing actors with great chemistry but excellent writing. The story is the main focus, and it is a story that grips you and holds on until the end of the episode. Because of this When You’re Lost in the Darkness earned a 100/100, making it Worth Your Time.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11When You’re Lost in the Darkness100
13Long Long Time95
14Please Hold on to My Hand94
15Endure and Survive100
17Left Behind90
18When We Are In Need100
19Look for the Light100

See all Zombie Series.

Get the Last Of Us Game here.

Resident Evil: Season 1, Episode 1

The new Resident Evil television series kicks off with “Welcome to New Raccoon City”.

Resident Evil

The story uses the familiar dual storyline method, showing us today, and yesterday in spurts. Meanwhile the pattern of showing the past and present becomes a norm moving forward. The flashbacks show Jade and Billie Wesker have moving to New Raccoon City. Their father, Albert Wesker, played by the wonderful Lance Reddick has pull. Clearly he is a valued member of the Umbrella team. Obviously this makes me wonder who is more loyal to. His girls, or his employer.

In the current timeline Jade is thirty years old and researching the Zombies at great person risk. Evidently Jade will sacrifice time with her child to save the world.

This leads to the best action scene (for me) in “Welcome to New Raccoon City”.

Jade is working on her research when she accidentally cuts herself. The blood drives the infected mad. They swarm, searching for the source of the blood. The scene is awesome. I’m hoping it sets the tone for the rest of the season.

Jade barely escapes. In the process she runs into a group of scavengers. The scavengers give us new insight into Jade. She is a fugitive, and Umbrella is willing to pay to find her. Which is of course when we jump back to the other timeline. Just when it was getting good we flash back to the past. Jade and Billie want to know what their father is doing. To find out they break into Alberts lab. Even with the infected everywhere and the remaining population living in walled cities, teenage girls will get upset by animal testing. There is of course a rule that if you have dangerous pathogens in a lab, the security is crappy enough that a few teen girls can get in with nothing but a badge and some audio of their father who works there.

What the girls don’t know can absolutely hurt them. Albert takes blood samples from the girls. They think he is monitoring their health. Surprisingly, what Albert really does is inject their blood into himself. Is he infected? I guess I’ll have to keep watching to find out.

This of course brings us to the episode cliffhanger. Jade has limited choices. Jade has two choices. Be captured or dive into a swarm of the undead. With little real choice, she dives into the infected zone.

Thus ends the episode. How will Jade survive? What happened to Billie after being bitten by the dog?

Scoring Resident Evil Welcome to New Raccoon City

Firstly, this was a a great start to the season. Because of this, Welcome to New Raccoon City earned itself an 80/100, making it worth your time. The writing and dialogue is good and the special effects are top notch so far. The story itself is fairly boilerplate for the moment, but I’m hoping there are some twists and turns in the coming episodes.

Lastly, if you need your Resident Evil fix, I’d go back to the classics.

See all Zombie Series here.

The Valley Of The Dead (2021)

The Valley Of The Dead is a Spanish Language film titled “Malnazidos”. Its original theatrical release was delayed because of the pandemic. Thankfully Netflix swooped in, bought the rights, and dubbed it to English for those of us without Spanish Language skills to enjoy.

Valley Of The Dead – aka Malnazidos

The material is probably not as familiar to Americans, as it takes place during the Spanish Civil War. The movie synopsis doesn’t actually cover this, so if you are like me, you probably assumed the time frame was one of the World Wars until it was a bit further in.

Months after bloody combats leave behind thousands of dead in the trenches. Jan Lozano, Captain of the Fifth Brigade has fallen prisoner by an opponent’s platoon along with a young driver while carrying out a mission that has been entrusted to him. The possibility of dying executed will soon be overtaken when a new unknown enemy arises. Both rival sides must unite and set their mutual hate aside in order to survive.

-Telecinco Cinema

Spoilers Below

The Valley Of The Dead kicks off as a standard war movie. Our unwilling “hero” Jan, played by Miki Esparbé, is given a mission which has little chance of success. Jan is sent to recover a downed pilot. Unfortunately for Jan, he and his driver are captured shortly after thier mission begins. This finally introduces us to our first Zombie. Why do I say finally? Because that first zombie doesn’t actually appear until twenty minutes in.

It isn’t long before Jan and his captors join forces to fight a common enemy. One of my favorite scenes is when they took down a lone Zombie only to realize they pulled every Undead within earshot down on their heads. This may seem obvious but so many movies have people blowing away undead without accounting for the fact it would pull every biter around them down on their heads.

The Valley Of The Dead

I would describe The Valley Of The Dead as a fun, but formulaic movie. Don’t expect new ground to be covered here. Don’t get me wrong. The Valley Of The Dead is enjoyable to watch. The visuals and special effects are first rate. The cast was well chosen and each of them plays their part well. It all comes together nicely.

The Valley Of The Dead Scoring

So why is The Valley Of The Dead scoring a respectable 70/100? It makes The Valley Of The Dead Worth Your Time, but just barely. There were a good number of Zombies, but I would have loved to see a horde versus a machine gun. There was plenty of action, I just wanted something a little more. The other main reason is that the story. There just wasn’t anything new there. It was enjoyable, but it needed something to make it pop just a little more to get that score up a little more.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

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Train To Busan2016100Action / Infection
28 Days Later2002100Action / Infection
World War Z2013100Action / Infection
Night Of The Living Dead1968100Action / Horror / Classics
Dawn Of The Dead1978100Action / Horror / Classics
#Alive2020100Action / Infection
Serenity200599Action / Sci-Fi
Flesh And Blood201899Shorts
The Girl With All The Gifts201695Action / Infection
Land Of The Dead200594Action / Horror
Resident Evil: Apocalypse200493Action / Infection
Resident Evil200292Action / Infection
Rampant201891Action / Infection / Mid Evil
Day of the Dead200890Action / Infection
Cooties201489Comedy / Action
Night of the Comet198485Comedy / Action
The Return of the Living Dead198585Comedy / Action
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula 202084Action / Infection
Zombieland: Double Tap201983Comedy / Action
Fido200682Comedy / Action
Shaun Of The Dead200481Comedy / Action
28 Weeks Later200780Action / Infection
I Am Legend (2007)200780Action / Infection
The Evil Dead198180Classic / Action
Zombie197980Action / Horror
Overlord201879Action / Horror
It Stains The Sands Red201679Action / Infection
Infection201979Action / Infection
Plan Z201678Action / Infection
A Little Bit Zombie201278Comedy / Action
Dead Rising: Endgame201677Action / Infection
Day of the Dead198577Action / Horror / Classics
Wyrmwood: Apocalypse 202177Action / Infection
The Dead201076Action / Infection
Freaks of Nature201576Comedy / Action
Here Alone201675Suspense / Infection
Cockneys Vs. Zombies201275Comedy / Action
Shed of the Dead 201974Comedy / Action
The Battery201274Drama / Infection
State of Emergency201173Action / Infection
Survival Of The Dead200973Action / Horror
Alone202073Action / Infection
The Rezort201572Action / Infection
Dance of the Dead 200872Comedy / Action
Dawning of the Dead201772Action / Infection
Remains201172Action / Infection
Daylight's End201671Action / Infection
Witness Infection202171Comedy / Action
The Army of the Dead202171Action / Infection
The Dead 2: India201570Action / Infection
Zombie Hunter201370Action / Infection
Dead Rising: Watchtower 201570Action / Infection
Zombie Night201370Action / Infection
For A Few Zombies More201570Action / Infection
Night of the Living Deb201570Comedy / Romance
Resident Evil: Afterlife201070Action / Infection
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse201570Comedy / Action
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead201470Action / Infection
The Valley Of The Dead202170Horror / Infection
Bird Box201869Action / Horror / Possession
Exit Humanity201169Action / Infection
Among The Living202269Suspense / Horror
Ravenous201768Action / Infection
Blood Quantum201968Action / Infection
Republic Z201868Action / Comedy
The Night Eats The World201867Suspense / Infection
Forget Everything And Run (F.E.A.R.)202167Suspense / Horror
Quarantine200867Infection / Horror
Trench 11201766Action / Horror
Cargo201766Suspense / Infection
How To Kill A Zombie201466Action / Comedy
Ultimate Zombie Feast202066Shorts/ Action
Zoombies201665Awesomely Bad
Zombie Town200765Action / Horror
Dead County202165Drama / Horror
Zombie Apocalypse201164Action / Infection
Quarantine 2201164Action / Infection
The End?201764Horror / Infection
Red Spring201763Action / Infection
Resident Evil: Extinction200762Action / Infection
Virus:32202262Horror / Infection
Resident Evil Retribution201261Action / Infection
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter201660Action / Infection
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead202360Comedy / Action
Life After Beth201459Comedy / Action
Diary Of The Dead200758Action / Horror
Revelation Trail201357Action / Horror
My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse201556Comedy / Action
Eat Brains Love201956Comedy / Horror
Anna And The Apocalypse201755Musical / Infection
Deadsight201855Suspense / Infection
Bong of the Living Dead201754Action / Infection
Amigo Undead201554Comedy / Horror
The Dead Undead201053Action / Infection
Black Friday202153Action / Horror
Deadheads201152Comedy / Romance
Redcon-1201852Action / Horror
Day of the Dead: Bloodline201851Action / Infection
Dead Don't Die in Dallas201951Action / Infection / LGBTQ
Disaster L.A.201450Action
Road Wars201550Action / Infection
Within the Woods of Undead County201649Action / Infection
Zombie Strippers!200849Horror / Comedy
I Am Alone201548Action / Infection
Rise of The Zombies201248Action / Infection
Day Zero202348Horror / Infection
Valentine DayZ201847Action / Infection / Awesomely Bad
Savageland201546Horror / Drama
Lethal Virus202146Action / Horror
Zombie Warz: Falls The Shadow201145Action / Horror
Block Z202044Action / Infection
Bridge of the Doomed202244Horror / Infection
The Dead Don't Die201943Spoof / Drama
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City202143Action / Horror
Strain 100202042Action / Infection
The Plague200642Action / Horror
When the Fever Breaks201941Suspense / Infection
Before Dawn201341Drama / Action
Infected202141Action / Horror
Hostile201740Action / Infection
Zombie Undead201040Action / Infection
Dead Before Down201239Horror / Supernatural
Gangs Of The Dead200638Action / Infection
Zombies201737Action / Infection
American Zombieland202036Comedy / Infection
Another World201435Action / Infection
Deadlocked202035Action / Infection
Dead Trigger201735Action / Infection
Zombie Diaries 2201135Action / Infection
Cannon Fodder / Battle Of The Undead201335Action / Horror
KL24: Zombies201734Action / Infection
Evilution200934Action / Horror
Antisocial 2201533Action / Infection
Re-Elected202033Comedy / Suspense
Antisocial201332Action / Infection
Aquarium of the Dead202132Comedy / Horror
Dead 7201631Action / Infection
By Day's End202031Suspense / Infection
Pandemic201630Action / Infection
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies201729Comedy / Action
Zombie Hood201328Action / Infection
The Dustwalker201927Action / Parasite
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium200526Action / Infection
Anger Of The Dead201525Action / Infection
Solar Impact201925Action / Horror
The Last Hope201724Action / Infection
The Day of the Living Dead201423Drama / Detective
Zombie Road201822Shorts
Zombie Wars200721Action / Infection
Last Rites Of The Dead201920Drama / Thriller
Army of Thieves202120Heist / Horror
The Mad200719Comedy / Infection
The Living Dead202018Horror / Drama
Zone of the Dead200917Action / Infection
Killer Weekend201816Comedy / Not Zombies
G Zombie202115Drama / Infection
Quarantine L.A.201314Action / Infection
Driven202013Drama / Suspense
The Hive201412Demonic Possession / Horror
The Horde201611Action / Gore
The Last Starship201710Action / Infection
Rebirth202010Action / Horror
Rise of the Zombie20139Drama / Action
Rising Undead / Rise of the Undead20059Action / Horror
Flu20138Infection / Not Zombies
Plague20148Suspense / Drama
Red Days20167Action / Infection
The Returned20136Drama / Romance
Apocalypse Nerds20125Comedy / Action
Zombie with a Shotgun20194 Infection / Drama
Soon Enough20183Action / Drama
Range 1520162Comedy / Action
Army of the Dead20082Action / Horror
Eyes Of The Dead20151Action / Infection
Pandemic20091Drama / Action
Nazi Undead20181Paranormal / Horror
Dead End20030Horror / Thriller
Broadcast Dead 20180Horror / Thriller
Afflicted20130Drama / Infection
Carriers20090Drama / Not Zombies
Curse of the Blind Dead20200Horror / Not Zombies
All My Friends Are Dead20210Horror / Not Zombies

See all Zombie Movies here.

Wyrmwood: Apocalypse (2021)

I really liked the way that Wyrmwood: Apocalypse starts. I love the soldiers camp and how he has set up his outpost. At the same time there is plenty of action and gore in this sequel to Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead.

Wyrmwood: Apocalypse
Wyrmwood: Apocalypse

Wyrmwood: Apocalypse is Worth Your Time and scored a 77/100. The acting was excellent, there are lots of Zombies and violence, and there is no lack of gore. So what cost it a few points? The movie was actually heading to a much stronger score until the last act when the writers decided to make the story about the “Uber Zombie” boss battle. I felt like this was a bit formulaic but I still really liked the movie and highly recommend it if you haven’t already watched it.

Zombieland2010100Comedy / Action
Train To Busan2016100Action / Infection
28 Days Later2002100Action / Infection
World War Z2013100Action / Infection
Night Of The Living Dead1968100Action / Horror / Classics
Dawn Of The Dead1978100Action / Horror / Classics
#Alive2020100Action / Infection
Serenity200599Action / Sci-Fi
Flesh And Blood201899Shorts
The Girl With All The Gifts201695Action / Infection
Land Of The Dead200594Action / Horror
Resident Evil: Apocalypse200493Action / Infection
Resident Evil200292Action / Infection
Rampant201891Action / Infection / Mid Evil
Day of the Dead200890Action / Infection
Cooties201489Comedy / Action
Night of the Comet198485Comedy / Action
The Return of the Living Dead198585Comedy / Action
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula 202084Action / Infection
Zombieland: Double Tap201983Comedy / Action
Fido200682Comedy / Action
Shaun Of The Dead200481Comedy / Action
28 Weeks Later200780Action / Infection
I Am Legend (2007)200780Action / Infection
The Evil Dead198180Classic / Action
Zombie197980Action / Horror
Overlord201879Action / Horror
It Stains The Sands Red201679Action / Infection
Infection201979Action / Infection
Plan Z201678Action / Infection
A Little Bit Zombie201278Comedy / Action
Dead Rising: Endgame201677Action / Infection
Day of the Dead198577Action / Horror / Classics
Wyrmwood: Apocalypse 202177Action / Infection
The Dead201076Action / Infection
Freaks of Nature201576Comedy / Action
Here Alone201675Suspense / Infection
Cockneys Vs. Zombies201275Comedy / Action
Shed of the Dead 201974Comedy / Action
The Battery201274Drama / Infection
State of Emergency201173Action / Infection
Survival Of The Dead200973Action / Horror
Alone202073Action / Infection
The Rezort201572Action / Infection
Dance of the Dead 200872Comedy / Action
Dawning of the Dead201772Action / Infection
Remains201172Action / Infection
Daylight's End201671Action / Infection
Witness Infection202171Comedy / Action
The Army of the Dead202171Action / Infection
The Dead 2: India201570Action / Infection
Zombie Hunter201370Action / Infection
Dead Rising: Watchtower 201570Action / Infection
Zombie Night201370Action / Infection
For A Few Zombies More201570Action / Infection
Night of the Living Deb201570Comedy / Romance
Resident Evil: Afterlife201070Action / Infection
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse201570Comedy / Action
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead201470Action / Infection
The Valley Of The Dead202170Horror / Infection
Bird Box201869Action / Horror / Possession
Exit Humanity201169Action / Infection
Among The Living202269Suspense / Horror
Ravenous201768Action / Infection
Blood Quantum201968Action / Infection
Republic Z201868Action / Comedy
The Night Eats The World201867Suspense / Infection
Forget Everything And Run (F.E.A.R.)202167Suspense / Horror
Quarantine200867Infection / Horror
Trench 11201766Action / Horror
Cargo201766Suspense / Infection
How To Kill A Zombie201466Action / Comedy
Ultimate Zombie Feast202066Shorts/ Action
Zoombies201665Awesomely Bad
Zombie Town200765Action / Horror
Dead County202165Drama / Horror
Zombie Apocalypse201164Action / Infection
Quarantine 2201164Action / Infection
The End?201764Horror / Infection
Red Spring201763Action / Infection
Resident Evil: Extinction200762Action / Infection
Virus:32202262Horror / Infection
Resident Evil Retribution201261Action / Infection
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter201660Action / Infection
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead202360Comedy / Action
Life After Beth201459Comedy / Action
Diary Of The Dead200758Action / Horror
Revelation Trail201357Action / Horror
My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse201556Comedy / Action
Eat Brains Love201956Comedy / Horror
Anna And The Apocalypse201755Musical / Infection
Deadsight201855Suspense / Infection
Bong of the Living Dead201754Action / Infection
Amigo Undead201554Comedy / Horror
The Dead Undead201053Action / Infection
Black Friday202153Action / Horror
Deadheads201152Comedy / Romance
Redcon-1201852Action / Horror
Day of the Dead: Bloodline201851Action / Infection
Dead Don't Die in Dallas201951Action / Infection / LGBTQ
Disaster L.A.201450Action
Road Wars201550Action / Infection
Within the Woods of Undead County201649Action / Infection
Zombie Strippers!200849Horror / Comedy
I Am Alone201548Action / Infection
Rise of The Zombies201248Action / Infection
Day Zero202348Horror / Infection
Valentine DayZ201847Action / Infection / Awesomely Bad
Savageland201546Horror / Drama
Lethal Virus202146Action / Horror
Zombie Warz: Falls The Shadow201145Action / Horror
Block Z202044Action / Infection
Bridge of the Doomed202244Horror / Infection
The Dead Don't Die201943Spoof / Drama
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City202143Action / Horror
Strain 100202042Action / Infection
The Plague200642Action / Horror
When the Fever Breaks201941Suspense / Infection
Before Dawn201341Drama / Action
Infected202141Action / Horror
Hostile201740Action / Infection
Zombie Undead201040Action / Infection
Dead Before Down201239Horror / Supernatural
Gangs Of The Dead200638Action / Infection
Zombies201737Action / Infection
American Zombieland202036Comedy / Infection
Another World201435Action / Infection
Deadlocked202035Action / Infection
Dead Trigger201735Action / Infection
Zombie Diaries 2201135Action / Infection
Cannon Fodder / Battle Of The Undead201335Action / Horror
KL24: Zombies201734Action / Infection
Evilution200934Action / Horror
Antisocial 2201533Action / Infection
Re-Elected202033Comedy / Suspense
Antisocial201332Action / Infection
Aquarium of the Dead202132Comedy / Horror
Dead 7201631Action / Infection
By Day's End202031Suspense / Infection
Pandemic201630Action / Infection
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies201729Comedy / Action
Zombie Hood201328Action / Infection
The Dustwalker201927Action / Parasite
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium200526Action / Infection
Anger Of The Dead201525Action / Infection
Solar Impact201925Action / Horror
The Last Hope201724Action / Infection
The Day of the Living Dead201423Drama / Detective
Zombie Road201822Shorts
Zombie Wars200721Action / Infection
Last Rites Of The Dead201920Drama / Thriller
Army of Thieves202120Heist / Horror
The Mad200719Comedy / Infection
The Living Dead202018Horror / Drama
Zone of the Dead200917Action / Infection
Killer Weekend201816Comedy / Not Zombies
G Zombie202115Drama / Infection
Quarantine L.A.201314Action / Infection
Driven202013Drama / Suspense
The Hive201412Demonic Possession / Horror
The Horde201611Action / Gore
The Last Starship201710Action / Infection
Rebirth202010Action / Horror
Rise of the Zombie20139Drama / Action
Rising Undead / Rise of the Undead20059Action / Horror
Flu20138Infection / Not Zombies
Plague20148Suspense / Drama
Red Days20167Action / Infection
The Returned20136Drama / Romance
Apocalypse Nerds20125Comedy / Action
Zombie with a Shotgun20194 Infection / Drama
Soon Enough20183Action / Drama
Range 1520162Comedy / Action
Army of the Dead20082Action / Horror
Eyes Of The Dead20151Action / Infection
Pandemic20091Drama / Action
Nazi Undead20181Paranormal / Horror
Dead End20030Horror / Thriller
Broadcast Dead 20180Horror / Thriller
Afflicted20130Drama / Infection
Carriers20090Drama / Not Zombies
Curse of the Blind Dead20200Horror / Not Zombies
All My Friends Are Dead20210Horror / Not Zombies

See all Zombie Movies here.

Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead (2014)

Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead is an Australian Zombie Movie. Barry, played by Jay Gallagher is a talented mechanic who sets out to save his sister in the midst of the Zombie Apocalypse. As the story progresses we get introduced to several other small bands of survivors. The story weaves the tales together nicely.

Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead

Wyrmwood is brutal and pulls no punches. No one is safe from the Undead. There are also several interesting twists, but I don’t want to spoil them for anyone in case they haven’t partaken yet.

Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead Scoring

If you haven’t had a chance to see Road of the Dead yet, definitely put it on your list and let me know how you ranked it. For me, Road of the Dead scored a 70/100, making it Worth Your Time. The primary drivers for why it scored well were its brutality, its avoidance of many Zombie Movie Tropes, and the fact that I didn’t see the twist coming.

Watch Wyrmwood: Apocalypse after to see how the story turns out. It is also Worth Your Time.

Zombieland2010100Comedy / Action
Train To Busan2016100Action / Infection
28 Days Later2002100Action / Infection
World War Z2013100Action / Infection
Night Of The Living Dead1968100Action / Horror / Classics
Dawn Of The Dead1978100Action / Horror / Classics
#Alive2020100Action / Infection
Serenity200599Action / Sci-Fi
Flesh And Blood201899Shorts
The Girl With All The Gifts201695Action / Infection
Land Of The Dead200594Action / Horror
Resident Evil: Apocalypse200493Action / Infection
Resident Evil200292Action / Infection
Rampant201891Action / Infection / Mid Evil
Day of the Dead200890Action / Infection
Cooties201489Comedy / Action
Night of the Comet198485Comedy / Action
The Return of the Living Dead198585Comedy / Action
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula 202084Action / Infection
Zombieland: Double Tap201983Comedy / Action
Fido200682Comedy / Action
Shaun Of The Dead200481Comedy / Action
28 Weeks Later200780Action / Infection
I Am Legend (2007)200780Action / Infection
The Evil Dead198180Classic / Action
Zombie197980Action / Horror
Overlord201879Action / Horror
It Stains The Sands Red201679Action / Infection
Infection201979Action / Infection
Plan Z201678Action / Infection
A Little Bit Zombie201278Comedy / Action
Dead Rising: Endgame201677Action / Infection
Day of the Dead198577Action / Horror / Classics
Wyrmwood: Apocalypse 202177Action / Infection
The Dead201076Action / Infection
Freaks of Nature201576Comedy / Action
Here Alone201675Suspense / Infection
Cockneys Vs. Zombies201275Comedy / Action
Shed of the Dead 201974Comedy / Action
The Battery201274Drama / Infection
State of Emergency201173Action / Infection
Survival Of The Dead200973Action / Horror
Alone202073Action / Infection
The Rezort201572Action / Infection
Dance of the Dead 200872Comedy / Action
Dawning of the Dead201772Action / Infection
Remains201172Action / Infection
Daylight's End201671Action / Infection
Witness Infection202171Comedy / Action
The Army of the Dead202171Action / Infection
The Dead 2: India201570Action / Infection
Zombie Hunter201370Action / Infection
Dead Rising: Watchtower 201570Action / Infection
Zombie Night201370Action / Infection
For A Few Zombies More201570Action / Infection
Night of the Living Deb201570Comedy / Romance
Resident Evil: Afterlife201070Action / Infection
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse201570Comedy / Action
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead201470Action / Infection
The Valley Of The Dead202170Horror / Infection
Bird Box201869Action / Horror / Possession
Exit Humanity201169Action / Infection
Among The Living202269Suspense / Horror
Ravenous201768Action / Infection
Blood Quantum201968Action / Infection
Republic Z201868Action / Comedy
The Night Eats The World201867Suspense / Infection
Forget Everything And Run (F.E.A.R.)202167Suspense / Horror
Quarantine200867Infection / Horror
Trench 11201766Action / Horror
Cargo201766Suspense / Infection
How To Kill A Zombie201466Action / Comedy
Ultimate Zombie Feast202066Shorts/ Action
Zoombies201665Awesomely Bad
Zombie Town200765Action / Horror
Dead County202165Drama / Horror
Zombie Apocalypse201164Action / Infection
Quarantine 2201164Action / Infection
The End?201764Horror / Infection
Red Spring201763Action / Infection
Resident Evil: Extinction200762Action / Infection
Virus:32202262Horror / Infection
Resident Evil Retribution201261Action / Infection
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter201660Action / Infection
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead202360Comedy / Action
Life After Beth201459Comedy / Action
Diary Of The Dead200758Action / Horror
Revelation Trail201357Action / Horror
My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse201556Comedy / Action
Eat Brains Love201956Comedy / Horror
Anna And The Apocalypse201755Musical / Infection
Deadsight201855Suspense / Infection
Bong of the Living Dead201754Action / Infection
Amigo Undead201554Comedy / Horror
The Dead Undead201053Action / Infection
Black Friday202153Action / Horror
Deadheads201152Comedy / Romance
Redcon-1201852Action / Horror
Day of the Dead: Bloodline201851Action / Infection
Dead Don't Die in Dallas201951Action / Infection / LGBTQ
Disaster L.A.201450Action
Road Wars201550Action / Infection
Within the Woods of Undead County201649Action / Infection
Zombie Strippers!200849Horror / Comedy
I Am Alone201548Action / Infection
Rise of The Zombies201248Action / Infection
Day Zero202348Horror / Infection
Valentine DayZ201847Action / Infection / Awesomely Bad
Savageland201546Horror / Drama
Lethal Virus202146Action / Horror
Zombie Warz: Falls The Shadow201145Action / Horror
Block Z202044Action / Infection
Bridge of the Doomed202244Horror / Infection
The Dead Don't Die201943Spoof / Drama
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City202143Action / Horror
Strain 100202042Action / Infection
The Plague200642Action / Horror
When the Fever Breaks201941Suspense / Infection
Before Dawn201341Drama / Action
Infected202141Action / Horror
Hostile201740Action / Infection
Zombie Undead201040Action / Infection
Dead Before Down201239Horror / Supernatural
Gangs Of The Dead200638Action / Infection
Zombies201737Action / Infection
American Zombieland202036Comedy / Infection
Another World201435Action / Infection
Deadlocked202035Action / Infection
Dead Trigger201735Action / Infection
Zombie Diaries 2201135Action / Infection
Cannon Fodder / Battle Of The Undead201335Action / Horror
KL24: Zombies201734Action / Infection
Evilution200934Action / Horror
Antisocial 2201533Action / Infection
Re-Elected202033Comedy / Suspense
Antisocial201332Action / Infection
Aquarium of the Dead202132Comedy / Horror
Dead 7201631Action / Infection
By Day's End202031Suspense / Infection
Pandemic201630Action / Infection
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies201729Comedy / Action
Zombie Hood201328Action / Infection
The Dustwalker201927Action / Parasite
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium200526Action / Infection
Anger Of The Dead201525Action / Infection
Solar Impact201925Action / Horror
The Last Hope201724Action / Infection
The Day of the Living Dead201423Drama / Detective
Zombie Road201822Shorts
Zombie Wars200721Action / Infection
Last Rites Of The Dead201920Drama / Thriller
Army of Thieves202120Heist / Horror
The Mad200719Comedy / Infection
The Living Dead202018Horror / Drama
Zone of the Dead200917Action / Infection
Killer Weekend201816Comedy / Not Zombies
G Zombie202115Drama / Infection
Quarantine L.A.201314Action / Infection
Driven202013Drama / Suspense
The Hive201412Demonic Possession / Horror
The Horde201611Action / Gore
The Last Starship201710Action / Infection
Rebirth202010Action / Horror
Rise of the Zombie20139Drama / Action
Rising Undead / Rise of the Undead20059Action / Horror
Flu20138Infection / Not Zombies
Plague20148Suspense / Drama
Red Days20167Action / Infection
The Returned20136Drama / Romance
Apocalypse Nerds20125Comedy / Action
Zombie with a Shotgun20194 Infection / Drama
Soon Enough20183Action / Drama
Range 1520162Comedy / Action
Army of the Dead20082Action / Horror
Eyes Of The Dead20151Action / Infection
Pandemic20091Drama / Action
Nazi Undead20181Paranormal / Horror
Dead End20030Horror / Thriller
Broadcast Dead 20180Horror / Thriller
Afflicted20130Drama / Infection
Carriers20090Drama / Not Zombies
Curse of the Blind Dead20200Horror / Not Zombies
All My Friends Are Dead20210Horror / Not Zombies

See all Zombie Movies here.

Zombie (1979)

Zombie was originally released in 1979, and it is amazing how well this movie holds up.

A boat shows up in New York harbor, drifting into the main waterway. The coast guard goes to investigate. This kicks off the story of how the boat’s owner’s daughter begins a mission to find out what happened to her father.

The investigation leads our heroine to the islands around St. Thomas. On the way there we get to see some nice ta ta’s, which is quickly followed by an infected attacking a shark. Quality stuff.

Zombie Shark!

When you consider this is over forty years old you really have to give them credit for the quality special effects as well as the action scenes. There is also a nice little twist at the end. I loved how the cars are still moving in the background though. Comment if you see what I mean.

Zombie Scoring

Overall I’m giving Zombie a solid 80/100. It is Worth Your Time and stands up well to two plus decades of aging.

Zombieland2010100Comedy / Action
Train To Busan2016100Action / Infection
28 Days Later2002100Action / Infection
World War Z2013100Action / Infection
Night Of The Living Dead1968100Action / Horror / Classics
Dawn Of The Dead1978100Action / Horror / Classics
#Alive2020100Action / Infection
Serenity200599Action / Sci-Fi
Flesh And Blood201899Shorts
The Girl With All The Gifts201695Action / Infection
Land Of The Dead200594Action / Horror
Resident Evil: Apocalypse200493Action / Infection
Resident Evil200292Action / Infection
Rampant201891Action / Infection / Mid Evil
Day of the Dead200890Action / Infection
Cooties201489Comedy / Action
Night of the Comet198485Comedy / Action
The Return of the Living Dead198585Comedy / Action
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula 202084Action / Infection
Zombieland: Double Tap201983Comedy / Action
Fido200682Comedy / Action
Shaun Of The Dead200481Comedy / Action
28 Weeks Later200780Action / Infection
I Am Legend (2007)200780Action / Infection
The Evil Dead198180Classic / Action
Zombie197980Action / Horror
Overlord201879Action / Horror
It Stains The Sands Red201679Action / Infection
Infection201979Action / Infection
Plan Z201678Action / Infection
A Little Bit Zombie201278Comedy / Action
Dead Rising: Endgame201677Action / Infection
Day of the Dead198577Action / Horror / Classics
Wyrmwood: Apocalypse 202177Action / Infection
The Dead201076Action / Infection
Freaks of Nature201576Comedy / Action
Here Alone201675Suspense / Infection
Cockneys Vs. Zombies201275Comedy / Action
Shed of the Dead 201974Comedy / Action
The Battery201274Drama / Infection
State of Emergency201173Action / Infection
Survival Of The Dead200973Action / Horror
Alone202073Action / Infection
The Rezort201572Action / Infection
Dance of the Dead 200872Comedy / Action
Dawning of the Dead201772Action / Infection
Remains201172Action / Infection
Daylight's End201671Action / Infection
Witness Infection202171Comedy / Action
The Army of the Dead202171Action / Infection
The Dead 2: India201570Action / Infection
Zombie Hunter201370Action / Infection
Dead Rising: Watchtower 201570Action / Infection
Zombie Night201370Action / Infection
For A Few Zombies More201570Action / Infection
Night of the Living Deb201570Comedy / Romance
Resident Evil: Afterlife201070Action / Infection
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse201570Comedy / Action
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead201470Action / Infection
The Valley Of The Dead202170Horror / Infection
Bird Box201869Action / Horror / Possession
Exit Humanity201169Action / Infection
Among The Living202269Suspense / Horror
Ravenous201768Action / Infection
Blood Quantum201968Action / Infection
Republic Z201868Action / Comedy
The Night Eats The World201867Suspense / Infection
Forget Everything And Run (F.E.A.R.)202167Suspense / Horror
Quarantine200867Infection / Horror
Trench 11201766Action / Horror
Cargo201766Suspense / Infection
How To Kill A Zombie201466Action / Comedy
Ultimate Zombie Feast202066Shorts/ Action
Zoombies201665Awesomely Bad
Zombie Town200765Action / Horror
Dead County202165Drama / Horror
Zombie Apocalypse201164Action / Infection
Quarantine 2201164Action / Infection
The End?201764Horror / Infection
Red Spring201763Action / Infection
Resident Evil: Extinction200762Action / Infection
Virus:32202262Horror / Infection
Resident Evil Retribution201261Action / Infection
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter201660Action / Infection
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead202360Comedy / Action
Life After Beth201459Comedy / Action
Diary Of The Dead200758Action / Horror
Revelation Trail201357Action / Horror
My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse201556Comedy / Action
Eat Brains Love201956Comedy / Horror
Anna And The Apocalypse201755Musical / Infection
Deadsight201855Suspense / Infection
Bong of the Living Dead201754Action / Infection
Amigo Undead201554Comedy / Horror
The Dead Undead201053Action / Infection
Black Friday202153Action / Horror
Deadheads201152Comedy / Romance
Redcon-1201852Action / Horror
Day of the Dead: Bloodline201851Action / Infection
Dead Don't Die in Dallas201951Action / Infection / LGBTQ
Disaster L.A.201450Action
Road Wars201550Action / Infection
Within the Woods of Undead County201649Action / Infection
Zombie Strippers!200849Horror / Comedy
I Am Alone201548Action / Infection
Rise of The Zombies201248Action / Infection
Day Zero202348Horror / Infection
Valentine DayZ201847Action / Infection / Awesomely Bad
Savageland201546Horror / Drama
Lethal Virus202146Action / Horror
Zombie Warz: Falls The Shadow201145Action / Horror
Block Z202044Action / Infection
Bridge of the Doomed202244Horror / Infection
The Dead Don't Die201943Spoof / Drama
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City202143Action / Horror
Strain 100202042Action / Infection
The Plague200642Action / Horror
When the Fever Breaks201941Suspense / Infection
Before Dawn201341Drama / Action
Infected202141Action / Horror
Hostile201740Action / Infection
Zombie Undead201040Action / Infection
Dead Before Down201239Horror / Supernatural
Gangs Of The Dead200638Action / Infection
Zombies201737Action / Infection
American Zombieland202036Comedy / Infection
Another World201435Action / Infection
Deadlocked202035Action / Infection
Dead Trigger201735Action / Infection
Zombie Diaries 2201135Action / Infection
Cannon Fodder / Battle Of The Undead201335Action / Horror
KL24: Zombies201734Action / Infection
Evilution200934Action / Horror
Antisocial 2201533Action / Infection
Re-Elected202033Comedy / Suspense
Antisocial201332Action / Infection
Aquarium of the Dead202132Comedy / Horror
Dead 7201631Action / Infection
By Day's End202031Suspense / Infection
Pandemic201630Action / Infection
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies201729Comedy / Action
Zombie Hood201328Action / Infection
The Dustwalker201927Action / Parasite
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium200526Action / Infection
Anger Of The Dead201525Action / Infection
Solar Impact201925Action / Horror
The Last Hope201724Action / Infection
The Day of the Living Dead201423Drama / Detective
Zombie Road201822Shorts
Zombie Wars200721Action / Infection
Last Rites Of The Dead201920Drama / Thriller
Army of Thieves202120Heist / Horror
The Mad200719Comedy / Infection
The Living Dead202018Horror / Drama
Zone of the Dead200917Action / Infection
Killer Weekend201816Comedy / Not Zombies
G Zombie202115Drama / Infection
Quarantine L.A.201314Action / Infection
Driven202013Drama / Suspense
The Hive201412Demonic Possession / Horror
The Horde201611Action / Gore
The Last Starship201710Action / Infection
Rebirth202010Action / Horror
Rise of the Zombie20139Drama / Action
Rising Undead / Rise of the Undead20059Action / Horror
Flu20138Infection / Not Zombies
Plague20148Suspense / Drama
Red Days20167Action / Infection
The Returned20136Drama / Romance
Apocalypse Nerds20125Comedy / Action
Zombie with a Shotgun20194 Infection / Drama
Soon Enough20183Action / Drama
Range 1520162Comedy / Action
Army of the Dead20082Action / Horror
Eyes Of The Dead20151Action / Infection
Pandemic20091Drama / Action
Nazi Undead20181Paranormal / Horror
Dead End20030Horror / Thriller
Broadcast Dead 20180Horror / Thriller
Afflicted20130Drama / Infection
Carriers20090Drama / Not Zombies
Curse of the Blind Dead20200Horror / Not Zombies
All My Friends Are Dead20210Horror / Not Zombies

See all Zombie Movies here.

Black Summer, Season 2, Episode 8

I looked forward to Black Summer, Season 2, for so long, now I can’t believe it’s over!

The Plane, as usual lately, opens at the beginning so it can then work its way back to the current timeline. We open with the Militia Leader bloody, hurting, and mad that everyone just had to push things a little too far.

The Militia Leader Looks Like He's Not Having The Best Day
The Militia Leader Looks Like He’s Not Having The Best Day

Next Scene: Arrival


Arrival opens with Rose and Anna walking into a small airfield surrounded with hangers. Anna is convinced she did what her mother couldn’t by putting Spears out of his misery, but Rose doesn’t appear sure it was necessary. Anna doesn’t make it any better by implying that Rose let her father turn instead of killing him.

Things are about to get ugly when Boone charges – now a full on Zombie.

The Plane: Boone Zombie
Boone Zombie

I was really hoping he circled back to the Lodge and was drinking and eating in luxury while the generators had gas, but I guess that wasn’t to be.

Black Summer
Black Summer, Season 2

Next Scene: The Airstrip

The Airstrip

The Airstrip opens with an overhead view, showing the buildings as well as multiple people and Zombies moving about. Or at least one Zombie that we know of in Boone.

Next Scene: Old Friends

Old Friends

It looks like all the survivors of the different groups have arrived at the airstrip at about the same time. It’s not long before the survivors start to get picked off and turn. After getting shot, we see a tough situation where family causes a second death. Would you have been able to leave her?

Death By Compassion

Old Friends didn’t last long.

Next Scene: Old Friends

The Plane: Old Friends

New Friends takes us back to Rose and Anna. They hide their ammo, apparently about to try and free Sun by pretending they have no ammo. The two don’t get to pull off whatever they were trying due to the Zombies interrupting whatever they were planning.

The Militia Leader and his one remaining woman open fire, but the panic has them missing those critical headshots.

Panic Fire Is Not Accurate Fire

Come on, at least take out their legs so they can’t chase you so well!

The group makes it into a hanger, which is when Rose decides to use the pistol stuffed down the back of her pants, but unfortunately for her, they aren’t alone in the building, and she gets stopped by a rifle pointed at her head.

Next Scene: The Deal

The Plane: The Deal

I knew The Deal was going to be sad as soon as I saw Boone walking and talking. I guess it’s time to see how Boone became a Zombie. Even sadder, it wasn’t a Zombie attack, he was shot and allowed to turn on purpose to act as a deterrent to any other survivors who showed up. That’s just cold.

Next Scene: Flare

The Plane: Flare

The Mountain Men have Rose, Anna, Sun, and the Militia Leader, and they really don’t like the Militia Leader. As the Mountain men send one of their own outside to deal with the Zombies, the other give the Militia Leader a beat down.

Poor Sun. Even with everything that has happened, she still looks scared and horrified as the Militia Leader gets beaten to a pulp.

Surprisingly they send one of their own out to deal with the Zombies, and I guess he was outnumbered because it didn’t go well.

When one of the Mountain Men busts his hand up beating the snot out of the Militia Leader they send Anna into a nearby boat to grab the first aid kit. What they don’t see is that she also grabbed a Flare gun and handed it off to her mom. Anna rocks!

This is about when the Mountain Men send another of their number out to check on the first guy, resulting in a Zombie making its way into the hanger. Panic ensues, and the Militia, Rose, Anna and Sun slip outside. This brings us back to the opening scene. The Militia Leader is pissed and ready to die. It looks like he’s about to gun down all the other survivors when the sight of the plane landing distracts him enough for Rose to shoot the flare gun into the nearby truck, causing a nice explosion.

The Plane: Boom

Rose saved the day, but she got hurt by the blast as well. It looks like the concussion or debris hit her in the leg. I’m not sure it’s broken, but she doesn’t look like she’s going to be walking on it anytime soon. Rose tells Anna to go, she’s down and doesn’t want to take her daughter with her.

Next Scene: The Plane

The Plane: The Plane

The Plane opens with the surviving girls hightailing it for the Plane. One of them falls, giving Sun and Anna time to board, but Anna stops, unable to leave her mom behind. The plan rolls down the runway, taking off before the Zombies can get to it.

Next Scene: Mance

The Plane: Mance

Mance is one of the best segments in Episode 8. He comes around the corner and sees the small horde chasing Anna and the plane and uses a hammer to bring them down on himself. This results in a truly epic series of combat scenes. When it’s over, Mance is standing, but he is hurt, barely able to walk out into the light. He drops to his knees, and I was afraid he was going open his eyes and be a Zombie, but he was just physically and emotionally exhausted. Thankfully he has just enough energy left to pop Boone and put him out of his Zombie misery before the scene goes black.

Mance The Man

Next Scene: Departure

The Plane: Departure

Departure brings us back to Rose. She’s still lying on the ground, roused by the sound of the Militia Leader crawling towards his rifle. The two grab their guns and square off, but no one pulls the trigger right away. Anna shows up, looks at both survivors holding guns to each other, and then finds a car. She’s not going to leave her mom there to die.

We now have to wait until Season 3 to find out what fate has in store for Rose and Anna.

I’d like to think my kids would do the same, but if they had a chance to get on the plane, would have rather died knowing they had a shot at safety. But it is a hard call to make. Who says they are going to be safe getting on a strangers plane?

Next Scene: The Pilot

The Plane: The Pilot

The Pilot, as you might imagine, takes us to the plane. Sun is watching the ground go by beneath her, talking to herself in Korean when the pilot responds. He knows a little bit of Korean and Sun is overjoyed. She’s had no one to talk to the whole Apocalypse. She has a moment of guilt when she realizes she’s the only one who made it, then relief and happiness that she has someone to talk with.

Season 2 ends with Sun closing her eyes, safe, even for just a short while.

The Plane Scoring

What a strong finish to the season. Now I have to face withdrawal as I don’t have anymore Black Summer to watch. There was really only just one less than stellar episode in Season 2, but overall it was well done, fast paced, and full of tension. No on is safe, and death lurked around every corner.

The Plane earned every point of its 99/100. I took one point off out of spite for making me wait for another season to know what happens to Rose and Anna.

SeasonEpisodeEpisode NameScore
11Human Flow85
13Summer School70
17The Tunnel83
18The Stadium91
21The Cold95
23Card Game91
24Cold War83
25White Horse88
27The Lodge75
28The Plane99

See all Zombie Series!

If you are looking for a fix I’d suggest The Walking Dead!