#Alive (2020)

The first zombie movie I watched today was just so bad I had to find something better! My brother recommended a South Korean film named #Alive.

#Alive is a zombie action, psychological thriller about a young man who is isolated in his apartment building after the zombie apocalypse starts.

As he deals with isolation and listening to his family die he finally breaks and goes on a golf club wielding rampage. At least until he panics and finds himself surrounded. It turns out leaving your shelter because you’re pissed isn’t such a good idea.

The movie overall is really well done. The special effects are top notch, and the zombie action is awesome. There are a bunch of well done scenes with zombie swarms, and the main character, Oh Joon-woo, played by Ah-In Yoo does an amazing job acting out the fear and gradual decline into anxiety fueled crazy that any one of us would fall into.

That decline took Oh to the edge, and he would have fallen over if another survivor wasn’t there to give him hope. This was one of my favorite parts of the movie. Watching Oh prepare and scavenge was just really well done.

The zombie horde scene between the two apartment blocks is one of the best I’ve seen.

#Alive Scoring

If you like Zombie Movies, this is a must watch, as it scored a perfect 100/100.

You can also watch the American remake Alone, but it didn’t hold up as well and scored a 73/100.

See all Zombie Movies here.

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